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Everything posted by sjoebarry

  1. Finally got my 1/72 VF-1S Dark Red with Fast Pack Armor delivered today!
  2. I’d like to see a picture of it standing on its own two feet.
  3. Be cool if those mission pack/pods were sold separately
  4. Has anyone tried modifying the pod? I don’t have a 31AX so I don’t know how integrated the thermometer piece is on the pod but is there a way to like get rid of it or would that completely destroy the pod?
  5. Gundamit I think is some sort of mirror page for ShowZstore. I preordered for something else on showZ and didn’t have any issues
  6. I just wanna know WHEN this is gonna release. I have pre order impatience
  7. That’s not a high bar….
  8. Plastics “bleed” out stabilizing agents over time, and even though it’s at a very very slow rate those chemicals can react with oxygen and also the chemicals in styrofoam. ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is the main culprit. ABS is combustible, but cheap so manufacturers use it to save money. To deal with the combustibility of ABS, they include flame retardants in the plastic mixture. One of the chemicals that is used frequently is Bromine. Bromine reacts with the UV rays and oxygen in the air. A chemical reaction starts and continues indefinitely until the plastic has changed color. Exposure to high heat can also exacerbate this since it’s thermal oxidation.
  9. Dude me too. The VF-11C is my while whale
  10. I like. I want
  11. If they do a reissue if the 171 nightmare plus I’d only get it if I knew the knee blowup was fixed. I love the 171 and have all four versions but I’ve never transformed the nightmare plus for fear of the knee disintegration
  12. Oh man brownie would be awesome. And I can’t say why though but hell yeah. The 171 has always been one of my favorite designs.
  13. Truthfully, what ride armor you ISN’T a pain to transform?
  14. Yeah I just placed a pre order
  15. I kinda wanna get it
  16. My take, if you consider yourself a fan of macross and want to get into collecting and you don’t use @jenius anymoon.com to educate yourself before making any purchase then it’s your own fault.
  17. Aha. Yeah I’ve steered away from the HMR line (with one exception) though I’ve been tempted a lot to dive into them. I’m all 1/60 except for the DX VF-1J because that’s my favorite VF version.
  18. Is there something really wrong with it that I’m missing from prior posts?
  19. …..jeze
  20. I’m really wanting to get the VF-0D HMR. but I know it’ll just start me collecting more HMRs after that and I have problems…..
  21. i've decided screw it, ima get me one of these. Reissue version has been going for 15,000-20,000 yen on Mandarake recently, so that seems a decent price point to take the plunge, regardless of the potential fit issues.
  22. sjoebarry

    Hi-Metal R

  23. Not gonna lie, I really like it. Don’t know why I’ve liked these reinterpretations so much but I do.
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