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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. ewilen

    Yamoto check list

    Hey, Blaine23, that's a great list you have going there. If you get a chance, would you mind updating it to reflect the newest releases? If a mod reads this, how about fixing the spelling in the title? TIA...
  2. About the logo, I looked in my copy of Design Works and I noticed that the designs from M3 don't have the UN Spacy insignia. Instead, they have a roundel with three inwards-facing triangles. It's a little like the "radiation hazard" symbol, if you complete the triangles and take out the inner circle. This insignia is visible in some of the pictures you can find online, but it's very fuzzy. I don't know if this is a UN "special forces" insignia, or if it's specific to the Dancing Skulls.
  3. Nobody really knows. I'll try to give a summary here, but if anyone has any followups or objections, they should go in the pinned RT/Macross licensing thread. The more rabid HG supporters would claim that M0 is a derivative of SDF Macross under copyright law, and since HG owns the SDF Macross copyright in the US, they would be within their rights to prevent US distribution of M0. Personally, I find the copyright claims made on HG's behalf to be highly dubious. It's true that they own the SDF TV copyright, but the rest doesn't follow. This is chiefly because SDF TV isn't the "original work" of the Macross franchise; the "original work" of Macross is the line art and story outline which gave rise to both SDF TV & DYRL; the various sequels/prequels stem from the "original work", not from the SDF TV series. HG themselves have offered varying arguments but most of their case apparently depends not on copyright issues but on their claim to own the "Macross" trademark in the US. If that claim holds up, BW might still be able to sneak M0 through simply by renaming the OAV. Personally, I think that HG's trademark claim is vulnerable to challenge. So in my opinion, there's a chance that BW, allied with Bandai, will go ahead and release the OAV with the existing title, thus daring HG to take legal action.
  4. Agreed. I don't know if it's my favorite, but after years of thinking 1A's had the least interesting heads, I changed my mind when I got a 1/48 Hikaru. I love the utilitarian, inhuman appearance.
  5. ewilen

