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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Was just going to put that in for anybody else.
  2. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    @kyekyeIndeed, that is an awesome piece!.
  3. Another thought I have had is just forgoing one of my DX "catch up" purchases and bit the bullet, get a inexpensive 3D printer maybe the Creatily Ender 3 and try my luck and start learning the how to's
  4. ok @kyekyeThis is a beautiful piece! Great work. Now I have to ask are you planning on running more copies? Also, have you ever thought of making panels? What I mean is, I am getting back into collecting and I want to spruce up each area of the detolfs I purchase. I am good enough with city scenes and modeling, but am struggling on how to approach the Inside of the hangar. My intent is to outfit a few of the shelves with inside hangar esthetic with some LEDs placed in certain places.
  5. hmmm I didn't get it from the HMR VF-19S. But it was cheap and arrived in good time. So the 5% wasn't to critical in this instance.
  6. Indeed. Its crazy to see 19876 feedback for an account that has existed since 2016 or something of that nature. I had a transaction go south for a VF-31S for 300.00 shipping a few months back. Numerous 1 statement positives and a growing handful of descriptive negatives. To include mine.
  7. I would suppose it would work something like this: 1. 2 parties are doing shady business to get money. 2. Both know they have to "hide" this somehow. 3. They devise the means to "sell" (one the seller the other the buyer) items on Ebay for a ridiculous price. But, not enough to get an eye on how much versus cost of retail or "collector" price as the market increases its value. 4. Item is sold 5. Money (this is a possible unknown) is transferred through PayPal in smallish amount. Possibly multiple sales of small nature per day. Check sellers amount of feedback as well as buyer- if they are the same (same buyer over and over or enough to show a pattern) or thier is a way to deduce that the location of the buyer(s) are consistently in the same area, that would be suspicious. 6. If the actual money deposited are in line with the amount of sales it would throw off legal eyes. Its safer to lose a % of money to PayPal- One, if the money the criminals are getting is through easy illegal means and - Two, it keeps them free. Just my 2 cents on if I was doing shady stuff. That's why I enjoy my line of work.
  8. @beatsing, great post and points. I was foolish this time around and naive (despite my VF-1A experience) thinking I would secure 2 with the intention to sell the second to a MWer at MSPR. Knowing someone would get the short. Boy oh boy was I an idiot. 3 in different carts,and not 1 went through. And ya know what happened to me? (luck of the draw and very thankful). A fellow MWer reached out to me, sent a PM to ask if I was interested in thier 1 extra at cost+shipping. I wont put out thier name for respect to them, unless they want. I left collecting Macross in 2006 during Yamatos V.1 1/60 and 1/48s. Sold all of them here to pay for some.....well should have never married that one( live and learn). But, though I greatly missed a ton a great releases between late 2006 to early 2019, I didn't let it get to me then. And wont now. I'm more salty I cant access my old account (Rune) because the damn internet provider went out of business many years ago..Road Runner. And I honestly completely data dumped that password over a decade ago. So 1st, thank you MWer who was and is kind enough to help where you can. That's what I have always appreciated about Macross World. 98% of you are awesome. But I have had my issues with a couple. But none since returning. I think now, what I intend ( and no i don't like it one bit) is put aside 10-20 per check extra knowing I will be better off getting the second iteration from places like NY and sleep the night away. I still hate that they, NY seem to have additional stock even more then other places long after those others have sold out of thier stock. It is deliberate. It cant possibly be anything else. Are they as bad as the scalpers? They are scalpers IMO. Its predatory behavior towards those that love the series and nostalgia of it.
  9. @Shizuka the Cat, I dont even know if at the speed they sold out last night your speed of how fast you post early on would have done a dang thing. I had 3 in carts at different sites...and BAM! All out when I went to pay. Not to say we wouldnt have appreciated your vigilance to the cause.
  10. I would be as well. Congrats. That's the price of should be and would be if enough stock was made available. I just think that it's kind of dirty that enough stock is withheld at their website 2 then setup, two additional purchase windows to Mark the item up $100.
  11. I'm saying this for everyone here. Check places like Yahoo Japan over the next 1.5 months on the VF-1S. If what I have seen for the VF-1A holds similar, then it will go down to about 23000Y. Maybe lower. Granted with proxy service and shipping that price will go up. But watching those that did get the item only to flip it will start competing with one another for a lower price point. Still at a mark up of course....but not 27k plus shipping.
  12. It would be awesome if enough Macross fans could somehow get enough people together to see if Bandai ( I know, wishful thinking) if they could at least increase the output and offer a staggered type of release. or reissue.
  13. That is correct good Sir!
  14. I am of the belief as far as I understand it that the strike parts will be easier to come by and yes this week.
  15. See I'm gonna feel really stupid if I find out that I closed it because I had to go to work. It was sitting at "Adding to cart" for three hours before I decided to close it and leave for work. But I honestly wish you the best of luck @007-vf1.
  16. I whole heartily agree with you @beatsing
  17. Yeah, and I cannot say I recall (though these old bones have grown a little less sharp) seeing the "Not available." But now I do as well as "Soon available"
  18. Nin-Nin shows "This product is no longer available. However I haven't even seen tonight where it went live at all.
  19. I'm gonna remember this for the next PO madness. TY @Ridden001
  20. Seriously, actual Macross fans and collectors need to do the same to Bandai as the EVA fans did with the EVA-01. 36k for a toy released an hour ago....grrrrr. My inner rage monster is fuming a little bit.
  21. Lets not get at each other. Remember, its the scalpers that are inundating these sites to get a quick buck.
  22. Congrats again to those who snagged one up! Time to go to sleep for an hour before work time wake up.
  23. I use "Bandai DX VF-1S Macross" or a variation or two of those words.
  24. I would guess its a most a handful on this site. Most here are very considerate in regards to others wanting to add just one to thier collection.
  25. Yeah, I am still at 602, down from 1301 when it started
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