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    Midwest USA
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    Transforming Robots

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. How did you do this? I used Google Translate Photos and it sometimes worked, but this looks really nice. I have a Samsung Galaxy S10e and would like to try what you are using.
  2. I 3D printed the tiniest Macross jet I could to set on the SDF-1
  3. Great review! Thanks for sharing. I added some transformer decals to cover the side boosters/armor. Also the gun. Still looking for a way to cover the Jolly Rogers on the tail fins.
  4. I like the idea of having the Autobot emblem on the heatshield. Makes it a true "robot in disguise".
  5. I cut-out some Autobot decals and slapped them over the Jolly Rogers on the boosters, added black vinyl sticker to cover the UN Spacy on the leg armor, and added the Autobot emblem to the nose cone. I'd like to figure out a way to remove the jolly rogers on the tail fins (I used photoshop in these pics).
  6. You might have the arm armor on the wrong arms. The are left and right versions. You can tell if you can hold the gun pod in jet mode.
  7. Unboxing:
  8. THANK YOU for sharing the pics of this release. Please share more if possible. I am looking forward to it and am very surprised by the G1 box design. This is basically Missing-Link Jetfire, or Masterpiece G1 Jetfire. Does anyone know of a way to remove the jolly rogers? (I really don't want those on a Jetfire figure)
  9. spacemanspiff

    Macross 30

    Here's 30 minutes of Macross 30 on PS3. Just sharing the fun:
  10. spacemanspiff

    Macross 30

    I put together a video showing all the Veritech Fighters you can unlock in the game. Once you beat the game and play NG+, you get access to Zentradi mechs too.
  11. spacemanspiff

    Macross 30

    I'm playing on PS3. I haven't had much success with emulation of this game.
  12. spacemanspiff

    Macross 30

    I did the thing: (Beat the game)
  13. Sharing some screenshots from the game (from Nintendo Switch version):
  14. Was there ever an English Dub of the Macross Plus Movie with Bryan Cranston?
  15. spacemanspiff

    Macross 30

    Some Screenshots (via cell phone from TV). Really enjoying this game.
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