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Everything posted by oshinex

  1. I'm sure they have had agreements with retailers and orders days ago. Keep in mind that retailer/distributer relationships are very different and more time sensitive than retailer to end user.
  2. Wow they removed the whole page. They must've got into work and realized the glitch. Even with the Nu Gundam, they left the page up with an Out of Stock notice. There were no photos, limits on order, or descriptions. I smell plenty of refunds coming.
  3. Bluefin will def be a later shipping date. They need to receive containers of the items by sea freight. still in stock, seems fishy. perhaps this is glitch.
  4. They are the official US distributor for Bandai in the US. I've visited their office a few times. The online shop is just very lacking and have low customer support.
  5. This type of resell game is toxic in most hype items such as sneakers/Supreme. once people realize there's a buck to make, they will do anything to make it.
  6. Keep in mind, this is just a small community on here. You have to compete with people in Japan as well as China who's just order these to resell. If you are tired of this, then just resign to paying resell because I assure, it's not going to get any better.
  7. just called Amazon, and they said that they ran out of stock for my order and its backordered until 4/21. My chance at getting it seems to be creeping to slim to none at this point.
  8. I think Asuka always scores really high on the Japan's top character popularity ranking next to Kaworu. Also Eva-02 has one of my favorite battles in the series against the mass production Evas. Also a lot of people hate baka shinji.
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