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    Heavy machines, far overground.

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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. Pardon me if this is common knowledge and/or been asked before, but I just watched DYRL for the first time on this 4K release (just beautiful, glad I got it!) and noticed something; Flashback 2012 is not the first time the VF-4 was featured. Unless I'm mistaken here, in Hikaru's apartment scene, he has a blue model of a prototype VF-4 on his shelf. The only thing that might be different is that I don't see the front kenards on the model. (what am I talking about, I must be confusing my valks) But it's only a small part of a few frames. Anyway, I was just wondering if that's been noticed before, or is this only just now noticable (or perhaps confirmed) due to the high resolution?
  2. I was disappointed at first too especially after having to wait so long for a preorder, but looking back at the OG pics from SDFM to compare, it's really growing on me. Maybe I'm just being contrary after seeing all the negativity here, but I'm going to add some positivity and risk ridicule by saying... I think this is pretty good! Is anyone else making Max figures that look half this good with such articulation? Maybe a model kit, but ain't nobody got time for dat (and no articulation at all)! Sure, there's some nitpicks to make, but it looks like Max and has REAL CLOTHES that are quite nice. I am very happy to have finally gotten another great addition to their figure line up, and I hope they keep it up. All I ask for is Kakizaki (and it better have a steak), but Global, Claudia, or even another Misa in real cloth would be killer. Anyway, just my 2¢ and wanted to lend some perspective to what seems like a very negative reception. I mean, there's a fan with a company out there that's still making toys from an 80's anime for crying out loud! I'm so thankful for this. Still not doing kickstarters tho.
  3. Max will be shipping soon. Just got an email from KC asking me to confirm my address.
  4. I got mine yesterday. This is my second shipment from Crunchyroll after returning the first, and although it arrived without damage this time, it's not for better packaging. This time, they chose a "box" that was actually just a prefolded cardboard piece with no corners just slapped around it, and it was way too narrow so they just bent it over the edges, slapped some more miracle paper in there, taped it once across the middle, and called it a day.🤦‍♂️ For those that had issues extracting the disks from the book, I see what you mean, and I found the solution. It's tempting to wanna crank on that disk to get it out, but that only makes it harder to extract like an inverse finger trap. It's actually a rather nice retainer imho (better than too loose), but you have to really press hard in the center while supporting the back of the book with your other hand, and DO NOT pry on the disk - only use enough pressure such that it pops out when you press. It pops right out without stress that way, or at least it did for me.
  5. Interesting, mine spent several additional days in USPS shipping too after it came up with an error saying it was getting forwarded back to the shipper, but then it went back through the local shipping system again. My box only had a single wadded up sheet of paper under one side. I'll see if they'll exchange it, but I don't want to wait for them to get the return before shipping my replacement in case they run out of stock in that time, so I think I'll see if they'll ship the replacement before I ship it back.
  6. DO NOT buy this from Crunchyroll. They packaged mine in a box with zero padding other than some craft paper under one side. The whole corner of the box ripped out. Fortunately, it only dinged the corner a little bit, but this is unacceptable packaging!
  7. Got mine today. Very nicely done... other than powering the lights with 4 different battery sockets! And I love the instructions, "insert the batteries according to the instructions." These ARE the instructions ffs! And WHAT batteries?! They don't say what model to use anywhere that I can see. Does anyone know? I think I'll rewire it for USB power some day. As for scale, I bought it to match 1/100 instead of getting HMR because I feel like 1/72 regults match HMR valks better (and cheaper). I was already planning to build the bandai kit, but since I had super custom plans for that (a purple stealth sniper) this is really great to have a proper regult. But as the pics above show, it does seem a bit large for HMR (which isn't really 1/100). Happy to have it finally tho regardless.
  8. Gee, must be nice. I ordered mine YEARS ago, and I still haven't gotten any tracking. Oh wait, they can't keep track of email changes despite it being my main login... nope, nothing in my old email. Let's check my account... OH, it says "partial shipped" on the 15th of Sept. That's great, nice of them to let me know... wait, where's the tracking? No tracking, so MAYBE mine will finally show up on my doorstep one of these days (sans figure of course).
  9. I think you got a QC reject considering the paint issues and loose ankles. The ankles on mine are perfectly stiff, seem quite well designed, and allows for some confidently aggressive posing. As for the hands, I personally have no issue with the lack of fixed fold ins because I never display them on any of my valks of any model (unless forced to) because they always look tiny and delicate. And since you'd never get folding SDFM style hands to fit in the arms without something being out of proportion, I don't see any other way around it short of some complicated folding. I just put up a display shelf at work. This and Roy's will be placed here since I don't need more copies of the same thing at home, and these seem pretty tough and relatively cheap. It's kinduva shame to put these up at work tho, because so far, these are my favorite iteration of VF-1 and looks quite sharp! But it looks like I'm going to have to find some more to display here as it's looking pretty empty.
  10. Welcome back! As per the thread topic tho, did you choose @BigInJapan because you're a Tom Waits or Alphaville fan, or did you simply like the phrase as it applies to our hobby? And why did you choose that particular avatar pic?
  11. I hope that means I'll be seeing my 4k preorder arrive any day now. Edit: Google says any of the blue ray releases are not due until Nov. 29th. Did you get a Japanese release Shawn?
  12. I never ordered any valks because I thought the legs looked too skinny, weren't well reviewed, and seemed kinda cheap. Plus they were an odd scale that didn't mesh with pretty much any other toys. But I was really hoping for more figures since they seem to be the only ones making them for SDFM. I hope they don't flake on the Max figure before they go under. If they make any others, I'll buy them, but not directly. A Claudia (with pineapple salad), Kakizaki (with large steak), and/or Milia (with baby Komilia) figures would be awesome, but I'm not holding my breath.
  13. Have you watched the show/movie/s yet? I feel the same, but I haven't watched any of the other stuff yet. If you have watched it and still feel that way, then I'd chalk it up to bad writing or character development. For VF-1 valks, you really feel like you're buying "Roy" or "Hikaru" instead of just their valk. SDFM characters just have a special place in my heart, and I have to have all of their valks. That's why I never got a YF-29 until they made the Max version which I had to have despite never seeing the movie. I have bought 3 of the SV-262 tho, and preordered "the red one" because I really love the design of it, and I'm not into (or have time for) building model kits. Other than the fiddly bracket buried in the middle of the thing, I found the DX to be quite nice, but I haven't played with it enough to argue the point.
  14. Got my 3rd SV-262 (for the only model I can display in all 3 modes) with another draken set. Also got the 3zero VF-1J from amazon. I think this is the nicest iteration of the VF-1 I've seen so far!
  15. I got mine from Amazon yesterday, and color me impressed! Except for the less than Bandai quality stand that is, where it doesn't even hold it in battroid. It just sits on the stand in a couple of grooves but doesn't snap in or actually hold it at all. Lame. I bought this (and preordered a 1S Roy) to have something to display at work and brought it in today, but I think this is nicer than any other iteration I have.
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