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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. I know this guy has been caught stealing scans from Nanashi, but I don't recall seeing these images before: VF-0 standoff drone loadout Standoff drone detail VAL-0B airborne laser variant VAL-0B additional pics including battroid And finally, Some manga pages of Misa (?) talking to a guy (Hikaru?) in the park. Anyone know where this stuff comes from and/or if it's official? The VAL stuff seems suspect on the face of it.
  2. ewilen

    Banpresto Valks

    From Valk Factory, it looks like the Supers and Strikes come with heat shield. I don't know about the others.
  3. I will order it, but surprise !!! Maybe the size is like the "AM juju" little books or bandai entertainment bible ? no "artbook" word but "Mission Memories" what is mean... ??? Pretty sure it's a mistranslation. It should be "missing memories", IMO. I know that doesn't help much. Sorry.
  4. Nanashi used to have the picture up at his site, but he's doing a renovation now. I think the originals are in Macross Design Works.
  5. Yup. Don't be too modest! It looks good, but at least from the pictures it looks a little too glossy. Also, personally, I'd prefer a slightly less intense shade of blue. I forget if I read it here or somewhere else, but airplane colors should be made slightly less vivid than "real life", because when you see a 1/48 model from 1 foot away, it's like looking at a full-scale plane from 48 feet away. And at that distance, atmospheric haze will deaden the colors slightly.
  6. I think the books look cheesy, myself. Maybe Yamato would have done it if they'd thought of it first, but many of the 1/60's were already done when Toynami starting releasing the MPC's. I suppose you could make your own. I'd suggest locating someone with a vacu-form machine, such as are popular with modelers.
  7. ewilen

    Banpresto Valks

    If you do a search from the beginning you might find more threads on these, including suggestions for modding and/or fixing their flaws. They're actually a little smaller than 1/100. More like 1/110 or 1/120. I think the Strike ones might hold their armor better. Briefly, the fixes I've heard of include: Using blu-tac or minwax to hold the heat shield on Using either of the above, or double-sided tape, to keep the armor on Using clear nail polish to bulk up some of the ball joints and make them stiffer
  8. I stretched out with my feelings...and hit the "Back" button....
  9. Only works on weakminded fools...
  10. Yes... I like the concepts presented in Star Wars more than anything else. Escapist fluff... I like that... I'll have to start using that. I think that a film can be technically bad, while still being good. Star Wars captured the imagination of a generation and lead to great strides in special effects. I think people largely misinterpret the impact it had, because as far as plot and characters go, GL himself says that he basically ripped the most generic archetypes available in historic narrative. Good post accidentally ruined by Max Jenius... the edit button is next to quote... d'oh! No problem, Max. Fixed below. --ewilen
  11. In the lower chart,
  12. Aside from the brown hair, I don't think it's too hard to imagine Misa looking rather like Mika Doi, who does her voice. http://hagoromo1011.pupu.jp/hagoromo/img/dom.jpg http://www.sempai.org/~felicia/pics/misc/doi.jpg http://www.geocities.com/rurouni_kenshin14/voz_de_Megumi.jpg http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Resea...yuu_TVRadar.jpg http://homepage.mac.com/uhsieh/kenshin/images/doi.jpg
  13. I know this is a long shot, but maybe you should post your city, just in case those Valks are sighted in a shop that deals in used goods. Or even on eBay. Likewise, if you know any such shops and the personnel are nice, you could give them a heads-up. The car thief might dump the Valks somewhere or try to sell them.
  14. I'm hard pressed to find anything pictured that isn't at least borderline hentai/porno, and even many of the items in the same section as M0 have suspect titles (based on Excite.co.jp translation). Weird. Why wouldn't Shogakukan be handling this? Found what appears to be the same thing, but a different price: Macross Zero Missing Memories
  15. It's a screen shot from the end of the movie you linked, doncha know. Personally, I'd love to pilot some enemy mecha.
  16. The psychologizing really isn't helpful. Moving on, case #1: gratuitous M7 bashing--has already drawn a comment from Graham in another thread. But in this case, at least at first, the anti-M7 comments were in response to someone asking for opinions. The problems started when someone got annoyed by the tone of the opinions. Only then did the M7 bashers start their usual game. Both sides at fault, in my view. People should feel free to express their opinions, and to disagree. Once that's done, people need to remember that there's a difference between an argument, mere contradiction, and gratuitous abuse. case #2: yup. It's annoying when someone posts a FAQ that's just been answered recently, but even the most naive noobish topics are bound to recycle. Since we don't have a pinned FAQ, just link to the earlier thread and things often calm down quickly. In any case, the thread would have dropped off the first page if it weren't for people getting into a meta-argument about how lame it is (isn't).
  17. Not that I would buy anything from him, but for a total crook, he's got a surprisingly large number of positive ratings on fairly big-ticket items, according to his feedback. ANYWAY, the goofy-looking Valk/Jetfire is a red-white-and-blue Joons bootleg...was relisted and sold for a whopping $36. I wonder how the seller can claim it's MIB when he shows it posed? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=5918273631
  18. Tabasco goes well with foot and with crow. Seriously, no problem, it shows character to admit a mistake.
  19. Can someone who knows Japanese translate the text below? Also, Knight26 Boxer is correct. Remember, the original PS2 game was released about a year ago. There are 20 missions in all, 12 TV version and 8 movie version. You can go through either storyline, but within that storyline, you have to complete the missions in order. Without knowing Japanese I can't tell for sure, but the game basically presents SDF TV and DYRL as alternate versions without reference to the "movie within a movie" concept. BTW, we've got another thread devoted to the existing game here.
  20. Yep, I just ordered the so-called "tr47" version of the OT. $25 shipped, and since I was going to rent Empire and RotJ at some point anyway (my wife has never seen them), I reckon the marginal cost was really only about $19. According to the reviews, the tr47 version and the version that Keith posted a link to earlier in this thread are both pretty good. There's also some guy who's trying to make an even better version, which may achieve higher resolution by using the PAL LD as a source. Look here. Also visit http://www.originaltrilogy.com/ Signed, Old guy who stood in a line around the block in 1977 Secret admirer of Monkey Woman
  21. <crying>It's beautiful.<sniff>
  22. M7 in Flash Back 2012? Nope, FB 2012 only has footage from SDF Macross, DYRL, and some original animation. Folks, let's not turn this into yet another M7 saint-or-sinner thread. It's an objective fact that M7 has a lot of fans, and it's also a fact that it turns a lot of people off. On those grounds, I agree that it makes sense to watch the other Macross stuff first, all else being equal.
  23. The IGN article says it'll be released the first week of November. Odd, it also says that some software won't work with it, "but what those titles are have not been revealed". I wonder how hard it will be to modify it to play imports.
  24. ewilen

    Macross PS2 Game

    Sorry to hear about your problems... The official (?) swapmagic page, http://www.swapmagic3.com/ , does say that Swap Magic is for imports. For technical questions and advice, you should try http://forums.afterdawn.com/ or figure out where Big "O" is lurking. (You might need to email him since I don't think he comes here very often.)
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