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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Yes, that's also reasonable. You guys are being very postmodern about all this. There's one view that fiction (if not reality) is about Truth rather than facts. You guys are saying that there's no one version of the truth, even in fiction. I don't have a problem with that, although sometimes (like in this case), I think it makes the story less satisfying.
  2. Maybe. But if we accept that, then the Roy/Claudia relationship, with Roy dying and Claudia later giving heart-to-heart advice to Misa, is far less affecting. For me, it's easier to have Roy meet Claudia "sometime" after M0 and and get together with her prior to the opening of DYRL; the backstory presented in SDF Macross just gets in the way. Or put another way, the M0 stuff with Aries trips up the SDF Macross version.
  3. I asked about it in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=11091 and got a few answers.
  4. Okay, everyone seems to disagree with me about the Claudia-Roy-Aries issue. M0 is supposed to take place in September, 2008. Relying on this to refresh my memory of episode 33, I see that Claudia and Roy got together for good while he was working on the VF-X1 project on South Ataria Island. The current official timeline has episode 1 of SDF Macross in February, 2009. (The date's been moved around--previously, Studio Nue had it in July or October of 2009.) So Aries dies in September, Roy goes back to working on the Valkyrie project, and sometime in the next 5-6 months, he gets back together with Claudia and they appear to be pretty solid. That's plausible, I suppose, although a little rushed. Also note that the VF-1 had already been officially adopted by the end of 2007 according to the official timeline, but according to "A Rainy Night", Roy is supposed to be working on the VF-X1 when he meets Claudia. (The reason the VF-1 isn't in M0 is because of teething problems with the engines, which is holding up production. But the production design seems to have been "frozen" by this point.) If you go by the details of the episode and the Compendium, it doesn't quite add up. I'm not opposed to ignoring a few details, though, especially since Kawamori et. al. have revised the timeline as necessary. What I do have trouble with is reconciling the broad view of Roy/Claudia as shown in SDF Macross, and the Roy/Aries relationship in M0. In SDF Macross, we get the impression that all the women in Roy's life, before Claudia, were just flings. So either that's not true, or Roy's just fooling around with Aries. My impression in M0 is that the Roy/Aries subplot is supposed to show two old friends/lovers who get serious when they meet each other again. That doesn't quite jibe with the SDF M portrayal of Claudia as the only woman whom Roy ever took seriously. Yes, you can rationalize all sorts of things; I'm talking about narrative meaning, not factual deails.
  5. For non-Americans, it's not that odd to see enlisted personnel as pilots. I don't know about contemporary Japan, but at least through WWII, it was not uncommon, outside the US armed forces, for pilots not to be officers. According to this page, only a small number of Japanese pilots in WWII were officers. By contrast, I believe the American theory, going way back, was that each aircraft was potentially an independent command, and therefore must be piloted by an officer. (In Navy culture, at least in the 1940's, it was also common to refer to airplanes as "ships", thus emphasizing this view.)
  6. No, it's a different kind of Ghost. That was a QF-2001, this is a QF-2200D which has been partially gutted.
  7. Various replies: 1/1 Lowviz Lurker: good points but as others have said, what we see in DYRL doesn't require quite as long a relationship between Hikaru and Roy. And again, I think that if Roy is responsible for bringing Hikaru into the military (and remember in SDF he tried even before the Zentradi attack), he ought to have mentioned the weird poo he just saw at Mayan. RichterX: I'm not going to do a leap of logic and tell you that Macross Zero was always how Kawamori planned things back when he wrote DYRL. I'm just saying that MZero fits with DYRL better in various ways, mainly because the DYRL continuity is far less detailed, leaving more room for MZero. AOne: Yes, under the ocean floor might be a way of explaining why the AFOS was found but the city wasn't. Now that I think about it, both should date from the same time. It's a little tricky figuring out why the PC would put the city there (which looks like a colony) as well as the AFOS. Hmm...maybe they left the AFOS when they abandoned the city. KingNor: Roy is already drinking a lot in MZero. And he doesn't have a drinking problem. He drinks just fine.
  8. There may be problems connecting M0 to DYRL, but I see at least a couple problems connecting it to the series that aren't necessarily problems in DYRL. 1) Roy's relationship with Claudia in SDF-M, as depicted in "A Rainy Night", is hard to reconcile with his relationship with Aries. With DYRL, we can just assume he got together with Claudia sometime after M0 and before the beginning of DYRL. 2) In general, based on how he behaves in SDF-M, it's hard to believe that Roy knows anything about the Mayan incident. It's a little troubling that he didn't mention anything about it to Hikaru, since he's largely responsible for Hikaru joining the armed forces. (Yeah, I know it's supposed to be top secret, but Hikaru is his brother, for all intents and purposes.) In DYRL, Roy's character isn't as detailed and his relationship to Hikaru isn't spelled out as clearly--it's possible that they met after Hikaru joined the UN Spacy. (Not sure about this since I don't know exactly what it takes for someone to be a sempai.) As for the sunken city in DYRL--do we know where it's supposedly located? Maybe it's an a completely different part of the globe and/or much deeper underwater?
  9. Yup, she indeedly doodly was.
  10. "VF-1" appears twice in the translation. The first time makes sense to me, but the second time, Are you sure that shouldn't be "VF-0"?
