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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Thx SH9000. That sounds a more pleasant experiance.
  2. Spaceman, Since I took over a decade off from collecting, what is the difference from the web exclusive other then (from my late to the re-entry perspective) the cost of web exclusives costing a ton? I know after the VF-1A I will never participate in a pre order fiasco again.
  3. Satele! It qualifies as more. Is it a model? Big Old Republic fan.
  4. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1111246447&ref=list&keyword=Macross hi-metal&lang=en Rigalt for sale I'm Mandrake. Was going to pull the trigger myself but I have the missile set version which is good enough for me.
  5. Likewise. In my excitement to get that link to fellow MWer before, hopefully someone else I linked it in this thread.
  6. That didn't last long. Hope a Macross Worlder got it.
  7. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1103521990&ref=list&keyword=Macross VF-1J 1/48 on Mandrake
  8. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1103521990&ref=list&keyword=Macross DX&lang=en There we go
  9. VF-1J 1/48 on Mandrake as I type. Sorry no link I'm sending this from my phone and it won't let me copy the link.
  10. Are these models?
  11. Oh I cannot wait to add that to the display
  12. Emotional rollercoaster and a great bookend to the last 11 years of MCU. You wont be disappointed.
  13. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    I know it may be wrong thread, but it is related to HMR https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1067142673&ref=list&keyword=Macross hi-metal&lang=en Missle set for 8000 Yen. And I know it will get more visibility.
  14. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    I have tickets for tomorrow and staying away from YouTube until I get back.
  15. I would take multiples of the VF-O if released in 1/100 scale. May have to kit bash the N-Scale city train layout I made for my son years ago to build a really good set up for those.
  16. Thanks for the comparison picts @Reïvaj. The more I see it, the more I find myself moving into a mental gymnastic state of justifying spending the cost. But then again, Mandrake has been the bane of my wallet for the last 3 months. I might try hand there after release.
  17. There's no denying it's a pretty bird. But from what I've read of previous releases, it doesnt hold up to well. But, if it comes in fighter, I could always keep it in fighter.
  18. 350.00 US. Ouch. That's 10% towards the cost of a window well for a house I just moved into, which will allow me to classify a basement office as livable space and a bedroom. Thus increasing my equity. Mandrake it is. It's not easy playing catch up in most things macross. The last 10 years have seen an explosion of various good releases. I haven't even begun to work on Yamacadia yet.
  19. Yep. That's stupid expensive.
  20. Seems NY is out anyways.
  21. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I wonder what they are going to announce?
  22. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Welp HLJ for the VF-1D for me. Cant wait ,have the CF VF-1A and the 35th Anniversary 1S that should show up around the same time.
  23. Mandrake is rapidly becoming my go to spot. So happy as MWer referred them to me. My wallet may not be, but I am.
  24. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Why stop @ 5 sh9000? J/K. That's alot. With that in mind I need to really start figuring out a better means of display. I wouldnt mind having a situated diorama (s) for them.
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