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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Thanks to imode and others who responded. I doubt PCS stands for "protoculture [anything]", though (at least officially) since Aries is the only one up to now who actually believes in the protoculture theory.
  2. The Final Countdown. I'll take that in ten-thousands and millions.
  3. I can see the resemblance. Nice bit of trivia.
  4. Psst...to anyone who has a multiregion player, the UK OVA+movie set appears on eBay with some frequency, and was even available shipped directly from Manga UK last I checked. (I emailed them to ask if they will ship internationally.) Even with shipping, the price isn't bad--I got it for about $31 shipped on eBay.
  5. It's funny, I couldn't figure for the life of me who the guy in the picture was, but I was going to chime in with a comment that Connery also started out as a bodybuilder.
  6. Nice collection and display. You're correct that the Matchbox/HG/Exo-squad 7" destroids are about 1/60 scale. We had a thread or two on this a while back with painstaking measurement and comparison to the official stats. The Glaug and Regult are probably between 1/55 & 1/60 (closer to 1/55 but 1/60 stuff looks good with them).
  7. 1. I think you're right that there's nobody in the body. I don't have a particularly good reason, other than they never mention the other people or try to rescue them in Blind Game. (Maybe they weren't put on board for that mission?) 2. Thanks for the clarifications on AWACS. 3. Again, though, why not use a "Funny Chinese" on the mission? That's the real Elint predecessor, IMO. 4. If the Cat's Eye is more like an AWACS, then maybe the reason it was sent out with Misa was to function not merely as a recon but as a way for Misa to take over some of the functions of the bridge flight operations. I don't think the dialog/action supports this, though. 5. The Cat's Eye did have escort: Vermilion Team.
  8. By the way, does anyone know what "PCS" is? It's showed up a couple times a kind of reaction or emission or something associated with AFOS (and ASS-1?) that both sides can detect.
  9. Nightbat, I'm not asking why a recon mission was needed, but why a Cat's Eye was selected for the mission if it isn't a recon craft. It may be that I'm misunderstanding the difference between AWACS and recon, or it could be that the roles themselves are somewhat modified or blurred in the UN Spacy.
  10. aaanyway, maybe she said AFOS, which is pronounced in japanese "A-FO-SU". Usually acronyms like ASS-1 get sounded out as they are in English, "A S S Wan". Just finished downloading the ANBU-AonE version. Here they used the same word: "ASSU". And on re-listening, it really sounds like "A S S U". In Episode 2 there's a conversation between Aries and another scientist around 8:05, and where the scientist says "AFOS", he does say "A-FO-SU".
  11. That may be a point of honor among fansubbers but ultimately irrelevant to the legality of fansubs. At the moment, the NA rights holder for Macross Zero is Big West.
  12. There is the VEFR-1 "Funny Chinese", though. Maybe it wasn't ready at the time of "Blind Game", but I doubt that's the reason. Would someone who thinks the Cats Eye is an AWACS please provide a reference?
  13. Hmmm...then why did they send a Cat's Eye out on a recon mission?
  14. I voted for Animeigo simply because I like what they did with SDF Macross. I've heard enough about Manga's treatment of M+ (though I haven't yet watched my set) to know I don't want them to work on DYRL. I don't have much experience with the other outfits.
  15. Not exactly. We've had it back and forth a bit over how the VF-0 and VF-1 relate to each other, but there's never been any question that the VF-0 is a significantly different airframe. It has a similar layout, but it's larger and has a different profile. I was surprised to see that the VF-0 is designed for space. It could mean, as you suggest, that the VF-0 was intended to incorporate the spacegoing technology used in the VF-1 design, and possibly even be used in space trials. But it also lends weight to the theory that the VF-0 was intended to be used for continued testing of advanced VF technology beyond the VF-1. (I don't happen to agree with that theory, but I have to admit the point.)
  16. You should know, Millia, and you are correct! (Or close enough--I was just looking for "Close Encounters".) 'Battroid Attack' is the name of a featured game at the arcade. Take it away Millia!
  17. Sorry to quote myself, but maybe this will get Spyke's attention and/or that of someone else conversant in Japanese. I just looked at a different version which is subtitled in either Chinese or Japanese (probably the former since I don't see any kana in the subs), and it has "ASSU" instead of "ASS-1". And in fact it sounds like Aries is saying "ASS-U". Is that how "ASS-1" is pronounced in Japanese? Or could this be an alternate code for the AFOS? Again, all the context points to the discussion being about the AFOS. We see blood samples being collected from it, centrifuged, and analyzed, then a shot of the AFOS while the scientists identify the flood as being type "Alpha Bombay". Finally, we see Aries talking to them by radio.
  18. By the way, where is Edgar at the end? We see two parachutes as the VF-0D goes down, then the next thing we know Shin is running through the forest--apparently going to the shrine, since he meets Sara there. What he wants to do there is obscure. He doesn't seem to give the E-man a second thought.
  19. From what I've gathered, "Kadun" is basically their word for Demon. Sara's always talking about them as though they're supernatural things that can be invoked by curses and such. I think so too. Sara tells Shin not to tell anyone "Otherwise... I will invoke Kadun curses upon you". Yes, at approx. 22:52, when Mao has regressed and is curled up in a fetal position, the old Mayan man says "Mao carries the Kadun of conflict." Kadun isn't artifact, but a spirit or demon.
  20. I'm not entirely following you. Remember, "the Guardian" is Sara. But that is an interesting possibility that the ASS-1 actually had bodies on board.
  21. Overall, I think this fansub is great. There is one instant where I'm a bit confused. At approximately 7:05, the scientists aboard the Asuka radio Aries and she repeats back to them, "ASS-1's DNA blood structure closely resembers the Guardian's blood?" (ASS-1 is the pre-reconstruction/pre-commission code for the SDF-1 Macross.) I can hear her saying "ASS", but all indications are that the conversation concerns the AFOS. Since when does ASS-1 have blood? The AFOS isn't a part of the ASS-1 nor was it found on it; in fact the AFOS is supposed to have been sitting under the sea for thousands of years before the ASS-1 arrived.
  22. Two-parter: a) What is the name of the cafe where Hikaru and Minmay often meet? Roy and Claudia also have lunch there. b) What's the name of the video arcade where Max encounters Millia? Please don't post unless you think you have both answers!
  23. As has been mentioned, the earth's gravity makes little difference. What might be more important is the atmospheric drag of a battroid or gerwalk versus a fighter. Transformation to battroid while at high speed would probably result in very rapid deceleration, perhaps even a loss of stability beyond the ability of the automatic control systems to compensate. Both of these could result in dangerously high G forces--certainly high enough to immobilize a pilot, possibly enough to cause injury. When an XB-70 Valkyrie was involved in an accident, it went into a spin whose G-forces trapped one of the pilots in his chair, preventing his escape.
  24. Don't know where you're getting your info from, Skull-1. Just follow David's advice and type "cheney" and "F-14" into Google to find a host of pages with the history of the decision.
  25. Exactly what I was thinking. Why not use double-sided DVD's with the originals on one side and the SE on the other? Or use Seamless Branching?
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