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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Easily! 5 dollars is worth the pain saved.
  2. Alphahorizon

    Macross figures

    Am I the only getting "Formjacking Website 83" with that link?
  3. Alphahorizon

    Macross figures

    Weird...When I clicked that link NORTON said NOPE. Virus detected.
  4. Great work so far @optimuspint.
  5. Those look really good. Do you have examples on imagery of what you are talking about? I like the line art accurate option myself. Are you also covering the other Super Parts?
  6. Great shot @sh9000!!! Add the missiles, photoshop a little foot jets and a rocket or 2 leaving the bird....JK...kind of.
  7. Oh I know. I wouldn't expect any self respecting collector to ever put thier prizes in such jeapordy. On the entrance to that room though may be a different story.
  8. But then you will lose it all together. AMD possible be taken away from your remaining valks for a very long time...
  9. I don't think that a sold a kidney would cover a third of the cost of that collection.
  10. My poor wallet....well soon to be poor wallet. Who needs lights when you can have more Macross anyways.
  11. Oh yes. That indeed would be very nice added top the Valk itself. I may get 2 of these if that is the case.
  12. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    "Display Only" for now.....oh man what a great day today has been indeed.
  13. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    @spacemanoeuvresI was thinking the same thing until I remembered my kids are at an age where they can (and are) getting jobs (or I sell them!) and get out of the house at the same time. Wonder how much I can get for them?
  14. And it is getting released in DX !
  15. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh yes! an Army of Regults...Its coming to life!
  16. Oh god... PTSD Pre-Order evening. No. I can the 19 in any variation still. That stress is brutal. I'm going into my place of zen now to shake off those memories. If I get one on PO night I would be happy. If not. Mandrake has NEVER steered me wrong.
  17. Hih... I didn't know they offered a Credit Card (see above) modeled after my Macross spending habits.
  18. YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!! What a great start to my MW day. First thread I open....what a great day.
  19. Not bad for an action figure. I admit I had been looking at the 3rd party TF Megatron/Prime Cel shaded versions...Megatron sold out quick. The VFs I have seen that others had commissioned do look pretty damn cool IMO. Just dont know if I would fork the ching on top of the already spendy cost of the Valks
  20. I would be an extremely happy camper if toy companies would run some of thier releases in a cel shaded format.
  21. I was thinking the same. Jet and Battroid modes look so damn good.
  22. Ordinance would definitely make the gerwalk pop more in that pose for sure.
  23. Add little miniatures screaming and running in terror.
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