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Everything posted by ewilen

  1. Found the answer: Mizukura Kumiko played both Marie Angel in SC and Linn Shigeyo, Minmay's mother, in Macross.
  2. Huh, here's a nice description of the game and pictures of the contents. Looks kind of interesting, but right now I don't think I'm interested. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/viewitem.php3?gameid=6170 It's even for sale at that site.
  3. I could easily be wrong, but I did a few Google lookups and from what I see, both "tatsu" and "ryu" mean dragon, but "ryu" may be the more common word. Consider "dragon" & "wyrm" in English.
  4. Still more weight of evidence to show how anime fans' perceptions of the Macross chronology changed when Macross Plus was released. In particular, Egan Loo again. 1. 1993.8.24 Egan writes: Leaving aside Robotech, the TV series and Movies/OAVs are explained as being two separate chronologies.2. 1993.12.12 Egan simply views the various Macross productions in terms of alternate timelines, with no hint of a "movie within a movie". One can hypothesize that this reflects the dominant interpretation among anime cognoscenti of the time, whether or not they had any official pronouncements to back them up.3. 1994.9.26 Mentioned & linked earlier, this is Egan's Macross Chronology (possibly one of the earliest drafts), incorporating information from recent Japanese anime magazines. (He lists references at the end of his article.) The MWAM idea is now in full bloom. I just want to make clear that Egan Loo, arguably the foremost Macross expert and continuity maven in the English-speaking world today, and certainly a very well-informed fan back in 1993-94, did not have a hint of a clue about the MWAM idea until Macross Plus was released. With that, I'm done with research into what fans were thinking. I know that pretty much everyone was satisfied already, and I apologize if this has been tedious. Anyway, time to move on to the primary sources, with many thanks to TheLoneWolf and JsArclight. I will try to do scans from what seem like important parts of TIA #11 over the next few days.
  5. Do you know the date of this quote? I agree that it weighs strongly against the idea that Kawamori was thinking of the MWAM idea at the time. By the way, the quote in which Kawamori said "the real Macross is out there, somewhere", is from Animerica, in an interview. Find it here. The full exchange is: The funny thing is, the interview appears in a 1995 issue of Animerica (Vol. 3, No. 1), after the release of Macross Plus, and thus after the MWAM idea had been officially published. So even at that time, Kawamori hadn't completely endorsed SDF Macross as a literal version of the "real" events, or completely rejected DYRL's version. Although in doing so, he by no means ruled out the idea of DYRL being a MWAM. In other words, Kawamori can be saying There is a "real" Space War I. Super Dimensional Fortress Macross is one account of SW1, but it may not be perfectly accurate (if such a concept is allowed). DYRL is another account of SW1, also not perfectly accurate. DYRL is also a movie made after SW1.
  6. Here's an alternate translation I got using http://nifty.amikai.com/amitext/index2.jsp Edit: I'm guessing that "Tatsu no ko" means something like "child of dragon". Edit2: Yup, "tatsu" is "dragon" in Japanese.
  7. Confused about the poll choices, but I picked "2 or more". By which I mean, if Yamato makes them, at reasonable price and reasonable quality, and all in 1/60: 1 Tomahawk 1 Defender 1 Spartan 1 Phalanx 1 Regult (not one of each Regult variant) 1 Glaug 1 Q-Rau (not sure if I'll go for the Millia special or the standard issue) 1 N-Ger 1 Gnerl But no Monster, thank you. Just don't have the space. Hm, maybe if Segway makes a special edition in conjunction with Yamato, I could justify it as a way to get to work...
  8. Yes, I hated disco, so, so much. But now that it's not cool, I can finally appreciate some of the classics. It helps to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert... (Yes, that's Elrond. And I'll bet you thought he was the King of the Elves!)
  9. It's true that at this point, we have adduced little evidence showing what was going on in Kawamori's head, let alone what the "official" status of DYRL was prior to 1994. We do have a couple of reports by Egan Loo which are a bit vague. 1. http://macross.anime.net/story/encyclopedi...roduction_notes By a strict reading of this, the 1984 DYRL is not the same movie as the one created in 2031. It simply has the same name and some similar scenes. (IIRC, the scenes shown in M7 are new animations, not clips from DYRL.) This is Kawamori's infamous quote, subject to interpretation, but implying to me that at the time he uttered it, he viewed the 1984 DYRL as an alternate telling of the story, not as a fictional movie (a kind of ecphrasis). 2. http://www.ex.org/3.3/04-feature_macross1.html A good article by Egan Loo, apparently written in 1998, in which he describes the original story of BATTLE CITY MEGALOAD/MEGAROAD, then switches to a summary of the various Macross projects and their relation to each other. Regarding DYRL, Egan writes: Again, implying that Kawamori was simply telling an alternate version to avoid rehashing what had already been done. However, This could be taken as advocating the notion that DYRL is the 2031 movie, but it's a bit vague. Egan continues, Here Egan says that the "earlier Space War I flick" (presumably the 2031 DYRL) is a different movie from the 1984 DYRL. But in the concluding paragraph of his essay, Egan writes: Again, there's nothing satisfyingly conclusive here about the intent of the creators prior to 1994. As far as the current intent is concerned, Egan Loo sometimes implies that DYRL isn't the same as the 2031 movie, sometimes that DYRL is the 2031 movie. He is certainly very well read in Macross lore, and he may also have