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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. So far I've found two versions. The Chinese subtitled one, and a raw one. I haven't finished downloading the Chinese subtitled one but it seems okay from previewing it. The raw one on the other hand gave me some trouble so I just thought I'd warn people that (a) it's a WMV3 file, which absolutely will not under any condition work on a Mac, except possibly if you run VirtualPC (b) even on a PC running XP, for some reason I didn't get any sound. It looks like Windows Media Player needed an audio codec but didn't know where to find it. Not saying it won't work for you, but if you don't have a lot of bandwidth to burn, the Chinese one might be a safer choice until other versions become available. I got both by using mlMac (equivalents are available for Windows but I don't know what they're called). Also beware that there is something out there that has a name which is something like Macross Zero 5, but is actually a porno.
  2. Hasford, too. Living up to the spoilerific quality of this thread... I thought the dogfights were good. If I'm not mistaken, there's another Mig-29 at one point, and possibly another Ghost, and this time we see it in action. Also Nora and Shin both pull Cobras at one point; they even show Shin hitting the rudder pedals to sideslip out of it. David will love it.
  3. First is the Zentradi mecha used to grab Misa in Blind Game. Second is one of the "minor" UN Spacy aircraft, the VC-33 "Mom's Kitchen". Apparently it is seen in episodes 15 & 20--at least according to http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Aircr...raft_notes.html
  4. I agree that the numerical ratings at that site may not be very useful. However, there are also reviews--which is how you can tell the ratings are skewed. I recall at least one review where the person mentioned problems in the video and/or subtitles, only to give the disc a high rating. Anyway, again, you have to start somewhere, and that site does provide the beginnings of a list of what's out there.
  5. If you're not looking for bootlegs, then forget about Macross 7, DYRL, Flash Back 2012, and Macross Zero. You can get a really bad, non-bootleg English dub of DYRL on videotape. Not DVD. The only non-bootleg Macross DVDs with English subtitle or dub are the SDF Macross Animeigo set mentioned upthread, the Madman (Australia) version of the same, and the Manga Entertainment releases of Macross Plus and Macross II. http://www.manga.com/ http://www.manga.co.uk/ The Australian (SDF Macross) and UK (M+/MII) editions might be a better deal if you can play R2 DVDs. I got the UK (PAL) "Macross Plus Ultimate Edition", which includes M+ OVA and Movie in one set, for substantially less than the separate US editions. Note that there is no different content-wise between the US/AU versions of SDF, or the US/UK versions of Plus. So in that respect, if you want to avoid bootlegs, your decision is easy. If you want anything else, you have no choice but HK bootlegs, fansubs (which are bootlegs), or learning Japanese. I recommended that site because it's the only place I've found that even attempts to systematically catalog and rate bootlegs. If there's a similar site that rates fansubs, please post it.
  6. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,65392,00.html in case you can't get into the link at the top of the thread. As soon as these things become common, TV's will just start incorporating a code as part of the IR signal. So the cost of manufacturing a TV will increase marginally, and you'll still have to watch somebody else's favorite show. I'd rather see loud-ass-car-stereo-b-gone, blaring-car-alarm-b-gone, fat-mother-yelling-at-her-kids-and-hitting-them-in-the-mall-b-gone...but seriously the real answer is (a) respect the rules set by the owner when you're enjoying yourself on private property (b) have reasonable enforcement of disturbing-the-peace laws in public (.c) if you want a quiet atmosphere, it can always be had if you're willing to pay for it. Here are some other options (and it might be worth mentioning to the proprietor why you're taking your business elsewhere): http://sanfrancisco.citysearch.com/best/results/8515/
  7. For DVD's a good source of reviews is http://www.importanime.com/ At least, it's a start. For fansubs/rips, as well as DVDs, it'd be useful if people could go into some detail. Some things to think about: Clarity Lack of artifacts Anamorphic? Hardcoded subs? Quality of translation Audio quality Audio features (mono, stereo, 5.1, etc.)
  8. Yeah, just saw the N-Ger. Very nice, especially for an underappreciated mecha.
  9. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

  10. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    Mr. Newspaper still doesn't seem very impressed!
  11. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    Givin' it to her from behind!
  12. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    ...don't have a Max 1A, so a 1J will have to do
  13. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    Several goes at the classic "fleeing Q-Rau shot"...
  14. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    (Might be more convincing without the giant trashcan and vacuum cleaner...) Hit em hard!
  15. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    Mise-en-scene #1...
  16. In the words of Egan Loo, In other words, we know that hypercarbon formed part of the SDF-1 Macross, at least in DYRL continuity, but other than that, there doesn't seem to be an official answer regarding its original composition or its reconstruction.
  17. I don't know anything about this guy but if they get Kevin Spacey for Lex Luthor, I'm there.
  18. Ah, so it's one of these. Well, it doesn't look quite as bad from other angles, but I think it's gotta be the least interesting capital ship design in any of the three original series.
  19. http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/sizecomparison/2mpp.php has a picture of the SDF-4. And boy, is it ugly.
  20. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    I'll see what I can do...how can I say "no" to somebody who uses "mise-en-scene" in a sentence!
  21. Still in Berkeley, CA.
  22. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    You may also notice that there's a couple making out on the roof, and another pair of lovers on the corner right next to the Regult. "Oh, dear, the explosions are beautiful." "Not as beautiful as you!" "Kiss me, you fool!"
  23. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    doodler7, Nucleartiger took the F14/VF-1 pics, so on his behalf, thanks! Valk length overall is 14.23 m, which is 46' 8"... That's 40" short of 50'. At 1/48 scale, the difference is 40"/48 = 5/6". That may be too large for it to be measurement error, but could it be that you are measuring the length of the fusealage from nosecone to the end of the body, leaving off the engines (with nozzles in "closed" position)? Anyway, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, it's not surprising if toymakers take slight liberties with scale. The definitive/official web source for Macross data is macross.anime.net/mecha/united_nations/variable/vf1/index.html Looking forward to your pics.
  24. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    Skull-1 to the rescue! (Did I assemble the hooks on the back of the regult correctly?)
  25. ewilen

    Scale photo gallery

    City fight!
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