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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I pre-ordered some from BBTS and still don't get the alert. Someone else?
  2. I pre-ordered the Legioss on BBTS, but still not receiving notification, anyone else?
  3. The video is private.
  4. What happen with Sentinel? No news?
  5. Idem.
  6. I usually buy in NY, when I was ready to do it they weren't available. Thanks for the link, I guess now there's nothing better than that.
  7. I lost the pre-order of the missiles, any place to buy them now?
  8. Yes, this month these movements appeared on my credit card and I paid them. 3350¥ x2 the first time and now I must pay 2500¥ x2 again.
  9. I paid the charges the first time, now they sent new charges.
  10. NY is a bad joke, after almost a month without sending my 4 orders they are charging me an additional fee for the second time. Did that happen to anyone else?
  11. NY still doesn't send my orders, it's frustrating.
  12. They answered my tickets apologizing for the inconvenience, but still nothing, I bought 4.
  13. Nippon Yasan still doesn't send mine. Someone else?
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