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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. VF-31E available https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1117510016&ref=list&keyword=macross dx&lang=en
  2. And beat me to it by 3 hours!. Still up as I type.
  3. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Weird I just preordered from NY. 127 shipped with EMS.
  4. Indeed this will be my first weathering. I guess it makes sense that they want to cover their bases to make sure nobody's surprised by it.
  5. For the price?!?!?!??! Wha.....?
  6. Woot! Great deal for a great bird. Enjoy it @sqidd
  7. I dont want a second one...I dont need a second one....I dont....I.....
  8. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    I wouldn't worry whatsoever you're going to end up getting one. Even if you waited weeks you'll probably still find some available. I like the HMR line. Such a fun set of toys. I even have my kids flying around the house with those. Thankfully nothing's fallen from their hand yet oh, but I have heard they're pretty durable as well
  9. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Going to sleep right through this PO night. Every HMR that exists can be found. Some for a little more then I would like to pay for them, but still available. And worst case scenario,Mandrake/Jungle it will be.
  10. That about sums it up @Lolicon!
  11. Yep I'm done with them. Dont care if they always deliver. It's a dirty approach and the only way I can speak is with my wallet.
  12. That thing is so sexy I may need to change my undergarments.
  13. Cant wait! Finally NY sent th email of "Shipped." Looking forward to adding this one to the collection.
  14. Looking sharp. NY has been "preparing" mine ( and others) for a few days now. But I know I'll get it eventually.
  15. I feel ya right there.
  16. You guys are all probably right as to the demand. Bit even then, since I'm not a MISB collector and have been very happy with Mandrake and Jumgle that may be the route I take with future iterations.
  17. I'm gonna keep an eye for when the VF-1S drops to see its availability on Amazon Japan. Although I have on word that another member got an extra they offered ,and a very grateful thank you! I am interested in seeing if just sleeping through the next PO is the better option as the VF-1A and 1S were gone and not for lack of effort, but much sleep loss and frustration that day. Ended up going to NY for the VF-1A @ 305.00 shipped seems like a crime looking at Amazon Japan prices right now.
  18. Ahhhhhh...so excited cany wait to add this one to the display gods after a few initial test flights! But nothing from NY yet.
  19. Not shipping but " preparing package."
  20. Yeah, that's correct. That seems to be the case for a lot of these.
  21. I think the wait may be, that there will be a few cancelled on release day. But Mando/Jungle will have some. But if you are MISB strict, they may not be what your looking for. Since I like to play with mine. I don't mind to much
  22. The VF-1S isnt up for pre-order anymore. When it was, I have 5 browser windows up at different toy site. In ALL cases when I hit refresh (once the preorder time started) they were either sold out or the page wouldnt refresh. When it dis those were sold out to.
  23. Oh, @sqiddyou'll find some I'm sure. The VS-1S Hikaru is the version I think may be a little harder. That pre-order was such a disheartening experiance. But with that I anticipate you'll end up with one. If not more.
  24. Yep....may have to pull the trigger on a second.
  25. Doh! Slept right through it all. I did manage to get one pre-ordered on the second batch way back when from NY. But the price makes me realize that since most of what I have gotten, i take out...I'm just gonna scan Mandrake or Jungle as i will fly it around the house out the box anyways. I'm pretty sure that at least for this one many on the forms here will be able to secure there's. Regardless I got the email saying they're preparing my shipping so I'm super excited
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