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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Looking at the animated gif, I see that the guy is indeed carrying a bag stuffed with papers, but I don't think he's a mailman. I'll bet he's an artist or designer who works at whatever place is named on the building. Unfortunately, the name is blurred in the gif and I can't quite make out the whole thing. Will have another look at the DVD.
  2. The 1/200 model kits aren't too expensive, except for the Monster. Building them all would take some time, though.
  3. I think you're referring to Britai and Exedore's reaction to the Earth forces' nuclear missiles. In Robotech, it's implied that they're noting how primitive the missiles are. In Macross, they are actually surprised by the "reaction weaponry" of the missiles (i.e., nukes under a different name to avoid offending the audience's sensibilities), since "reaction weaponry" is an ancient, lost secret. See http://macross.anime.net/fallacies/errata/...robotech_faq/5/ Also, these Usenet threads hopefully provide some clarification... Thread #1 Thread #2
  4. Thanks! Well, that makes the scale real easy: 1/20. I'll bet the "Dana's Hovercycle" toy could be the same scale without being too tiny. Edit: Hm, says here the hovercycle was designed for the 12" doll (eeyechh!). So it's definitely not in scale with the hovertank.
  5. Egan Loo mentions Hikaru's "notorious first kill" in the liner notes without further explanation, but implies it's yet another in-joke, along with Kawamori's appearance in the crowd and the names on buildings destroyed by Hikaru's VF-1D. In slow-mo, you can see a man being blasted by the VF-1D battroid's feet as it crashes through the last building. Is that supposed to be Kawamori again, or someone else?
  6. I think he's referring to the difference between the TV-style "bubble" hands and the DYRL hands, which are particularly small in the Yamato's 1/48 version.
  7. 7" Matchbox/Exo-squad scale info
  8. Thanks very much. The black aircraft could inded be the FL-200 Mistral, pictured here. Elsewhere on mahq.net it's implied that there once was an entry at macrossmecha.org, but the link doesn't work anymore. It seems the Robotechies refer to it as the Mastiff, and this site confirms that it's the fighter shown in episode 1. The technical notes indicate that the drawings come from This is Animation #5.
  9. Thanks! I thought the insignia might be anti-UN, and I knew anti-UN planes were in the Compendium, but I didn't make the connection. Still wondering about that black plane.
  10. At the risk of stating the obvious, does your DVD remote have a chapter advance button? That should take you right to the next episode.
  11. Update... 1. We do see Hikaru flying a biplane when he flashes back in "Boobytrap". The "running through a field of flowers" is from a later episode, "My Album". 2. Hikaru helped pilot the Regult in "Big Escape". 3. Both Kakizaki and Max lost their VF-1A's "First Contact"/"Big Escape". So Max pilots at least 5 different craft in the TV series, and Kakizaki pilots at least 3.
  12. http://www.animeigo.com/Products/MACROSS.t
  13. Number 1: In "Boobytrap", about 5:15 into the episode. It's a black airplane with twin engines and twin vertical stabilizers, plus several smaller thruster nozzles pointing to the rear. Since the view is from the back, it's hard to make out, but it doesn't look like anything I could find in Macross Perfect Memory except possibly the red & blue Valk "prototypes" on p. 227 and the similar line drawings at bottom left of p. 240. It's not a VF-1 or a VF-X, since the main engine nozzles are circular. I can't make a screencap right now but I might be able to if necessary. Number 2: May not appear in the animation, but is shown at bottom right of p. 165 of Macross Perfect Memory. Twin engine, delta wing with vertical fins on the wingtips, one large cannon built into the underbody. It's not a Dragon II, which appears on the same page. Katakana reads "karyobin". There's also some kanji which I can't read. Here's a scan. Any ideas?
  14. Well, if anyone would do the measurements on their Robotech/SC toys, I'd be grateful. It'd be nice to know the scale--including whether the bioroid and hovertank are the same scale. It's pretty annoying that the Robotech/Macross toys are all over the place scalewise, as Kanata67 discovered.
  15. By the way, does any have a picture of an Angel Birds scheme Valk in battroid mode?
  16. the background has changed into an annoying pattern with a www.dogjogger.com logo.
  17. You are just itching to discuss this one aren't you? I recall a thread not long since which mentioned this...hehehe. No, really, I'm not. I'd rather just sweep the whole thing under the rug I only bring it up as a way of warding off the really tough questions about whether Valks are realistic.
  18. Let me preface this by saying I think both you guys are great. However, I could ignore a public political jibe...and if everyone continues to do so, that effectively surrenders the field to those who choose to bring politics into the discussions. Very likely just one side, since if the other side starts, it's going to spiral.
  19. There isn't a correlation, but I'm not going to go beyond that since it is off topic.
  20. I'm not going to comment on this other than to say that, surely, contemporary politics are off-topic on MW.
  21. The links I posted are scans from Model Graphix located on the MW main site. Edit: and here's info and pic of Minmay Guard. (Note the link at the beginning, which takes you to still more info.) Link here. Here's a direct link to the alternate Minmay Guard version: link.
  22. The "real life" stats are also on the site you gave the link for, niomosy, and they approximately agree with the Robotech data you linked. (Spartas height = 6.18 m = 20.3 ft.) Red Devil, you must be referring to the models, not the toys. If the hovertank toy is 1/48, that would mean it's only 618/48 cm = 12.875 cm = 5" tall ? It doesn't look that small based on the pictures. Edit: However, this may be one more difficulty with doing a new hovertank toy. HG would probably want to release it in 1/55 to match the MPC VF-1 and upcoming MPC Alpha. At that scale, the hovertank would be less than 4-1/2" tall! I had no idea the hovertank was so small.
  23. Found the Blue Rose. This "2500th" scheme is interesting.
  24. I can't make an informed choice, as I've only seen a picture of the Minmay guard. So here's my uninformed choice, from another thread: green/brown jungle camouflage, as often seen on the F-105 and F-4 in Vietnam, and with a shark's mouth (either painted or on the sticker sheet). Nothing makes a jet look meaner and more ready for action, in my opinion. But even if they make it, I doubt I'd buy it...I don't have room for more 1/48's.
  25. People in glass houses... I was just asking about something I'd read here or in the old forums. And since the "VF-1X program" has at least some legitimacy (regardless of whether 1X's were "used as props in DYRL"), my main concern was figuring out what a VF-1X looks like. Back to the original topic...I think it all depends on what we would like to think DYRL is. Is it the same as the movie made in the Macross universe, just with some missing scenes? Is it a representation of that (presumably live-action) movie in cartoon form, with some missing scenes, but otherwise unchanged? Is it a completely different movie, albeit with the same topic as the one released on 2031? Probably, whatever DYRL is, the movie released in 2031 didn't make the Zentradi look any uglier than they were. If you think DYRL is basically the same as the movie in the Macross universe, then Britai probably looked more or less like he does in DYRL, so why should he be offended? And the non-command Zentradi don't look bad at all.
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