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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Here's a link to the version in the art section, whcih is slightly larger than the one in the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/art/mcr341l.jpg Yes, I think I can see an ARMD just barely on the port side. There are supposed to be other details that distinguish the TV and movie version of the SDF-1, but I don't know what they are. Note that there are both Super Valkyries and Ghost fighters.
  2. You can track topics through your control panel. Also, you can click on your name (where it says "Logged in as:" then click the link to find all your posts in reverse chronological order. I generally just click the "View New Posts" link at the top right to see what's been posted since my last visit.
  3. Well, in this particular case I can't really speak to the "spinning in his grave" issue, since I never read much of the original novel, and I've only even seen the 1950's movie once. My post was more in a general anti-anti-anti-Spielberg vein, since a number of people have made fun of Hikuro's posts. Spielberg may be perfectly adequate directing an adaptation of WotW; on the other hand, a director can be expected to leave a personal mark on a film, regardless of whether it's a faithful adaptation or an original work. For me, because of my experience with all but his earliest films, the fact that Spielberg will direct isn't a selling point.
  4. ewilen

    Macross PS2 Game

    I got mine from an eBay seller, etrade168, and I was very pleased with the service. If you look at bl/ss lists, I think someone knocked him at one point for bad packaging, but a number of MWers came to his defense.
  5. ewilen

