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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Reviews I just found on Motor Nuclear MNQ-02
  2. Hopefully I can secure one. Just bit the bullet on the 1/72 Strike. That was the harder to find for a reasonable price, and still wasn't cheap. The buster will be the next. Let us know your thoughts on it @sqiddwhen time permits
  3. Not a bad price considering. Watched a few reviews on it. Seems like a decent model/toy.
  4. It was out of stock beforehand. I have been checking daily. They just don't grey out the "Add to Cart" once all the stock is spent. But Where it shows how many are left it has stated "Out of stock." since I was shown that site.
  5. Just got email on shipping as well for the Sinanju.
  6. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Speaking of the VF-4G https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/macross/34113-macross-flash-back-2012-vf-4g-lightning-iii-hi-metal-r-.html For anyone who hasnt ordered,Nin-Nin has them for 99.00 right now on pre order.
  7. If I remember, you have to have money already stashed in your Pay Pal account. They then get access to that and pull from there. If there is a zero balance that may be the issue.
  8. Alphahorizon

    Hi-Metal R

    Until it doesn't release next month and they may keep the money. For insurance purposes I mean.
  9. I cant remember who mentioned this to us way back regarding the pre-order for the strikes. But they mentioned AE, as I had not used them previously I decided to do so. I recieved an email that i wouldn't be getting them until the April release. However; they then sent out an email stating that they were wrong and I was right. I only got 3 sets (wouldn't mind a few more). Overall, and in MY EXPERIENCE only, AE was a good call. So thank you....DAMN it (someone deserves some kudos) I forgot who recommended them. By the time I ever got any email acknowledgement that Mandrake has a set of strikes they are already gone. Every single time. I'll try for a few more sets in Mar/April when the second batch is released.
  10. I javent found any myself @jack. I am interested to see some progress images myself.
  11. Did you paint it gold on the highlights cuz the review I saw showed it as silver where yours is gold? In mines in the mail it was shipped a while ago so I should receive it sometime in the near future.
  12. Think even the March release is to soon to fix the issues?
  13. Then I guess I'm glad I accidentally missed the first run I thought that my payment was soon enough.
  14. https://showzstore.com/pre-order-motor-nuclear-mn-q01-1-72-scale-yellow-dragon-gundam_p1189.html Here ya go @sqidd. Funny thing. I'm Newish to ShowZ. I have yet to ever get an ena stating so.ething to the effect " please pay remainder, ready to ship soon" on any order I have aced. Checked account and my email is there. I get notifications on when I preorder/partial pay. If I didnt come here I wouldnt know
  15. 1 is never enough!!!
  16. I to prefer the muted colors of the pre production.
  17. Still suffering from a little bit of the Christmas spending. But yeah they are releasing them fast.
  18. Thanks for the friendly tips @FattyMoBookyButt. Clears.up a lot. I have 3 items in transit. But the tracking seems solid. And no one here has said negative stuff about Z for me to give pause. I have 8 things from them on preorder. Just picking slowly apart which ones to pay in full on first.
  19. So all three for pre-order it is then! I cant thank you all enough in helping me out in spending my money!
  20. Much appreciate the clarification @F360!
  21. okay so maybe someone can clarify for me...The differences between the 2...I mean as in material/make...not type https://showzstore.com/pre-order-metal-club-mc-xingying-model-xy-1-100-gn-001-hs-a01-gundam-avalanche-exia-exia-gundam-metal-build-mb-complete-model_p1514.html vs. https://showzstore.com/pre-order-musclebear-1-100-gn-001-exia-r2-r3-metal-build-style_p0896.html I see both listed as MC/Metal Build. BUT One states ABS Plastic, Die Cast the other states Die Cast, ABS plastic...So is one just a metal frame with ABS parts I slap on them while the other is more complete? Sorry for what may be a silly questions.
  22. No no..I deserved that. I am humble enough to know when I'm being stupid.
  23. Never mind I figured it out. Bad post
  24. Thanks @no3Ljm. I purchased from Hobby Mission but was refunded today. Tried to get the orange Hiene Destiny with orange light wi gs. It's still listed as "in stock" , but I now know it is not. Regardless they seem reputable, so I'll be doing business with them for the others I dont have.
  25. It was the same day on the 18th of December. I did reach out to them and they said that I didn't make the cut off on the full payment , but that I would be getting the second iteration of the figure. I'm new to show Z website and have a couple orders that have been shipped within the last week. Those are my first orders from the place. But they seem pretty reputable. I wish I would have found out about him at the beginning of last year when I was starting to get back into collecting Macross. I probably would have adjusted a few purchases. And if anybody has any reputable sites that sell third-party Gundam metal builds please let me know
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