personal access to the creators. But we really don't know how much of what he writes is based on facts, and how much on interpretation. On the other hand, we also have some circumstantial evidence, which I presented, regarding the 1994 reception of the "movie within a movie" (MWAM) idea among American anime fans. We can be certain that prior to 1994, the MWAM idea wasn't widespread, nor was it even known to some of the most plugged-in otakus. Now, consider the nature of sci-fi/anime fans and continuity freaks. They pay attention to details. They are generally quite eager to advance their opinions and "new discoveries". They are generally well-connected through conventions, newsletters, and (even in 1994) the Internet. I would theorize that if anyone had gotten wind of the MWAM idea prior to that time, it would have spread through the anime community like wildfire and ignited a storm of debate. Yet the record is silent prior to 1994. On this basis, I believe that there was simply no hint of the MWAM idea prior to 1994. I may be wrong, but that is the direction in which the preponderance of evidence points at this time. On the other hand, I think it is quite possible, even likely, that we will find evidence that Kawamori, Big West, and/or at least the Japanese and worldwide fan community at large considered DYRL and SDF Macross simply to be parallel versions of the same story, with neither having precedence, until 1994. Switching gears: Nobody's forcing anyone to read this stuff. It's pertinent to Macross, and even if it ends up being inconclusive, it's likely to yield positive dividends in the form of dissemination of original source material with English translations. If you'd like to start a thread on some other topic, by all means go ahead.
  10. JsArclight: I will be happy to scan in the pages from TIA #11. However, it's quite a bit of material, so I'm afraid the translation cost could be high. (I'm going to look into it.) On the other hand, I can host it and if anyone who can read Japanese (or Chinese, since many/most kanji have the same meaning as the Chinese characters on which they're based) wants to contribute by translating any of it--particularly key parts bearing on this debate--that would be great.
  11. JsArclight Thanks again for having those translations done. It will be a contribution to Macross lore regardless of whether it yields anything which bears on the present debate. Speaking of translations, I have yet another suggestion for research: Macross This is Animation #11, especially pages 118-129. Keith You keep on talking about trusting Kawamori. Just for the record, do you know where Kawamori (et. al.) ever explicitly advanced the "movie in a movie" idea before 1994? If not, do you know where he has said that the "movie within a movie" idea was the intent from the start, or at any point before 1994? Again, it's not that I don't trust Kawamori. I just don't think he has said what you believe he has said regarding when the "move within a movie" idea originated.
  12. Oh. (Wandering way off topic for a bit) do you know who in Macross is played by the voice actress for Marie Angel/Crystal? Because I saw her in both Perfect Memory and in the SC TIA book... (Back on topic.) I forgot to mention that I really like the song, "Runner".
  13. The liner notes say it's a Tatsunoko employee doing the page flipping, but doesn't give a name. Incidentally, the voice actress for Misa also did the voice for Lana Isavia (Nova Satori) in Southern Cross. Thanks to all you guys for the info and suggestions.
  14. All this is fine if BW and its allies (Bandai, Yamato) are quietly preparing their legal case in the U.S. and think they can prevail. But otherwise, if HG has the legal rights--or, what amounts to nearly the same thing, if BW et. al. don't intend to spend the resources it will take to clarify HG's rights, then it would be hard to fathom why they wouldn't either deal directly with HG or tacitly accept a status quo where licensees pay BW and HG separately. I suppose in a way that could be taken as a sign that BW will eventually take action, perhaps in conjunction with international release of Macross Zero. (Lebhead reports that such a release is rumored, but he wouldn't disclose his source when I asked over at his forums.) Or BW & Bandai are keeping their options open and maneuvering for maximum leverage in negotiations with HG over an M0 release. Consider: they could offer HG what they consider a fair cut. If HG doesn't accept, BW has two options which could impact what we see in M0: 1) Include the VF-1 in the story, which would be an open challenge to a court battle. 2) Exclude the VF-1 (at least in an edited international version--M0 The Movie, anyone?), which would be a more nuanced approach, since it would make HG's case harder. If (1) is a battering ram, (2) is a wedge. Either way, if M0 succeeds artistically, it raises the stakes and increases the value of what can be shared in an agreement and what can be lost in court.
  15. Egan Loo writes in the liner notes of the Animeigo release of SDF Macross (Disk 1) that the first two episodes of the series were originally shown together as a one hour Macross Special, with a unique opening animation (designed not to give away the secret of transforming Valkyries), commercial eyecatch, and closing animation. The closing animation shows Hikaru flying his fan racer. Does anyone know if these extra bits appear anywhere in the 9 disks of the Animeigo release? They don't appear on Disk 1, and Animeigo's site doesn't have any pointers via Easter eggs, etc. The Hikaru closing animation does appear in the Robotech Perfect Collection version of eps. 1-2, although I don't think the other extras do. The animation isn't very special--Hikaru is just flying straight and level in the light of the setting sun--but being a completist I'm loathe to dispose of the videotape if there's no replacement.
  16. ewilen