    The Re-Issues

    Can you remind me what that's all about?
  6. http://bidders.auction.biglobe.ne.jp/item/39522720 Machine translator didn't help much. Is this a card from a Super Robot Wars collectible card game?
  7. Here's a picture I found, to supplement what's already at http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/_bandai_micro.htm Found it at http://bidders.auction.biglobe.ne.jp/item/37855818
  8. We do see Roy use his head lasers in battroid mode in an early episode of the original TV series, where he shoots down a passing pod. The reason you haven't seen them used as antimissile weapons before M0 is probably because nobody thought to animate it. I suppose it's possible that the creators of Macross came up with this use for the head lasers at some point after the original series and/or M+/M7 but I doubt it. More likely, M0 is just the most aviation/hardware-geeky iteration of the series; they did a lot of stuff that basically just shows off technical details. According to the Macross Compendium, which is the official information at present, the head lasers are an antimissile/antiaircraft weapon on all the Valks that carry them (most do, with the main exception being the VF-4). So it's not like the VF-0 had this capability while later valks didn't. A few data points: it's true that Hikaru uses his gunpod instead of his head lasers to take out a group of pursuing missiles in "Miss Macross". I think we see Max use his head lasers against Milia in DYRL. In the PS2 Macross game, the head lasers work (battroid only)--a button press will make them home in on the nearest missile (or failing that, an enemy) and fire pulses at it.
  9. Gubaba/Guvava is Mylene's pet in M7.
  10. Has a price even been announced for the Koenig Monster? Or is Scream Man talking about the 1/60 Mac II Monster? I'm sure that will be expensive, though how much is anyone's guess.
  11. For me, there's only one line in RT which was memorable and which is very different in Macross. When Miria chases Max in the idiotically named "Farewell, Big Brother" ("Pine Salad" in Macross), she says "Run, little man run". It nicely characterizes her as an arrogant über-bitch, which of course is part of her sex appeal. I forget what she says, if anything, in SDF Macross. Anyone?
  12. Thanks for the correction. The original poster should put a want ad in the wanted section--this thread isn't necessarily going to catch the eye of someone who's thinking of parting with their 1/60 Hikaru Super.
  13. Yes. But of all pictures of M3 materials I've been able to find online, none of them has discernable squadron insignia.
  14. You might check with these guys: http://www.1800collectible.com/home/sub_ca...nsformer%201/60 Found via shopping.yahoo.com.
  15. I don't see "dekalucha", but I'm guessing that it's from "de" = "not" and "kalucha" = "believable" (?). Zentradi reminds me a little of Finnish (at least as written) but since I don't know Finnish at all, I'm probably way out in left field.
  16. I don't need diecast, just a sturdy, well-balanced, reasonably poseable toy. Yamato should license those resin kits' design and (hopefully) scale them up to 1/60. Although 3 of the 4 destroids have fundamentally the same leg design, there are differences in detail. I'm not sure, but the differences may be limited to the small "bumps" just below the hips (ammo clips?); if so, it would be easy to handle with modular construction. That would cut down on design/manufacturing cost, and even though consumers might not perceive a savings, the increased profit margin would be an incentive for Yamato to take on the project.
  17. The only hint that there might be is the fact that a prerelease promotional video for the Macross PS2 game included pictures of the VF-0 and the valks from M+. This had people thinking they would be included as unlockable bonuses, but that didn't turn out to be the case. So that led to speculation that the PS2 game engine would be recycled for a follow-on game using those valks. But so far, nothing concrete. Graham expressed hope that there'd be some sort of announcement at one of the recent hobby/gaming shows in Japan, but there wasn't. Do some searching (with the search function) and you might locate the discussions.
  18. Keith, interesting theory, but not necessarily true. For one thing, Tatsunoko & HG probably do have a claim to the soundtrack/voicetrack. Now, if they decided to do an entirely new version of the SW1/Hikaru/Misa/Minmay story, I agree that TP/HG probably wouldn't have any more right to it than they have to Macross Plus/7/Zero.
  19. "Legend of the Galactic Heroes"? Wins this week's award for cryptic-but-barely-recognizable-to-me acronyms. I've only seen a few episodes--interesting to hear they reanimated some of them. What's the whole story?
  20. ewilen

    SDF playset

    You know you're a hothead when.... Somebody named "haterist" tells you that you need to simmer down! Nobody's mentioned the final price, so I will: $405 (!) Kurtz: The horror. The horror. Herb Morrison: Oh, the humanity! Susan Powter: Stop the insanity! Major Clipton: Madness! Madness!
  21. I don't think it'll happen. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=7573
  22. ewilen

    SDF playset

    Just remember that if it stays cheap, it's because nobody wants it all that badly.
  23. Bingo. As far as the PC is concerned, humans can slaughter each other as much as they like, but once they threaten to extend their conflicts into the rest of the galaxy, they need to be stopped. (Rewatch the AFOS's quizzing of Sara, around 17 minutes into the episode.) Somewhere in the OAV, somebody says that the head and the body have been getting closer to each other over the years, whenever there's too much fighting. As others have said, the AFOS isn't programmed to make decisions completely on its own. Responsibility for the ultimate decision and judgment has been passed down in Sara's family through the aeons. Notice that Mao says at one point that the AFOS doesn't really want to kill everyone (and she seems to have some insight due to the blood transfusion and the rebirth ritual). Sara is possessed by the AFOS in the sense that she no longer sees things through human eyes, but it's still her, and her emotions, that are guiding the AFOS's actions.
  24. Nice work!
  25. Sell them in pairs to force people to buy destroids they're not that interested in? I don't think that would work very well. Well, I suppose the favorite is the Tomahawk (it says so here), so if they package it with the Defender, and put the Spartan and Phalanx in the other package, they might get away with it. I would just counsel patience, though. I'm hopeful that Yamato will maintain a trickle of Macross stuff even as they branch into other anime (like the motorcyle from Megazone 23).
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