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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. If the Hasegawa battroid is about 7 inches, then assuming a female height of 5'3"=63", you'd need a female figure in 1/9 scale. But where can you find 1/9 figures? 1/8 would be a little on the big side; 1/10 would be a little small. 1/6 would be much too big unless you are dealing with 6' tall women.
  2. Godzilla, from the Chronology, November 2005, Several Grand Cannons were started before SW1. Grand Cannon I: Alaska Grand Cannon II: Australian Autonomous Region Grand Cannon III: Victorian Autonomous Region (in Africa) Grand Cannon IV: Lunar North Polar Region Grand Cannon V: Brazilian Autonomous Region (All info from the Chronology. Don't ask me if there really was a Grand Cannon being built on the Moon. I guess there was.)
  3. So, even after the PC civil war broke out, the Protoculture on each side kept their best technology for themselves, instead of giving it to their proxy warriors. Then one side developed the EVIL series, which would have incorporated even more advanced technology, but neither side thought to use the existing AFOS-level tech in the war. I don't buy it.
  4. I don't think anyone is taking it for granted. Many people feel that DYRL has less characterization both among the main characters and the minor ones. (People don't like what's happened to Kaifun--what about Kamujin?) Given the what they see, they're explaining it partly by the shortness of the movie compared to the TV show. But there are other reasons, too--for the length of the movie (just under 2 hours), I think there's also a lot of time which gets spent on audiovisual spectacle over story. (A minute here, a minute there, and it adds up. I just counted 5-6 minutes of song montage in the first 36 minutes.) The result is a treat for people who already know the story--you get a reanimation of all the highlights and a little mental exercise in observing how everything's been switched around. But for me, the characters aren't nearly as interesting without reference to what I've seen in SDF Macross.
  5. Kingnor, how do we make the engines float? All by themselves, floating antigrav generators are pretty "magical". I will say this, though--if the Protoculture did have the ability to make stuff like the AFOS and floating rocks, why doesn't the Macross have the same level of technology? I've always assumed that the reaction furnace, fold generators, antigrav generators, and main gun were largely intact on the ASS-1; the UN Spacy just had to fix them up, repair the hull, build new interfaces to the ship systems, and build new secondary weaponry. Perhaps I'm wrong, and there was much less that could be salvaged. So the ASS-1 contained information on the theory of antigravity, but the generators were built on the earth and consequently didn't have the degree of miniaturization (nanotechnology?) found in the AFOS. I think this is contradicted by the dialog in ep. 1 or 2 of SDF Macross, though. Another possibility is that there had been a cultural and technological decline over the course of the Protodevlin war, the fall of the Protoculture, and the long Zentradi-Supervision Army conflict. So by the time the ASS-1 folded to Earth, the Supervision Army's ships were based on cruder technology than the Protoculture. I think this is the best guess for the sake of continuity. A third possibility is that Kawamori just didn't care very much about these issues. Which is probably the real reason.
  6. http://macross.anime.net/feedback/index.html The anti-UN probably consists of a loose alliance of real countries, separatist regions, and rebel groups throughout the world, joined primarily by their opposition to a single world government.
  7. Count me as one of the nobodies who cares, and by and large agrees. About DYRL vs. M0...I still haven't gone back and watched M0 again in one sitting, but I wouldn't be surprised, once I do, if I find that I like M0 about as much as DYRL, if not more. I think that would certainly be the case if I'd never seen SDF Macross, because I really don't believe DYRL works all that well unless you know the SDF Macross story already. M0 works fine all by itself.
  8. So is that a glitch or you just kidding because Noyhauser read your mind?
  9. I don't think that means what you think it means. You seem to think that "it can't be proven otherwise" means "it is certainly (or even probably) true". If so, you are mistaken. if you go back far enough we all came from fish. This I agree with. But Keith is saying that the Mayans came directly from fish, in a way different from the rest of humanity.