    MAX TV VF-1A

    That custom does look nice. I know you can change the size on images when composing in HTML, but I don't see a way of doing it in this posting system regardless of whether the image is uploaded or hosted somewhere else. So the higher the resolution, the bigger they are relative to the screen, and that's that. I think one of the mods recommended limiting pictures to about 800 pixels wide.
  17. ewilen

    1/48 VF1J

    Er, isn't the Low Viz "non-canon"? Or do you know something about the remaining episodes of M0 that we don't?
  18. I'd love to have a look at that board game...or get a good description of the contents. But I don't think I'm going to risk $30+ on it (a) getting to me safely and (b) actually being any good. There are several board games listed in the MW rpg games section (all of which really look like wargames to me, and all of which I'd also like to get my hands on), but that one isn't there.
  19. ewilen

    1/48 VF1J

    TV fast packs are different color from DYRL packs. Arm armor has a different shape. No strike cannon. Info should be in one of these threads... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&t=1266&hl=fast http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&t=1274&hl=fast http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...4&t=780&hl=fast http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...4&t=701&hl=fast
  20. Nope. When I get a house, maybe I'll set aside a little extra for whatever 1/60 monsters are going for those days. In the meantime, the only monster I'm likely to devote funds/space toward is a paper monster. And those look pretty nice! Plus, they're available in any scale you like... MW paper monster topic I will get one each of any other major mecha/fighter families (Glaug, Regult, Q-Rau, N-Ger, Gnerl, Destroids x 4) in 1/60, if Yamato makes them and keeps the cost under control.
  21. Nice article. Here are some other Converters, including some Maladroid versions of Macross & Orguss mecha: http://www.toyarchive.com/STAForSale/NEW20...Convertors.html Prices are rather high. These do show up on eBay occasionally. Note that Convertors seems to have had to recycle some of their own names! Or else they just randomly put their little toys on the cards simply to confuse people.
  22. Not me, I couldn't care less about Jetfire. For me, he was always a Valkyrie copy and I was only briefly interested in getting a Jetfire on eBay as a cheap, well-made transforming Valkyrie. Then I got a Bandai reissue. I don't remember whether I saw any Transformers and Gobots before I ever saw Robotech, but they seemed childish and never appealed to me. (I was 19 years old in 1985. Talking transforming trucks didn't do anything for me, but teenage angst and global destruction were both pretty relevant...) Now that I'm grown up enough to appreciate childish things, if they ever made an animation-accurate version of Skyfire or whoever it is that actually appears in the show, I'd at least look at it in the store and think it's kind of cool.
  23. Also see http://macross.anime.net/fallacies/errata/...a/robotech_faq/ But note that it's correcting errors in an old version of the RT FAQ, located at http://www.foundonline.com/robotech/misc/faq.html (no longer at the place listed on macross.anime.net) A lot of the corrections have been incorporated in versions 2.0 and 2.0.1A, found in these locations: http://www.angelfire.com/on/AODES/FAQ/faq0en.html http://members.aol.com/BruceG6069/RoboTech...botech_faq.html
  24. Another place to look for facts (and likely a very good place) would be the Flash Back 2012 Art Book...but I don't have it...anyone? Although it may not be conclusive, it would also be nice to know whether, according to the official timeline, the carriers were replaced with ARMD's on the SDF-1's arms during the 2012 refit, or some other time. This may be common knowledge, although I don't see it in the Compendium. SDF-1 does appear in its updated form in Macross Plus, doesn't it? (I haven't seen all of M+ yet--will fix that soon.) And it would be nice to know when Kawamori et. al. officially decided to reconcile the DYRL and SDF: Macross appearance of the ship in this way.
  25. One more tip--due to the weird font on the cover of the DVD, the seller I bought my copy from has it listed as MACROSS PLUG. ULTIMATE EDITION and in the description as MACROGG PLUG. Speaking of "plug", the eBay seller (williamady) got the package to me in a flash. I see he has another copy up for sale. Again, this is an R2 (Region 2) DVD set. It will not work on most North American DVD players. You must have a Region 2 player or a multi-region player. (The seller's eBay description incorrectly says "region free", but I just confirmed with my discs.) Mods: I realize this is an auction tip, but it seemed especially relevant to this thread.
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