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Everything posted by spacemanspiff

  1. Thank you all for the feedback. Lots of good info here. I'm gonna invesitiagte a bit more and see if I can afford one of these guys. The SDF-1 is so iconic and the maguffin that drive Protoculture or Robotechnology. I just wish there were more options for this guy.
  2. sorry, I meant what does NY stand for?
  3. HLJ = Hobby Link Japan. I see thay have the 1/3000 SDF-1 MACROSS (MACROSS: DO YOU REMEMBER LOVE?) for $349. What does PF stand for?
  4. seems fishy. I'll let ya all know.
  5. Anyone looking to sell one for a fair price?
  6. Thanks for all the feedback. After a quick ebay search, the above is most true. I'd prefer a more premium SDF-1 like the Arcadia/Yamato, but the cost is so prohivative. This Macross awesomeness is costly.
  7. I got confirmation that they shipped via Ebay. Screenshots below:
  8. Hello, I'm rather new to this whole Macross/Robotech awesomeness. I'm watching all the Robotech on Amazon Prime Video right now and just consuming the video games and purchased the Bandai DX VF-J. So much to love here. I'm looking to get my hand son a transformable SDF-1, but have no idea how many versions there are and if they are any good. Size does not matter to me (in this case). Any help is appreciated.
  9. I got a notice that my Bandai DX missle pack has shipped. SHould arrive in March. Has anyone seen these yet?
  10. Here's a link to the SDFM PS2 Manual in PDF format: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lzGTcg_DAS5-fccbHdVhHL_NNoJJne6i?usp=sharing I scanned mine and felt like sharing.
  11. Here are some phone-to-TV screenshots. Most of the menus are in English and easy to figure out. I even used Google Translate to convert some of the in-game text for me. Google Translated ones:
  12. I seriously cannot get enough of this game. It's the best Macross / Robotech game I've ever played. My original Macross game was Robotech Battlecry for the PS2. It was a decent game and I enjoyed it for what it was at the time. I had no idea this Sega AM2 game came out around the same time. (2003). I've also played the PSP games and the DYRL Hybrid pack on PS3 (which are also good, but not as good as this Sega AM2 PS2 game). I seriously cannot recommend enough that you check this game out. Sega nails the controls, follows the SDFM and DYRL stories, there is high production values (from the Voice acting to the music, to the cinematics to the gameplay), good gameplay variety. Even in 2019, this game holds-up. The Super Dimension Fortress Macross (2003 video game) wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Super_Dimension_Fortress_Macross_(2003_video_game)
  13. Here are some very nice gameplay videos I've found on YouTube: This one has the intro, which impressed me very much: This one I created. This is serious ghetto gameplay, as I am holding my phone to record it while playing one-handed. I also wanted to showcase the alternate camera modes you can pick by hitting the D-Pad.
  14. WOW! I just found this amazing Macross / Robotech game. I am blown away! The controls are so well done. Make you feel like you are actually piloting the VFs! I found the IGN Walkthrough to be both enteritaining and very good in helping me learn all the details of the controls. The in-game Training did a good job too. Link to the IGN walkthrough: https://www.ign.com/faqs/2007/super-dimensional-fortress-macross-walkthrough-496660 I highly recommend you play this game if you are a gamer and love Macross / Robotech. The only hitch is it's for the Japanese PS2 only. SO you need to MOD your PS2 or import a Japanese PS2 (PlayStaion 2).
  15. I also enjoyed the model viewer to see the details in the Veritechs/Valkyries. Some additional game screen shots below.
  16. In regards to length, there are 7 missions that span across various parts from the DYRL movie. These missions start on normal, once completed you can play them on hard and I believe there is an ultimate difficulty after that. So, 7 missions that you play 3 times each. The goal being to get an SS rank to unlock various VFs, paint schemes and support pilots. I don't fully understand how to get an SS rank, but I've gotten an S rank on some of the normal missions on my first playthough. It's not a full game by any means. 7 levels. It's an add-on to the DYRL movie (which is on the same Blu-Ray disk). I've gotten my $40 worth already, and plan to try for higher ranks as I understand the controlls better now. Worth the pick-up if you already have a PS3, IMO.
  17. If you have a PS3 (Sony PlayStation 3), you can import this game and play it. The PS3 is region-free, so it will play games form other countries. I found a used copy on ebay for $40 shipped. Just sharing the love. This is one of the most fun Macross/Robotech games I've played. Looks nice too. Cheers! PS3 Macross Do You Remember Love Hybrid Pack Regular Edition Blu-Ray
  18. I also took a few screenshots of the game (using my phone) and tried using Google Translate on the photo to see if it would help. I had mixed results but am posting them here so you can try if ya fancy!
  19. I've found these screenshots from the GAMEFAQS most helpful:
  20. I just started playing this game (PS3 Macross My Boyfriend's a Pilot) and felt a bit lost with the controls. This board and the GAMEFAQS you listed above were very helpful. Thank you all!
  21. I just started playing this game and this tip was very helpful. Many thanks!
  22. I recently discovered that the title of this PS3 game is "My Boyfriend's a Pilot" and there is a message forum here:
  23. Has anyone played this game? I believe its a few levels on the PS3 that co-inside with the DYRL flick. I'm thinking of importing (because PS3 is region-free). ANy feedback would be appreciated. Thanks
  24. These are the only 2 Valkyrie toys I own. The original G1 Jetfire and the DX Chogokin VF-1J. Old and new. Different, but the same.
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