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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. In a Simpsons episode where the family goes to Japan, they see a Japanese cartoon and they all end up rolling around on the floor in fits. The Simpsons even dared to show their version of the TV screen--I'm surprised nobody in the US had a seizure from it.
  2. I'm from Maryland, went to college in Connecticut, had New Yorkers tell me I was from the south and a guy from Georgia tell me I was a Yankee. I enjoy listening to just about all accents, the more extreme the better. Strine, Bostonian, Irish, New Orleans, and Bawlmerese and Brooklynese are a few of my favorites.
  3. I see your point about the auto-targeting capabilities, ewilen, but considering that autocannon's more or less a stronger -1A head laser with the same range of motion wouldn't it hamper the head unit? Example: Missiles incoming from 3 o'clock, but you need the head unit to focus 11 or even 12 o'clock. How do you deal with both? Prolly answered my own question with that, but you see what I mean, ne? Yup, you're right that if they're going to justify the additional head weapon by saying it provides a capability that's not in the existing "light lasers", and furthermore if it's supposed to be completely autonomous--which is what they imply--it doesn't make sense for it to have the same range of motion as the "light lasers". Because, as you say, if the pilot is trying to do something with the lasers/head sensors, he'll either have to disengage the automatic antimissile gun, or risk being interrupted. The autocannon should be on a ball joint mount (or the equivalent--a combination turntable/pivot). So you've convinced me that HG is dumb, again. Good work!
  4. D*mn kids and their jungle music!
  5. Hm. I think a spoiler warning would be appropriate. Also, this is somewhat of a newbie question. (Not that I have the answer.)
  6. Actually, it's about as plausible as the use of the head/turret lasers according to official Macross info. (Isn't that what Roy uses to down some incoming missiles in M0?) I don't know why they had to say it's a "pulse autocannon", though (whatever the heck that is)--I guess it's to justify the "innovative" 3-horned look. The ability to automatically target incoming missiles is pretty reasonable even by old real-world tech standards--it's similar to the radar-controlled point defense weaponry on American warships (the Phalanx).
  7. I actually posted this at 1:11 Pacific Time, but the board says 1:18.
  8. My alarm clock plays Twiggy Twiggy every morning! Yep, that was their big exposure in the US. A very unusual, but catchy song! Some of their music was also used, I think, in a perfume commercial, and "Baby Love Child" was used in a Futurama episode. Edit: the one where Leela discovers who her parents are.
  9. I certainly hope so, if the US ever has to fight somebody who has advanced Sukhois. (They also have the visually cued aiming system, which I don't think has been deployed in US fighters yet.) Back in the 60's, we thought dogfighting was obsolete and we could get away with just missiles (Sparrow) and fast but heavy interceptor types (F-4), until the rules of engagement in the Vietnam war forced pilots to engage at visual range. At which point the lighter, more maneuverable, cannon-armed MiGs gave us a bloody nose and forced us to rearm and retrain.
  10. Yep, I don't know why a lot of the ads for the Battlecry posable version describe it as a "stealth" fighter. Haven't found anything to suggest that. (When is a mod going to merge this into the MPC thread?)
  11. I'm not a big fan of either genre, either, but I like bluegrass (does that count as a subgenre of country?) and I can appreciate the talent of Ice Cube even if wouldn't choose to listen to his stuff. (I also would recommend "Baby Got Back", by Sir Mix-A-Lot, to anyone who thinks they don't like any rap.) As for what I really like--lots of stuff. Off the top of my head... Pizzicato Five Shonen Knife The Beatles The Who Fleetwood Mac Blondie (they have one of the early rap classics, incidentally) The Carpenters Faye Wong Throwing Muses Alternative/College Rock of the 80's & 90's Vocal and Instrumental Jazz (especially the 1930's through 1950's) 60's Motown Elvis Presley Classical Music Vietnamese pop and folk songs (My Linh, Quang Linh, Nhu Quynh, Manh Quynh, Huong Lan, Ai Van, Loan Chau) Ute Lemper (at least, the couple Kurt Weill albums she did) Hendrix Creedence Clearwater Revival And yes, I do like the SDF Macross and DYRL music Probably leaving out a bunch of stuff I just haven't been listening to lately...but I have to admit I'm becoming a bit of an old fogey, appreciating the classics more, and paying less attention to what's currently going on in popular music.