  11. I always look to http://www.animesuki.com/ when I'm searching for fansubs.
  12. Well HUMANS write the makeup exam! As humans have really become what the Protoculture wanted to be all along, and were untill they were destroyed by their own creations. We administer that second test to the Zjentohlauedy and Meltohlauedy at the end of either SDF-M or DYRL and many of them fail the test, but as with this first test some pass and aren't killed. I disagree. Humans were tested, too, and a lot of them failed. At least in SDF M, it's possible that Earth's population might not have been decimated if the UN Spacy had entered into negotiations earlier. In DYRL, though, it doesn't look like we had a chance. (Based also on the PS2 game version, and the video from the beginning of the Macross DYRL game (Saturn/PS1).
  13. About the UK Macross Plus Ultimate Edition. As I've written, it has the same content as the US M+ OAV and movie. I.e., the movie disc is a VHS transfer with hardcoded subs. Also note that it's R2 and PAL. If your DVD player can do R2 but can't do a PAL to NTSC conversion, you might have trouble. Mine does the conversion, but the video is slightly compressed vertically, so I compensate using the vertical adjustment on my TV.
  14. Yeah, I am just having fun. Partly. Pending the arrival of fansubs, I agree that just having some love and culture on Earth, as evidenced by Shin's conversion from snotty, heartless techno-flyboy to spiritual crooner, may have been enough to earn mankind a reprieve from the Birdman. "There'll be a makeup exam next year. Be prepared!"
  15. (responding to RichterX) Except that, in the classic case, that isn't what happened. Ten good people might have done the trick, but when it was just one, the decision was "Evacuate his family and initiate orbital bombardment." Gen 18:23-33 Or "drown them all but put a few good people on a bubble floating in space [okay, on the sea]" Gen 6:5 passim
  16. (My concerns expressed below have been addressed, thanks. First post now shows the licensed movie edition. BTW, I didn't realize that Manga had only released the "Movie" version on DVD, not the separate episodes.)
  17. I don't remember him saying it wouldn't follow the SDF M storyline. What I think he said was that he wouldn't worry too much about maintaining continuity. I do agree that if you place M0 in the DYRL continuity, a lot of problems go away, because DYRL leaves a lot more room for filling in the blanks. E.g., Roy's relationship with Claudia in DYRL is easier to reconcile with M0 than the SDF M version is. What I don't get is, just because Shin is a good guy and jettisons all his weapons to talk to Sara, that doesn't mean that humanity as whole hasn't failed the test. Seems to me the AFOS should have nuked everybody. Or maybe when it folded out, it was just going for help. "Heere, Zentradi, Zentradi, Zentradi, come and get it!"
  18. For this episode, I'd say the way the AFOS grows is vaguely reminiscent of Gepernich's branching spiritia suckers at the end of M7. In the 4th episode, the scene where Shin sings with Sara while all the forest creatures do their thing is thematically related to M7.
  19. A shame. This would explain the SDF-1's weapons paradox quite well.... Well, again, it's just my opinion. Consider that the main reason for long tube artillery is to allow the propellant to fully expand and push the shell as fast as possible. A laser really has no need for a hollow tube at all. A rail gun might, if the magnetic propulsion mechanism extends all the way up the tube. Similarly for a particle beam, although it might be difficult to design a barrel that works for both modes--the ideal diameter might not be compatible, and the mechanisms might be damaged by firing a rocket through them, let alone an artillery round. But if you spend enough money, I'm sure you can make dual-mode cannons.
  20. Yes, enhanced artillery. I believe the US Army is working on a Radar or LiDAR active homing round. I also believe there are currently wire-guided/semi-active artillery rounds. Copperhead is something like this, but it requires a designator.
  21. Well, in the real world, certain Soviet tanks can fire a missile through the barrel of their main 125 mm gun. (Look up the T-80, although I think I've read that it's actually the T-74.) And there are also rocket-assisted artillery shells of 155 mm and probably other calibers in use around the world. Beam cannons--seems unlikely given the very different mode of operation. Unless you loaded through the muzzle, you'd have to design a breech mechanism specifically to handle shells/missiles.
  22. I don't believe the inner workings of thermonuclear reaction have been explained in detail... Yes, that is 100% my speculation--I take credit or blame for it as due. And yes, when I wrote the RHE might not be "what we might expect", I didn't mean to draw a distinction between the RHE and other reaction weapons. I meant that we'd expect (or at least I'd expect) that reaction weapons wouldn't leave dangerous radioactive isotopes in the environ of the blast; however, for whatever reason, maybe they do, just like regular A-bombs and H-bombs.
  23. I also wouldn't worry about the color matching. I'd rather have white parts than no parts, and I reckon it wouldn't be hard to paint them even with a brush.
  24. If it isn't stated explicitly, it's certainly implied that Sharon's artificial brain is at least partly modelled on Myung's from the beginning (and/or has its neural network taught by Myung whenever she's connected). Please back up the claim that none of Myung's neural patterns are stored in Sharon's memory. This is a stronger point, but I addressed it above. Put another way, is Myung's singing really getting through to Isamu, or is this a dramatic way of representing his thoughts of Myung getting through Sharon's mind-control? Besides, if Sharon is magical, why does she need a comm link to work her charms on Isamu? All he has to do is smash the panel, and the effect disappears completely. It's not unreasonable to see telepathy or religious/spiritual effects in Macross Plus, but it's also not necessary.
  25. a) That's my interpretation, don't blame Macross for it. b) If you can accept the idea of a hyperspace fold, and antigravity/artificial gravity, the idea follows quite naturally. Since both concepts are already in Macross, this provides a very economical way of explaining how reaction warheads work.
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