  10. I don't think that means what you think it means. You seem to think that "it can't be proven otherwise" means "it is certainly (or even probably) true". If so, you are mistaken.
  11. From another thread... I thought copyright was up for debate, but distribution right wasn't. Copyright is composed of multiple rights which can be divided between different parties; distribution right is one of them. An additional complication is that copyright of a derivative work is limited in the sense that it doesn't automatically include exclusive rights to derivatives of the derivative. Instead, the owner of the original work retains (by default) the right to further derivatives; if the owner of derivative1 uses it as a basis for derivative2, then the copyright of derivative2 is owned jointly by the owner of the original and the owner of derivative1. In the case of SDF Macross, HG owns the copyright in the US but may or may not have exclusive US rights to the underlying intellectual properties. Many HG supporters think that HG does and that, therefore, BW can't legally distribute Macross stuff in the US without cutting a deal with HG. BW doesn't seem to believe it, because BW keeps trying to license stuff in the US, only to pull out when HG demands a cut from the licensee. Once again I want to remind people that even if HG has the exclusive right to make & sell Macross derivatives in the US, this doesn't automatically give them the right to use whatever Macross products they can lay their hands on. E.g., they don't have the right to sell Macross Zero in the US without BW's permission. In fact, it's clear that even though HG claims to own the right to make DYRL-based toys, probably based on their interpretation of a contract with Tatsunoko, they acknowledge that they don't have the right to distribute DYRL itself. Finally, the legal battle over Macross is based partly on copyright, partly on trademark. These are related but separate issues. HG may not own the US copyright to the Macross franchise as a whole, but if they own the trademark to "Macross", then that may be sufficient for them to prevent BW from selling Macross-titled products like M0 in the US. (I realize this thread is unwieldy, but if you look back you can find these issues dealt with in greater detail.)
  12. I thought copyright was up for debate, but distribution right wasn't. The answer to this is too involved--I will post in the license debate forum.' Edit: I'm still going to write something over there, but Keith is right.
  13. Good question. I think the answer is that the Japanese lawsuit over the lineart from SDF Macross was judged in Big West/Studio Nue's favor, and it's generally believed (at least here) that this means HG can't use any of the designs or symbols from SDF Macross in new cartoons. If this particular issue needs to get any more in-depth, it should probably be moved over to the pinned licensing debate thread. Edit: Note, everyone agrees that HG has the copyright of SDF Macross in the states. HG's rights with respect to any other part of the Macross franchise are still a matter of controversy.
  14. Thanks, found it. From http://www.chaoticempire.org/macross/eps/ep37.txt : I agree that this supports your view that the Zentradi were made after the war began. But I still think the Chronology implies otherwise. And furthermore, since the Zentradi were originally programmed not to fight Protoculture, what good would they be in a civil war? So far I've found that Polynesian pearl divers can dive about 100 feet and stay under for 2 minutes. World records (depending on the exact rules) are much deeper/longer. http://www.aida-international.org/current_world_records.htm http://www.skin-diver.com/departments/cros...s.asp?theID=139 http://www.apnea.nl/UK-Geschtuamotu.htm Before she comes back, he says she "sacrificed [her] life to save the island and the world". Then she reappears in a noncorporeal form. It's not really clear to me whether she physically died but lives on spiritually, or if she was okay after the blast and is now "projecting" the same way Mao did.
  15. No opinion either way, but is www.macross.co.jp really where the most and best discussion happens over there? I thought it was on the 2ch.net forums. (Not that I can make heads or tails of most of it, even with multiple machine translators.)
