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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Once again...cute kid, Datterboy! Just be sure he doesn't try to eat any of the parts he dislodges. So, here's something I've been thinking about. I don't know if it's feasible or not...but I wonder if it might be possible to make a Valk out of wood based on the 1/55 design. Perhaps a simplified (no landing gear) and somewhat SD-ized version (whatever will bulk up the thinnest parts).
  2. Q-Rau and Scout Pod are especially nice. Good work.
  3. Well, that's all pretty unfair. First, though, I haven't seen AotC, and I don't own any SW videos, LD, or DVDs. As far as I'm concerned, SW has become just another crap franchise. Maybe I'll see the remaining movies on rentals. Maybe not. The responsibility issue: VHS is a fairly perishable medium, and the technology itself is rapidly on the way out. If he was responsible to the fans (a questionable notion, actually), he'd give them the versions they want, on a medium that will last. Artist/whore: depends on your perspective. The critics see his revisions as prostituting the original films to make them more marketable, or at least to make the franchise as a whole more marketable. You might as well call Bruckheimer an artist because he doesn't listen to critics. I do agree that the bootlegs seem like a good option...and I'm glad they're circulating. The effort to stamp out the memory of an American classic, which had a profound effect on pop culture, in the form it was originally released is akin to vandalism.
  4. What competitors? No one else produces Alpha/Legioss toys anymore. You're taking his comment out of context. He was replying to someone who implied that people would be censored for criticizing Toynami stuff over at RT.com. What he said was that, no, you can criticize all you want, as long as you don't mention other products. But if you want to argue about it, Yamato's valks do compete with Toynami's Alphas, since consumers have limited cash to spend on toys.
  5. No, the page in question is in the preproduction section. The MBR-04-Mk-II is not the same as the MBR-08-Mk II.
  6. So, you roll a ball around and pick stuff up, until your ball is big enough to pick up trees, cruise ships, and giant monsters. Sounds funny. Thanks for pointing this one out.
  7. No real news, just want to put in a link to a relevant discussion that appeared elsewhere on the site: Toycom becomes Yamato USA Until I saw that thread, I'd been wondering about statements by Graham and by a Yamato employee over on another BBS, to the effect that Yamato doesn't have rights to distribute Macross toys in the US. This was puzzling, since I knew that Toycom had obtained that right from Big West, and Toycom had later been bought out by Yamato. It turns out that, according to the referenced thread (with Kevin of Valk Exchange providing the details), Toycom signed an agreement with HG that it wouldn't distribute Macross toys, before Toycom was bought by Yamato. So BW gave Yamato a license for distribution in Japan, while Toycom got a license for North America. Toycom's license is useless due to their agreement with HG. Big West at one point granted a toy distribution license to "Sunwards", but news articles on the web from around July, 2002, state that HG also threatened Sunwards with legal action, and while I haven't turned up anything regarding an agreement or settlement between Sunwards and HG, it's clear that Sunwards hasn't done anything with the license. The importance of this information (such as it is) is that Yamato's "admission" that they lack NA rights for Macross doesn't really tell us anything about BW's stance. Sorry for rehashing something that was probably already known to old-timers, and probably for boring nearly everyone else, but since we don't have access to the old forums, this helps settle a piece of the puzzle.
  8. I think the confusion with Robotech is due to the fact that the line art on page 241 of MPM was used by Robotech RPG fans as the basis for the "Main Battle Robot MBR-08 Masamune". However, this mecha did not appear in official Robotech sources, nor in the Palladium books, it seems. http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Mecha...s.html#Masamune (Which mistakenly says that the sketch is a preproduction version of the Tomahawk.)
  9. About recording it off a streaming source...Azrael provided some good info in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=streaming&st=0
  10. Yes, there is a way to try 7 before deciding on whether to buy the discs--locate some episodes on bittorrent or a P2P system. And yes, be aware that for many, M7 is an acquired taste, while others never get it. (Personally, I haven't seen enough to decide for myself yet; planning on getting it eventually, though.) If funds are an issue, you might be best off getting into Zero right away, since HK bootlegs are the only way you're going to see it in English anyway (unless you download fansubs). The OVA will wrap up in a month or so, and with five total episodes it will probably set you back less than US $30 (depending on exactly how you go about getting the OVA) for 2.5 hours of Macross entertainment.
  11. Congrats, man!
  12. I chose null vote because I personally wouldn't spend the time/money on getting 1/48's plus conversion kits and then doing the conversion. But of those listed, the ones that would interest me the most are the two-seaters. Probably the Elint, because it's the design that IMO would most benefit from the large scale, compared to the 1/60 Elint. I know this would be pretty out there, and require almost total replacement of the Valk parts, but I'd also be interesting seeing (not making) a 1/48 VF-X-4...
  13. Possible source for the picture: (from http://www.anime.net/macross/fallacies/)So (a) Maybe the picture is from the movie preview book, and (b) Egan seems to imply that this is indeed supposed to be an "in-story" version of the SDF-2 as originally designed.
  14. Okay, I think I can confirm that the color picture is indeed closest to the SDF-2, as originally designed. Here's the link to the line art of the SDF-2 again: http://www.geocities.com/skaar0/homelink/Megalord.jpg And here is line art and color drawings of the SDF-1, both TV and movie versions: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/sdfmacross/macross.htm Note that in the color picture, the cannon booms have a "blister" somewhat aft of the vertical black line. The TV macross lacks this, while the DYRL version has a large blister closer to the fore of the booms. The Megalord has a blister in this location. In the color picture, the fore end of each boom has an extension in the middle, with additional antennas coming off it. Both the TV and the DYRL SDF-1 instead have two "tooth-like" projections set widely apart on each boom. The Megalord has the central projections with antennas. About 1/3 back from the fore-end of the Megalord, about where the superstructure begins, on the side, there is a bulge containing a twin-cannon turret, followed by a triple-cannon turret mounted outboard of it. The TV SDF-1 has a triple turret followed by a twin turret. The DYRL SDF-1 has just a twin turret. The color picture has a twin turret followed by a triple turrent, just like the Megalord line drawing. There is some distortion in spacing, but that can be chalked up to foreshortening. So I agree with 1st Border Red Devil, and depending on your interpretation relative to the timeline, this is either concept art for the SDF-2 which was replaced when FB 2012 came out, or an accurate representation of what the SDF-2 would have looked like, if it had been completed as a warship instead of as a colonization ship.
  15. Were they these girls, by any chance?
  16. ewilen