  12. I don't mind the head...it's okay in a weird kind of way, better than, say, the Galaxy Defender bootleg. I wouldn't buy it, though. (Still waiting for the Ben Dixon MPC to hit $20...alas, poor Kakizaki, we knew ye well...)
  13. I'll try a vocabulary question under this topic...didn't get an answer under the Newbies thread. What does "Pitaban type" mean, specifically? And is the term only used for Macross models, or for other stuff as well? It seems like all the Nichimo models use the term.
  14. Is there any explanation for why M7 Trash was released in Italy, France, and Germany?
  15. exactly But they have no say over Robotech toys based directly (MPC) or indirectly (YF-1R) on SDF Macross designs? Just to be clear...
  16. ewilen

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I wouldn't necessarily take the sign's wording as an indication that it's a bundle. Notice how Takatoku worded the (English) box design on their armor-only set.
  17. Mary Tyler Moore. I won't spoil the plot, but when Lou Grant struggles for words and then says "I treasure you people", it's a very emotional moment. And yet, the last scene manages to end on a high note. I don't know if MTM is still cycling on TV Land, but if you've never seen the show, or haven't seen it since you were a kid, check it out. Some of the best writing and acting of all time.
  18. Hey, that looks really nice!
  19. Another size comparison can be found here: http://www.merzo.net/robotech/mechasizes.htm But they don't agree entirely with what's given in http://macross.anime.net . The Glaug is too big at 18.1 m overall versus the official stat of 16.55 m; the Regult is shown as 17.4 m while the Compendium lists 15.12 m. The N-Ger is also exaggerated slighly but not by very much. (It's a Robotech-inspired and/or sanctioned and/or commissioned site, which may explain somewhat. However, the site does elsewhere include the DRYL version of Bodolza's ship and a couple of Marduk ships from Macross II.)
  20. We're also talking about enemy toy scales (with reference photos and drawings) in this thread.
  21. There are also fansubs floating around, such as the one on VHS I bought at Kimono My House a few months ago. Disney/Buena Vista has made a deal to release many Studio Ghibli films internationally, including Nausicaa, so it should be available on a Region 1 DVD eventually. You'll probably find all the information you want at http://www.nausicaa.net/
  22. It's an Orguss Valkyrie. Do a google search and you'll learn all about it. Sometimes incorrectly referred to as a Jotun Valkyrie. Anyway, it's a joking reference to Orguss. There's a drawing of an Orguss Valk on p. 198 of Macross Perfect Memory.
  23. Great pictures! Take a look at this drawing from Macross Perfect Memory, page 162. Compared to the Regult, I'd say the 1/55 is teeny bit big and the 1/60 is a little small, but the 1/55 is closer. I still suspect the Glaug is closer to 1/60 but it'd be good to see it side by side with the Regult. The drawing shows that most of the height difference is the dorsal gun.
  24. Found something interesting over at the RT site. They list the VF-X-4 in their database (they also call it the YF-4) but they don't show the battroid mode or even give any data for it. Instead, it's "classified". Check it out here. The VF-4's battroid mode never appears in SDF Macross, but if HG believes they have rights to everything Macross, what's stopping them from using the VF-4 battroid mode as shown in other drawings/models/toys? Between this and the various Macross II, Macross Plus, and Macross 7 stuff that's been released in the U.S. and internationally, it appears that HG knows they (a) can't stop non-SDF Macross derivatives by other companies and (b) don't have any rights to those derivatives themselves.
  25. BMF=Big Daym... Man you're cracking me up, I actually want you to stick around now... Hey we always need someone to make fun of! Kind of like Danny Devito in Twins or the gay guy in Total Recall. Yes, it's so cool to goad people with jibes that pass below the radar until they blow up, so you can turn the tables on them and claim they "started it".
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