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Everything posted by sjoebarry

  1. It’s a joke pic. It’s the scout trooper with the colors of the MASK figure on a speeder that has that figures vehicle color. The motorcycle that tuned into a helicopter
  2. Reissue version???
  3. just watched the video @shazam posted and DAMN that Legioss IS gonna be huge!!!! y'all weren't kiddin
  4. I feel like the legs are up way too high. They’re practically in its armpits
  5. gotta be honest, the more i see it, the less i like it.......
  6. I think I see what you mean (from anymoon.com)
  7. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/248851?o=4 20.3cm in battloid is 0.7cm or 1/4 inch shorter than an V2 VF-1 so it’s basically 1/60 scale isn’t it?
  8. PERSONAL CHECKLIST: angel bird - CHECK! Jotun armor!?! - CHECK (no of course I wasn’t thinking about it before seeing the pictures but now that I have….) alaska base - ???????
  9. I got money burning a hole in my pocket for this damn thing. Come on Arcadia!
  10. Reissue version available on CDJapan for $212 that includes shipping……..
  11. “ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) is a high-fidelity collectible figure designed to capture the appearance as seen in the original anime series” Gonna need to go rewatch some episodes to compare
  12. know what? you may have sealed the deal for me. I actually wanted this because of the new FIGHTER mode design, display it in that mode and put my 31-J into battroid. So sounds like thats not the way to go then, even with the REISSUE version.......
  13. I’m so torn about pulling the trigger on getting one of these. All three versions are available thru Mandarake for around $200-$250 and that’s including shipping…….
  14. The Legioss is a bit like a MiG-29 or the X-2 shinshin.
  15. Sorry I’m not too bright. Is this available for pre order yet?
  16. Oooooooooooooh ok. Danka
  17. Anybody got a link to this Full Pack stand alone missile set then?
  18. Spare? I bought my full set edition from someone who kept the missiles so I’ve been looking for a way to complete my version
  19. Wasn’t that for the Bogue? Sorry I’m a bit behind with all of the 31AX releases.
  20. NICE! Just ordered mine the other day.
  21. i'm mulling it over...... on sale until this friday right?
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