    Macross PS2 Game

    Yes, it is an interesting mission. Sure would like to know what the AI says. Something like "Des dekans [something]". I remember it phonetically because I heard it so many times before getting my ass kicked. (Though I eventually figured out how to get an S rank on the level pretty easily.)
  17. Yes, things are slowing down for Macross fans, but I think the diversification is a good sign, ultimately. Because the other things we see on the horizon are BGC and Megazone 23 toys. Which means that Yamato is diversifying into 80's classic anime in general. Personally, I think that's a good way to build business and synergy, instead of risking Macross burn-out among their customers. Hopefully the Macross stuff will keep coming, as part of the overall mix.
  18. Okay, I have access to my books now... The lineart is from Macross Perfect Memory. A similar drawing is in TIA 7. But the color picture which is the subject of this thread isn't in MPM or in TIA 3, 5, or 7. As for Megaroad/Megalord...in MPM and TIA 7, the pictures are captioned "Megalord" in English but メガロード in Japanese. Meanwhile, in the Flash Back 2012, the pictures of the SDF-2 have the same caption in Japanese (at least as far as the name is concerned--there's other stuff in kanji that I can't read), but the billboard that Minmay looks at in one scene has "Megaroad" written on it. The main thing I can see about the lineart which distinguishes SDF-2 from TV SDF-1 is the length of the bridge (not visible in the color drawing), the fact that SDF-2 has ARMD carriers attached (barely visible), the main engine (not visible) and the "bulge" or "blister" on the side of the cannon boom behind the black stripe. I think this does show a similarity to the color picture. But I'm not sure if the movie version SDF-1 also has a bulge there.
  19. Well, I'm not sure what the provenance is of that lineart (though I've seen it before either here or in a book). But the pictures you (A1) just posted are of the SDF-2 after it had been converted into a colony ship, from Flash Back 2012. In other words, even though in the real world there may have been various iterations of concept drawings, it's also a fact that according to the official continuity, the SDF-2 started as a warship (apparently a somewhat-enlarged version of SDF-1), but was changed halfway through construction into a colonization ship. We had a thread discussing how big the completed Megaroad is supposed to be, with the upshot being...we don't know. Here's a bigger version of that lineart, with additional views: http://www.geocities.com/skaar0/homelink/Megalord.jpg
  20. Yes, I agree that the name change seems kind of weird, but that's what's in the Compendium.
  21. ewilen

    Macross PS2 Game

    I don't feel strongly one way or another, but there are at least a couple of ARMD missions which take place in gaps in the DYRL storyline.
  22. Yeah...you might want to look at the Robotech/Harmony Gold pinned thread in the Other Anime forum. Just note that (a) it's all been said before and (b) even though HG is a big poopy-head, we don't want to get into a BBS flame war with HG or Robotech fans. For more info on HG, visit http://www.robotech.com/
  23. I can see the value of your suggestion, but as you may or may not be aware, the administrator of this site, although very graciously providing us with a place to post, is apparently very busy with other tasks. So we've been left to fend for ourselves. There is an icon at the bottom left of this page that opens options including subscribing to a topic. That causes you to get an email whenever a new reply appears in a topic, which IMO sucks. But if you use it, you also get a list of your subscribed topics in your control panel. Perhaps more useful would be to create custom search and then bookmark it. I think this will provide a list of the topics you (kiotcloudkicker) have posted to in the last week: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opics&highlite=
  24. Right--just to add to that, the SDF-2 Megalord was never completed as designed. Instead it was heavily modified after SW1 and launched as the Megaroad colonization ship. http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...ross/index.html http://macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nati...s/Megaroad.html Edit: Nevertheless, I'm still not sure what, aside from the possible presence of an ARMD, distinguishes the SDF-1 TV version, the SDF-2 Megalord, and the SDF-1 movie version. I know they're different; I just don't know what details clearly set them apart so that we can (hopefully) identify this picture.
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