  16. Hmm...I still don't think the Zentradi were made to fight each other in the PC civil wars. They may have been used that way, but the timeline itself implies they were weapons from the beginning. Do you remember the episode on which you're basing the claim that the PC factions predate the Zents? Aside from that, though, I agree with your account of the fall of the PC. Also with your interpretation of the Birdman's question (I forget exactly how it was phrased). The wrecked SA ship looks somewhat like the Macross, but there are details in the lineart (from Macross Perfect Memory) which don't quite match up. IIRC, the engines are arranged differently. I'm pretty sure the blood tests show that only Sara and Mao have a unique blood type, not the other islanders. That's why the AFOS's blood had to be used for Mao's transfusion. Mao's swimming ability doesn't seem all that special. Pearl divers develop the same ability. We know from anthropological and historical evidence that real events get embellished into myths over centuries of oral transmission. IMO, the bird/fish story is a mythologized retelling of the PC's intervention in human evolution, and there's no reason to believe Sara, Mao, or anyone else evolved directly from fishes. Like you, I'm wondering what evidence there is for the Birdman being an instrument of intervening in evolution, as opposed to just a sentry. I wouldn't be surprised either way. I do think the Birdman folded out under Sara's control, not as a failsafe, even though Shin seems to think she died. But it also looks like it suffered at least superficial damage from the missiles.
  17. I got yer "superdimensional organ" right here! (I don't know how A1 missed that opportunity...)
  18. I don't see torrent for just ANBU's ep. 3, but if you go to http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/16.html there's a link to a combined download of ANBU's eps. 1-3.
  19. What a lot of you seem to be unaware of is that arms control agreements aren't based on humanitarian concerns for our potential enemies--they're to protect us, whether it be from "inhumane" methods of killing (poison gas), weapons which threaten our security (nuclear materials), or wasteful and risky arms races that ultimately have little effect on the balance of power. Having said that, though, I don't see what all the fuss is about this development. Someone at CDI said essentially the same thing, someone else made a joke about satellite TV, and now we get a lot of chest-thumping about a "Not Fair Complaint". Where did that come from? Since when is it unpatriotric for the press to report about military programs (as long as they're not giving away secrets)?
  20. According to this page, it's an LP single called "Hoshi no Deja Vu". I like the artwork.
  21. Thanks, Nanashi. I'm also a fan of this design.
  22. After burning the ANBU sub to SVCD and watching it on TV, I find myself liking it more and more. Maybe it's because I'm taking it on its own terms instead of trying to connect it to the rest of Macross. I know this sort of contradicts what I wrote earlier about the story not being very original; all I can say is, the audio-visual execution takes what might be a typical anime blow-up ending and turns it into something more. Still looking forward to watching the whole OAV in one gulp.
  23. Finally, an on-topic--if maddeningly vague--post! Thanks for the information (seriously), but can you give a source or some indication how you know this?
  24. Some of you seem to be missing this part of Nanashi translation of the M0:5 liner notes: The planned FASTpack for the VF-0 did include a Super Pack--it wasn't just the leg attachments. We don't know for sure if the Super Pack was intended for use in the atmosphere, to augment performance there, or was space-only as with the VF-1. But the note implies that it was entirely a test version of the VF-1 pack. This may be related to the VF-0 being designed for space use even though it has conventional engines. The FP would provide a realistic capability in space beyond just using the Gerwalk mode tail thrusters. But I would still argue that the entire setup was originally intended as a test or proof of concept. I've argued that the VF-0 was not intended for mass production: it was a testbed for technologies which would be used in the VF-1 program. When the VF-1 was delayed, the VF-0 design was then rushed into production to meet the anti-UN's SV threat. Rather than repeat myself, here are links to the main threads where I and others have given the evidence and reasoning for this conclusion: VF-0 vs. VF-1 Does it bug anyone else? I think ___ will make an appearance in M0 valks, question Will Kawamori-san do a redesign for the VF-1?
  25. I took a stab at the T:W ratios of the VF-0 and VF-1 over in this post. Here's what I came up with: One problem, though: both you and I use the empty weight. David H. has since informed me that T:W ratio should use a weight including 50% fuel load plus a "typical" air-air combat loadout (e.g. 2 IR homers, 2 radar-guided, 50% or more of the gun ammo). I don't have time to revise my calculations just now, though.
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