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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Wow, it's tough. But I noticed as I was posting these pictures that theres some artifacts, so I'm going to try to fix those, when I have time (contract work kinda sucks) I'm thinking of starting over, I started this before my first 3ds class and now I'm sure I can do better now, higher poly too oh, and here are some more pictures (using the clay like renderings) and finally I think I like them better rendered like this.
  2. Hello, Everyone, I'm new to the forum and to 3d Modeling. I've got a Zentraedi Battlepod I've been working on (on and off, actually) right now it's chassis is almost complete (no real detail work done) and the legs aren't even started yet (working on it). and heres the other render. and some *gasp* Robotech (or mospeda in this case) stuff, I'll put up images as Soon as I can get them uploaded and ready.
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