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Everything posted by sjoebarry

  1. I’m getting the feeling from all y’all’s comments that there’s no reason for me to invest in getting a VF-31AX right now hua? I’ve been debating it but keep coming back here to better inform myself and it seems I should hold off for now.
  2. Decided to get the dark & red 1/72 VF-1S but now I’m faced with this decision…… SHIPPING METHOD Express Delivery - US (7-14 days) (Weight: 1.75kg) - US$56.00 Standard Delivery - US (over 4 months) (Weight: 1.75kg) - US$28.00
  3. Just throwing my two cents in. A lot of people in here already have quite a few pieces, and maybe they’re looking for just one in particular. If you tried to sell yours in groupings of like 10 let’s say, somebody might not want the other nine so they may just pass. It may not be ideal but selling one at a time may be better.
  4. Man…… my whole collection is 1/60’s. I wish this was that scale…… because if I get this then I have to get so many other 1/72’s and my wallet can’t handle that
  5. Anyone else want them to finally make the prototype shadow tread toynami never released?
  6. i really wanted the Shocktrooper though..........
  7. sjoebarry

    Hi-Metal R

  8. You should crack open that ancient TV and see if there’s anything hidden in there too
  9. Is this the MEPTOYS one? I got an email for my shock trooper preorder saying they weren’t making the shock trooper after all
  10. Absolutely!!!!!!
  11. Maybe he means they’re going back to the drawing board and not issuing the version they showed? (This is actually me being hopeful because i didn’t like the proposed new ones super short arms and legs that started in the armpits.)
  12. I’d forgotten how much that hot pink figure pissed me off.
  13. I’m not sure what I want more. This or a DX SV-262ba
  14. sjoebarry

    Sv-303 Vivasvat

    Is there any chance we’ll get a Sv-303 Vivasvat toy made by any of the major players?
  15. Best site out there for fans. I’m happily waiting for the next post
  16. It’s electric
  17. Nice! Thanks!!
  18. is this available for preorder anywhere? I can’t tell by this thread.
  19. Yeah those are fan colorings. I think these are the official versions of the VF-5000 (from https://www.macross2.net/m3/masterlist/masterlist-index.html) VF-5000B Star Mirage VF-5000B Star Mirage (Macross Plus Version) VF-5000B Star Mirage (Macross M3 Version) VF-5000B Star Mirage "VF-X Ravens" VF-5000G Star Mirage VF-5000G Star Mirage Speaker Variant VF-5000G Star Mirage Super Booster VF-5000G Star Mirage Super Booster Speaker Variant VF-5000T-G Star Mirage
  20. I actually don’t care what color they release the toy in. I JUST WANT IT NOW
  21. Haven’t had a macross purchase in quite some time. I’m jonesing for this guy.
  22. Anyone know if they’ve said anything about when this might be getting released?
  23. 😥
  24. Is there a way to buy that older version? I just thegoogle’d it but didn’t see any for sale just stories of it from 2014?
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