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Everything posted by yami4ct

  1. Got my copy from BBTS. Dead perfect QC on mine no complaints. Put it through all 3 modes now and surprised by how sturdy it feels but yeah the tight tolerances means if I ever do transform it I’m absolutely gonna use the instructions every time
  2. Got my Roy from NinNin. Can't say I'd be excited to use them again but they delivered. Seem like maybe they replace N-Y as my shop of last resort. Now to eventually find a set of SSP that NY screwed me on. Might end up just waiting for a third batch of movie parts.
  3. Just got my Nin-Nin request to pay my private warehouse shipping on Roy.
  4. Paypal dispute length goes until the 30th for me so I dont mind giving them a bit of time to deliver. If they don't make it by then I'll have to file and look elsewhere People have continued to get shipping notifications out of them so no reason to believe they wont deliver yet
  5. Me neither still. Talked to support earlier this week and they said mine will go out by early next week. We'll see
  6. Literally in the exact same position. I ordered a TWS item from them before and besides them coming back to me for more shipping cost it was fine. Don’t expect them to give me an issue but it’ll be nice to be through lol. Also they’ve shipped orders across the price spectrum and still have it up for purchase so it’d be a bit weird to scam anyone now.
  7. Nin Nin got back to me and told me their shipments are running late due to COVID so I’ll get a shipping invoice early next week (I used private warehouse because COVID was making knowing what shipping would be like at the time of order rough). Given my PayPal protection lasts through December 30th I guess I have no reason to disbelieve them. For reference my order went in when it was $260.
  8. Poked nin-nin through a support ticket about the private warehouse thing just so I can try and make sure I dont get tossed to the back of the pack and everything goes smoothly. This is like my number one valk I want to get and the whole process is a mess/anxiety inducing even tho I know at the end of the day I'll find one somehow. Hahha
  9. Nothing for me. I locked in at 260, I did private warehouse tho because at the time I was like who knows what the shipping situation will be with covid. That feels like a bit of a mistake but it's supposed to ship out at the end of the month anyway with that so probably fine? Worse comes to worse I get refunded and have to pay a bit more to get one from like YJA
  10. Worth noting HLJ is doing discounts on shipping starting tomorrow for black friday. Unclear exactly what the details will be but probably worth holding in your Private Warehouse if you can. I got an order in, paid, confirmed and waiting for shipping now
  11. The only things I can say about Nin-Nin is people seemed to have some amiibo trouble with them, looking online, and they screwed me on shipping costs with my SHF Kamen Rider Drive Tridoron. Charged me a very small shipping fee during the order period only to come back when the item was in stock and require more money to ship. That's shady and probably the fault of a bad system for estimating shipping costs, but not outright fraud. They also have their shady practice of selling things in waves ever increasing in price. N-Y sadly seem like outright fraudsters these days but NNG don't quite seem on that level. I still will say they should be a vendor of last last resort and if you order from them go in expecting to need to file a paypal grievance because they do seem shady. No good reason to use them if you have other options we know are legit
  12. To be honest, the white doesn’t really match that much to start there
  13. Looks like the bank blocked my charge too. Lol. I’m fine with that tbh. Screw nin2. Guess I’m on the mandarake path now. Or I guess I should be looking and YAJ near launch too. What’s the scoop with that?
  14. Yeah I’m leaning that way if it happens. Would be more comfortable doing that and if N2 wanted to ban me from the site or something then frankly all the better
  15. If my bank calls me about my nin-nin order maybe I should go ahead and let them cancel it. Really don’t like supporting that company
  16. Unless the place you got it from can help you you’re SOL. Bandai doesn’t service customers outside of japan. I tired to get help when my YF-19 literally fell in half and nada
  17. If it sells out it must mean they have some limit to what they’re selling lol.
  18. Every page monitor I’ve used is either a nightmare of false positives, doesn’t catch what you need or just simply doesn’t work well in other ways. I’ve tried so many in pursuit of convention toys
  19. Anything since then? Not gonna excuse it, they are scum, but the whole 31A debacle sounds like a very special circle of hell.
  20. Ever since they screwed me on shipping with that Figuart Tridoron I’ve despised them. Can’t believe I had to go back
  21. No. How bad they will go is up in the air
  22. I’ve been in it for 2 years and most of that has been waiting for this roy so...it’s something. I managed to snag a hell of a deal last year on alto’s 25 and tornado parts from Mandy before those started really climbing. I’ll get an armored Ozma one day but it’s for sure on the stupid person expense bucket list. That is unless they do a new issue
  23. It’s the only VF-1 I want which I’m happy about. Still the idea of getting up to $400+ is stomach churning
  24. I would say that I would probably be willing to pay more than that aftermarket than I would Roy’s but that’s mainly because those damn armors are $300 on their own
  25. Well I say never again but if they reissued Ozma‘s 25 and the armor parts...ugh
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