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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. found a reference to a 1:100 (!) scale card model of the Surcouf Pretty reasonable price, too: http://www.lighthousemodelart.com/detail.aspx?ID=4429 Not sure if it's waterline or full hull. Can anyone read Polish? http://www.gomixmodel.pl/produkt.php?id=962
  2. Yes, people often seem to forget that stealth reduces the range at which you can be detected/tracked by radar; it doesn't make you completely invisible. That said, it's a matter of degree, and I'd be somewhat surprised if any of us can say how vulnerable the B-2 would be to airborne detection. Considering that it was made to penetrate the Soviet air defense network, I'd guess that it is very, very good at avoiding detection.
  3. I agree that pinning this thread would be a good idea, but I also wonder if it might be a good idea to lock it and unpin it from time to time, so that it doesn't get too big. A new thread could then be created and pinned, with a first post containing a link to the previous thread. That might make it easier on the server and/or on the people reading the thread. But I don't know how the mods would feel about it. I appreciate how we've been able to engage in some pretty spirited debates while for the most part remaining civil and keeping within the rules of the board. Case in point... Nied, thanks for the correction about AWACS and other info. But I wonder if you may be mixing up two different aircraft. From what I've gleaned, Iran has two AEW planes that they got from Iraq; the AN-140 AEW model is planned, but while Iran has built at least one AN-140, I'm not sure the AEW variant has been produced yet.
  4. http://www.videohelp.com/ Look at left side links. Lists of many DVD players, what kinds of disks they can handle, and what sorts of region/macrovision hacks are available. I saw the TV ad for Nausicaa; didn't know that Porco Rosso was also out. Great! I've only seen PR once, and my wife hasn't ever seen it. Will get both of course, even though I have a fansub of Nausicaa on tape. I don't really care about the dubs but I remember intensely disliking Billy Bob Thornton as the monk in Mononoke. My feeling is that the actors chosen for the dubs are picked for their names, not their suitability for the roles, and that they either don't put enough effort into it, or the the dub direction is lousy, or both. But regarding the Lupin III dub--I don't know about other versions (I have the Manga Cagliostro but I can't remember what the dub sounds like); however I like the TV dub done by Pioneer (?) that gets shown on Cartoon Network. The script translation is also quite good there--not necessarily for accuracy, but certainly for snappiness and natural dialog. Hmmm...seems that Tony Oliver did work on that one. Well, I think he did a fine job.
  5. Did that....didn't work. I hear music fine on the rest of the site, but not on the Intro. I'll just have to take your word for it. It didn't play for me when I first went to the site but when I clicked "replay intro" at the bottom left, I got the music. There's also a Music On/Off toggle at the top right of the intro page that *might* be relevant. Mac OS X 10.3.8, Firefox 1.0, Shockwave Flash 7.0 r24, Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 8.5.1. (I don't think the last plugin is relevant.) I agree--that is a nice bit of music from Robotech.
  6. Kanata, have you checked at the Valkyrie Factory and mospeada.free.fr ? If you see something unusual at the latter site and need help with translation, I can help.
  7. I think you may be leaving out some other advantages including but not necessarily limited to: Training (flight hours/year) AWACS Cruise missiles and other standoff weapons GPS-guided munitions Satellite reconnaissance Quality of SAMs (Aegis/Patriot) Long-range strike capability (B-2, perhaps other platforms) The last four aren't directly relevant to air-air capability but they are highly relevant to winning an air war through suppression of enemy air defenses, and preventing/avoiding enemy suppression of own air capabilities. (I realize this isn't a complete answer to the overall Iran scenario which was proposed on the Japanese stealth fighter thread, but I just want to get this comment in.)
  8. I'm also not much of a model builder, but, let me see how I can put it... I think models should probably be static, for all the reasons mentioned. But I'd prefer that in spite of their "staticness", the sculpts would still be plausible representations of truly variable designs. In other words, keep the anime magic to a minimum.
  9. Sorry about the delay getting back to you on that link and my response to the scenario...will be a bit longer on the latter. I'll be darned if I can find the former...
  10. Any comparisons between these subs and those in the New Life Anime fansub? That line by Misa always bothered me. In the Fx, it's something like "Who does he think is superior, man or woman?" Which makes sense with the overall theme of DYRL but seemed very heavy-handed. I assume (hope?) that what's shown above is closer to the original meaning.
  11. New Life Animation. http://www.newlifeanime.com/
  12. Probably not enriched. One author claims it was enriched; others disagree. Of course, the Allied firebombings of Dresden, Tokyo, and other cities produced civilian deaths on the same scale as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (A few posters have alluded to this.) Much of the fuss on all sides about the atomic bombings overlooks this fact.
