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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. Placed. Glad I had time to check my Internet today!!! AE has a policy where once you buy it, it looks as if it is sold out. When in actuality it's just your no longer allowed to but more from them
  2. Woops. Wrong thread
  3. https://gundamit.com/ccs-toys-mortal-mind-neon-genesis-evangelion-anima-final-model_p2161.html Gundamit has it. Best price I've seen so far. Have used ShowZ countless times.
  4. Thanks for the clarification @Anasazi37 Side note but related to Yoyaku. The card I used has a different address then my shipping address. I didn't make that change and ordered. I realize this, sent an email to have them change it and got a billing confirmation followed by an email that stated " We have updated your billing address being different then the shipping address and have your purchase secured. We will notify you with the shipping costs once the item is received." To me anyways, that's a good sign. Or it could be that now that they have the billing address they will be able to chargee and take the money and run. I jest.
  5. It "should" be up sometime tonight. My time int he Midwest would be 0100 if u are in the US https://hobby-genki.com/en/dx-chogokin/29076-dx-chogokin-vt-1-super-ostrich-the-super-dimension-fortress-macross.html https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/dx-chogokin/115094-dx-chogokin-macross-do-you-remember-love-vt-1-super-ostrich-limited-edition-bandai-spirits-.html This one isn't posted yet but I have had tons of success from Anime Export https://www.anime-export.com/
  6. Good call for sure!
  7. Oh on peoples orders...look up what status you are. Mine says Status 2...so maybe their second wave of purchase they secured? Just a thought. Or it could mean something different and I am just an idiot
  8. Welp I will go down or succeed with the rest. I got order confirmation and says "Out of stock" as soon as I went back? Is that like AE when you are limited to only 1?
  9. There numbers on how many they have left keep fluctuating...down to 3 up to 7 up to 9 down to 3. How?
  10. I was fortunate enough to not get caught up in Nippon-Yasan. And not because I personally was scammed but they took so dang long to deliver items. That alone made me feel it was time to pause purchasing from them. I am genuinely sorry for those that were. Side note I have that site up. Went from 11 remaining down to 9, then back to 11? Maybe someone backed out...So on the fence here to trust a place I havent used before
  11. Just a pulled quote "This site belongs to NAME REDACTED, the buyer from Nippon-Yasan who scammed so many people! He is commenting below! Give me back my money! " But one directly in response for you to make your own conclusions "Me and other Japanese co-workers didn't knew what the community was talking until me and other Japanese co-workers began to see irregularities affecting our work, and after briefly investigating and find out the harsh reality of what was happening and how the community was suffering, we decided we couldn't continue, and me and other Japanese co-workers decided to quit. "
  12. TYVM good sir
  13. Is the pre order tonight for US (25-26JAN)? or tomorrow (26-27)? Just want to make sure I set an alarm. I am in for one if I can score. No need for more.
  14. Maybe some PayPal added conversion? It got to my pay with PayPal pop-up and that's where I stopped. Still got one at the 288.0 and in no immediate rush
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