    Macross PS2 Game

    This was discussed a great deal in the thread I linked earlier in this topic. Basically, what I have is a PS2 with a "flip-top" modification and Swap Magic DVD. A google search on those terms should yield the info you need. I can't speak to any other kinds of mods, but this particualr combination doesn't affect play of US games. The only imports I've tried are the Macross PS2 game and Energy Airforce: aimstrike. Both work perfectly, but I think there may be a few PS2 imports that won't work without jumping through additional hoops (if at all). If I want to play import PS1 games, I may have to get a different boot disk called "Breaker Pro". Also try http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/50 http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/113 and http://forums.afterdawn.com/forum_view.cfm/114
  6. Let's not forget that MacOS X is itself a version of Unix. Anyway, personally, I'm also not a big fan of Spielberg, especially in his more recent works. He's often overly sentimental, unsubtle, and comic-book-y. After the first 20 minutes, SPR does show many of these faults. (And Tom Hanks, who although a fine actor also has maudlin tendencies, only exacerbates the problem.) That isn't to say I didn't enjoy the film, but I often found myself gritting my teeth while being hammered with big, obvious messages. I didn't particularly care for Jurassic Park or the Lost World. Minority Report was okay. The Indiana Jones sequels were also okay, though annoying at points. Empire of the Sun was quite good, though again with a few of those Spielbergian touches that show he doesn't really trust the audience to get the theme. I preferred the somewhat similar Hope and Glory, directed by John Boorman. Of his movies, the only ones I've seen which IMO don't suffer from his heavy hand are Raiders of the Lost Ark (which benefits from the comic-book treatment and bits of cuteness), ET (the sentimentality works in this film), Jaws, Duel (both of these are fairly gritty), and Close Encounters (where he leaves a great deal to the imagination, at least in the original non-FX-ed-up cut). All of these are from early in his career. I don't think I've seen any of his other movies. This Pendragon version sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to the day when computing power is cheap enough that independents can make FX-heavy films--not because I need explosions to keep my attention, but so that modern scifi of all sorts can credibly be done outside of Hollywood.
  7. I don't know when I realized/decided that Super Dimension is just another way of saying hyperspace. Before that, I think I just assumed it was commercial techno-hype-gobbledygook. After all, what is a "Super Dimension Cavalry" (Southern Cross) or a "Super Dimension Centurry" (Orguss)? But I don't think I ever thought the SD part of SDF Macross referred to the ships size. Sorry. (Has anyone noticed SDF is also the abbreviation for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces?)
  8. Yup, putting up those transcriptions is 100% violation of copyright, even if the books are out of print. But then again, I don't care about Robotech. I'd really like to see some translations of the various Macross novelizations, though.
  9. No, it's a different server. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=244
  10. I think I also see "Escaflowne" after the VF-0S. Not sure about the other items in that one.
  11. Battlecry doesn't have Max's TV VF-1A colors as an option. It only has his VF-1J scheme (all blue). However, the Japanese PS2 Macross game has both. (It also has the DYRL schemes for Hikaru (1A and 1S), Max (1S), and Kakizaki, the TV 1J schemes for Hikaru and Millia, the Skull One scheme, brown cannon fodder, and the standard VF-1D, VT-1, and VE-1 schemes. In addition, you can do some light customization based on the three "standard" schemes for the VF-1A (mostly monotone), VF-1J (wing stripes), and VF-1S (chestplate chevron).)
  12. You can't just c&p. You need to log in to imacross4. Again, if you don't get it some other way, visit the pinned imacross thread and the directions should be there. Once you've logged in once, you can make a bookmark and then it's easy.
  13. You can find it in imacross4.myftp.org/DOWNLOADS/Macross miscellaneous/paper models/ Looks like there are a few different versions of the file(s). Check the pinned imacross thread for info on connecting.
  14. Yeah, I remember seeing some of them in Perfect Memory. At least Hikaru's 1J and the 1D from the first episode.
  15. Thank you, Renato. One thing: it seems to me that in anime previews (e.g., preview teasers at the end of each TV episode), characters often narrate directly to the viewer as if they're commenting on the story. I don't think this happens in SDF Macross (where the narrator is pretty clearly a narrator, even though voiced by the same person as Claudia). But I'm pretty sure that sort of thing happens in SDC Southern Cross. I think I may also have seen it in Mospeada, Patlabor, the Project A-ko OAVs, and/or Urusei Yatsura. So the voiceovers by Minmay, Hikaru, and Misa may be more in that sort of "playful" spirit than pretending to be a "real promo" for the film (especially Hikaru and Misa's comments, which don't sound like something somebody would say in a real promo).
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=1508 That's all we were able to come up with on the "DYRL is a movie in the Macross universe" concept.
  17. Ah, all bets are off with AOL. Aside from David's suggestion, this might help: http://members.aol.com/oldnelly77/page9.htm
  18. That's weird. Does it happen when you try to save images from other sites? What platform/browser combo are you using? Have you tried just renaming the .art extension to .jpg? If all else fails, a low-tech approach would be to just take screenshots of the web pages.
  19. Okay, I popped the DVD in just now and here's the exact dialogue, per the Animeigo subtitles. Disk 2 of SDF Macross, episode 5, "Transformation", 8:04 into the episode. The words for "thermonuclear reaction" must be Japanese (not English loan words) because I couldn't make out any of it beyond "Sempai". So unless the translator monkeyed with the terminology, the idea of "thermonuclear reaction" as the energy source for the Valk's engines was there from the start. Whether the concept of "overtechnology" was also in Macross from the beginning, and whether it was explicitly considered the enabling technology for "thermonuclear reaction", I don't know.
  20. Eugimon, Macross was created in the 1980's. First episode aired in 1982 Three Mile Island was 1979. Also, I'm certain the creators of Macross always intended the Valk's engines to use something other than fission. The term "thermonuclear reaction" was used by Roy in episode 5 when Hikaru asked him how Valks can fly in space. (That's in the summary on mahq.net; I don't really feel like popping my DVD in to double check.)
  21. The Bandai reissue and original 1/55 CM's have the same metal content as far as I know. But there were also 1/100 Takatoku and Bandai valks, and some very high quality bootlegs of them. While the originals apparently only had metal chestplates, I think some of the bootlegs had metal feet and possibly other metal parts. So maybe you're remembering one of them.
  22. Thanks, FV.
  23. Well, there are a couple factors in defense of Gerwalk. 1) Who says that transition to Gerwalk generates over 9G's? Would a 9G speedbrake be useful in ACM? Probably not, but if you think a Cobra would be, then a Gerwalk Brake should be, too. 2) Stability all depends on the control software and the power of the vernier thrusters. If the latter are powerful enough, they should be able to stabilize the plane during transition to Gerwalk and while flying around in Gerwalk mode. (Do the verniers on a Valk use thrust redirected from the main engines, or do they use chemical rockets and/or compressed air? Anyone know?) Eugimon has a good point, I think. What are the limitations on Harriers and (projected) on the F-35B?
  24. Another way to save money is to learn as much as possible (i.e., freshman and sophomore equivalent) at a community college. California community colleges aren't bad, from what I've seen (although the quality of the students is pretty mixed). Also, there's some pretty good flexibility in class times (i.e., night sections for a lot of classes), which could allow you to work and study at the same time. So you could go to community college, take care of your general education requirements and prereqs for your major, then transfer to a 4-year college of your choice to get your B.A. Try to make use of counselling resources so you're ready to transfer--UC and Cal. State transfers are pretty easy because they lay things out for you clearly and have an interface program with the community colleges. Private schools, probably less so, but if you talk to their admissions offices you can find out what you need to know. Also don't forget about the Lifetime Learning Credit and HOPE scholarship. Both are federal tax credits which can substantially lighten your financial burden.
  25. I sold a pair in Excellent-NM condition to a fellow MWer for about $200 total, but I see a couple eBay auctions that ended recently where a Max & Millia went for $370+. The MWer that I sold mine to apparently tried to resell them for $80 each, but I don't know if he sold them or not. Here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10455
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