  13. Actually, you have some very thoughtful comments (especially in the other thread ostensibly on the Japanese stealth fighter). But all too much of the stuff going on here is political and inflammatory, and unfortunately informed by...nothing much at all. Maybe we should watch the movie before passing judgment. And even then remember that this isn't (doesn't look like) a "serious" movie like Saving Private Ryan--it's an alt-history fantasy blockbuster. The politics, diplomacy, morality, etc. of the decision to drop the A-bomb have been covered by innumerable books and articles. I'd suggest a visit to the library, grab something that looks good off the shelf, and start reading. Some significant and accessible articles can be found in the textbook Major Problems in American Foreign Policy volume II, ed. Paterson. One article is "The Atomic Bomb and Diplomacy", followed by an extensive list under "further reading".
  14. Not thermonuclear. And that's just a minor example of the problems with the discussion here about Japanese politics and society.
  15. The same could be said for the F-35 (it's primary arment is JDAMs too). While the F/A-22 does not have a EO or laser targeting system built in it is capable of getting target data from it's radar (while still maintaining stealth no less, the magic of AESA and LPI radar). That's an interesting idea but I wonder what it would take in terms of development to feed the radar data to the JDAM. As well as how well the radar/avionics are programmed for ground targets. Certainly the AF was hoping to improve the ground attack capabilities after the first batch of planes, though the cost is uncertain and it now seems likely that any improvement would have to be in the form of upgrades (also cost uncertain). If you're going to attack shipping, I don't see how you can do it with regular JDAMs. Here's an article I just came across--I've only skimmed it but it provides a nice overview of potential options for weapons and aircraft (including even the B-2 as an anti-shipping platform). Tell you what, pick the potential enemy with the most robust air force and then let's look at scenarios.
  16. Of course, when you have targets which don't stand still, and there aren't any friendlies around to designate, sensors are essential. And you're also leaving out cost. Two to four F-35's for every one Raptor. That was before the other guys collapsed. Now we own the sky by default, and the rationale for the Raptor is gone. Again, that's why they have to bill it as the F/A-22. No, the Super Hornet doesn't need the Raptor, nor does the F-35C. By definition, the reason for operating carrier-based aircraft is that they can go places where land-based aircraft can't. The Navy has basically decided that whatever airborne threat it might face can be handled by Super Hornets and Aegis cruisers.
  17. I'd have to say my 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A, because it's my only 1/48. But at the moment it's boxed up in the closet, so it's not getting a lot of love. My Radio Shack RC Tiger I is also pretty nifty. (I've posted pics of it with a 1/55 Valk somewhere on the board, and a review somewhere else.)
  18. Boy, that cross on the head really screams "Space Pope", doesn't it?
  19. You are not going to see a large improvement in F-22's ground attack ability. It was first designed "not a pound for air-to-ground" as the F-15 designers used to say. When the Soviets imploded, they needed to add air-to-ground ability to the F-22 to justify it. However, the problem is that its internal bays are just too small. It can only carry two specially designed 1000lb bombs, and that just is not enough for much. Besides, there are still big problems with the moving nozles on the thing. We haven't seen the end of the price increases with that beast. The AF should have picked the F-23. The X-35 is a lot better. It can carry 2 2000lb weapons internally, and way more outside if it needs to. And with up to 4 internal A2A missiles, stealth, and longer range than the F-16, it is a pretty good in the intercepter role as well. A stealthy plane carrying good missiles combined with Japan's AWACs aircraft are going to beat non-stealth world-class dogfighters every time. No argument here. I've been saying essentially the same thing over in the airplane vs. thread. (Except for the YF-23 thing. I'm agnostic on that issue.) Well, the military services already refer to it as the F-35 (F-35A, F-35B, F-35C). What is funny is that it deserves the F/A designation far more than the F/A-22 does.
  20. Jemstone, what's to question? I guarantee if you read one of those comics, Superman will come out smelling like a rose at the end. Now, if you're saying that maybe the cover page artists are having fun subversively undermining the good guy image of the heroes, and possibly inserting a bit of misogynism as an antidote to the chivalric code of kiddie comics, I wouldn't argue. Also, the covers of the Lois Lane comics really aren't much different from what you see on Lifetime. Note that the LL comics are marketed to girls, so they play on girls' fears that even the nicest guys are really two-faced a-holes.
  21. There's one for sale on eBay right now. Or is that yours, Bmaximum? Slightly broken, currently around $300+ with 8 days to go. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
  22. ewilen


    This is a nice picture...but all the photos make me think that the knees/hips aren't able to rotate. Notice how the gerwalk has an old-fashioned Bandai-type pose instead of the classic A-stance.
  23. It looks like a conga line.
  24. Yup. More pics here: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/1...comparisons.htm
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