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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. I agree, the hands look too human. I like how haterist posed that VF-1J in the background, though!
  2. Thanks! Here are some updates. Here is a first go at including a Zentradi. The Zentradi really doesn't look like he could fit in a Regult. So here he is in a lineup using Jeff Russell's mecha sizes. Note: It looks like the discrepancies are partly due to somebody using the heights from the covers of the ARII model kits. Peter Walker, et. al. speculate that the ARII heights may be measured to different points from the heights in Macross Perfect Memory. For comparison, here is a picture that I've scanned and cleaned up from This Is Animation #11.
  3. Still going slowly through downloaded episodes; personally I wasn't very impressed with 1-5, but episode 6 is better and now I'm halfway through 7. I think I'd like to get the set so I can watch comfortably at home with my wife. (She likes anime and has enjoyed SDF Macross so far. DYRL less so, probably because she hadn't seen any of the series before I showed her the movie.) I see two big collections: Fx, and MAC. MAC has gotten slightly better reviews at import-anime.com, but I seem to remember Keith recommending the Fx for some reason. Any opinions on how the two compare?
  4. Yep, it shows up in the American ebay as well. $45 may seem like a low starting price but if you really want to sell something, you might as well start it at an attractive price and let the market determine the final price. I'm sure by the time the auction is done, it'll be over $80 and probably over $100. You also save a little bit on insertion fees by starting low. In this case he saved $1.10 by starting the auction below $50.
  5. I agree, this topic should be pinned. It tends to be near the top all the time anyway, and it's a good place to collect all the "WTF is going on in that auction?" banter.
  6. Rdenham, that Tomcat picture is scary! Where's it from?
  7. That would be me, Cap.
  8. Good luck with that. Kanata67 reported in another thread that someone on ebay is selling them as "complete in box" but didn't include stickers or the instructions with the one he won. Anyway, the Takatoku and Matchbox Monsters are 1/240 scale, which is unfortunate since as far as I know, no other Macross toys/models are the same scale. But it does seem like a nice toy in and of itself. You can find other pictures at http://www.menet.umn.edu/~ngo/frame.html
  9. Yes, it appears to be Alysée. Or at least, the directory the pic comes from has a similar image with two of her, named alyzee.gif or something like that. There's also a bigger version of the gif. Make sure your wives, girlfriends, and bosses are out of the room and click: http://gamergod.users.btopenworld.com/dance.gif Waiting...are you back yet? Have your eyes retracted into your skull? What I wanted to say was--nice pics, Montarvillois!
  10. Tip for those of you within easy travel distance of Japantown in San Francisco: the video store there (I forget the name, but it's on the second floor) has both the ADV Mospeada set and the ADV Southern Cross set there for rental (I believe as single discs). Unfortunately, it's a little too far for me, since I'm in the East Bay.
  11. Hey, kanata, I was just getting ready to PM you about some loot that I found, but then I saw this and I realize you've got bigger things to handle right now. I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through, wish you the best, and please know that your presence both in the forums and PMing back and forth will be missed. Hope to hear from you again soon!
  12. Effect, I think the point is that Tatsunoko Productions supposedly gave Harmony Gold worldwide distribution rights (i.e., everywhere but Japan). So the question is, why is TP or anyone other than HG releasing SDF Macross in Korea? Wrylac's answer is that Korea is outside the area granted to HG by TP, but I don't know where he gets that from. This strikes me as a nonsequitur: Why should BW do anything about it? BW should no more care about TP releasing SDF Macross in Korea than they should about HG granting Animeigo rights to release it in the US.
  13. 1/48 Super 1J. Then, whenever you get a 1/48 1S, you can put the FAST packs on it and have TV-accurate 1J Hikaru and 1S Hikaru. But (and I realize I've said this before) the 1/60 1J is cheaper, takes up less room, and IMO has a nicer head sculpt. So depending on your tastes/space/budget, it might be a better choice.
  14. Well, the idea of mixing a Gerwalk with WW II vehicles is a bit weird but I do like the picture of a Regult giving Jerry what-for. (At least, I hope he's on our side.) If nothing else, you could use the bases as a start for dioramas and display the Panzers separately.
  15. Apparently at the Anime Boston con, a Manga Entertainment rep was asked about M0 and responded that he thought Pioneer had the US distribution rights. When asked, Pioneer answered "no comment", and at a later con, they said "If we had it, we'd tell you".
  16. I would ask Keith. I know he's commented on this before, but it was in the old forums, which are down the last time I checked.
  17. Kensei, any subbed (let alone dubbed) M0 you can buy or download these days is going to be a bootleg. The only way to have a legal sub or dub would be to buy the original and sub/dub it yourself. Hopefully that will change. There are vague, skimpy rumors of an eventual US release--see http://protoculture.lebhead.com --possibly inspired by one company's slip at an anime convention which was later denied by another company. In the meantime, it's either download, buy a bootleg, or learn Japanese. Edit: For downloading, I'd recomment bittorrent (animesuki is a good place to start). And check the pinned imacross topic for some tips on codecs and other tools.
  18. Thanks for the kind words. Reference to scale models would be a great help in determining the measuring points used for the data. For the battlepods, though, it can be tricky because their legs are always bent. You might try measuring not only overall height, but also the height of just the fuselage. If you have destroid scale models, I'd love to know their dimensions as well. We have another thread in which we've been speculating on the scales of the Matchbox toys.
  19. Thanks, but I'd rather work from original material and/or knowledgable anime fans. The Robotech RPG books are known to contain errors relative to official Macross data (for example, they contain the "VF-1 nose lasers"), so I wouldn't rely on them for Mospeada or Southern Cross, either.
  20. Very nice. In battroid it does look kinda like the Japanese schoolgirl sailor costume.
  21. And a Legioss and Tread, oh wait I mean Alpha and Beta... Well, Jeff has put Invid on his page, but that's a Robotech page. Mine is Macross. If someone can provide official/accurate data for Mospeada mecha (I don't trust the RT.com data) and drawings in a similar style, I could add them and change the title to Macross/Mospeada Mecha Size Comparison. I would definitely like to add the Zentradi/Meltrandi/human, but it will take more time since it involves either creating original drawings or hunting down suitable line art online or to be scanned, then coloring it. Again, if someone would like to help out in this respect, I'd be grateful.
  22. That could be because I used a faulty method. I was simply scaling based on the ratio of Macross data:Robotech data. Now I've corrected the page to use the Macross data directly, based on Jeff's picture scale of 20 pixels per meter. I take "height overall" to mean height of the highest structure. For a Valkyrie, that means the top of the head lasers. (And this matches what I get by measuring a 1/60 Yamato.) For a pod, it means the top of the guns. I think Jeff may be measuring to different points (e.g., the top of the Valkyrie's head). Between my interpretation of the data, and difference in sources, everybody now shrinks in my Macross version compared to Jeff's RT version. Take another look. And thanks to everyone for their input and comments.
  23. Because the original text read "Veritech Fighter VF-1" and I screwed up when I edited it. (I only looked at the color scheme and not at the head.) Fixing...done!
  24. They could leave it ambiguous--at the beginning DYRL, you get the impression that Hikaru hasn't been a fighter pilot for real long, so if he appears in M0 he could be a civilian and be consistent with both continuities.
  25. damn, and here all this time i thought the Enterprise was named after the Macross It's really quite simple. The ship's name is called the Enterprise. Its name is the Macross. The ship is called the Royal Oak (after the Kongo). And the ship is the New Jersey. I don't see why the confusion.
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