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Everything posted by gulan

  1. oh god its gonna be a bloodbath tonight...
  2. i send them 2 emails so far regarding my order and have heard nothing back from them. also ordered mine before the second batch announcement =/.
  3. got notice from plaza japan that my vf-1s is on the way also.
  4. gulan

    Bandai DX VF-31

    https://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロスデルタ-VF-31Eジークフリード-チャック・マスタング機-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07N8DDPP2/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=DX超合金&qid=1563591770&s=gateway&sr=8-2 its up for sell at amazon jp with 1200 dhl shipping
  5. geez this is worse than vf-1 preorders. couldnt land a single one
  6. i actually tried to order the rx-93...thing sold out in literally secs.....
  7. Does anyone k ow if these packs have details on the inside like those Tammy ones?
  8. dam didnt think that many people will be looking at plaza japan too since its not as well known =/
  9. https://www.plazajapan.com/4573102558008/ from plaza japan if anyone still wants one. edit: price is 19440 yen and the total came out to 22380 yen after shipping.
  10. rip...got gateway timed out and then after f5 it now said order stop
  11. same....it just spins and spins....
  12. holy crap same. but now its stuck on check out page.....just wheel spins
  13. if only amazonjp ships to us...would have solved all of these problems...
  14. all came up empty....first time didnt get any=/
  15. hlj is up but not loading price?
  16. https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-劇場版VF-1S-約300mm-ダイキャスト製-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07SH712YR/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=dx超合金vf-1&qid=1559546199&s=gateway&sr=8-6 but amazon jp wont send to us and they are already out
  17. amiami = please wait and then restricted access....
  18. amiami not loading for me rip
  19. i've gotten many items from them and never had issue. and its sold out already wow. at least it last bit longer then other ones.
  20. https://www.plazajapan.com/4573102567222/ if anyone still wants one edit: 18470 yen but they only have ems as shipping option so total is 22970 yen
  21. same for me...rippppppppppppppppp
  22. ring of death at hlj on the check out page.....still waiting
  23. gulan

    Bandai DX VF-31

    yes on yf-19. got mine from them also.
  24. gulan

    Bandai DX VF-31

    i wonder why amazon didnt want to ship this one out of japan. it is a regular release....
  25. gulan

    Bandai DX VF-31

    https://hlj.com/dx-chogokin-vf-31e-siegfried-chuck-mustang-use-bans55652 go go go
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