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Everything posted by sjoebarry

  1. i just pre-ordered the Yellow....... so I am reeeeeeeeeally hoping they make the Houquet gets issued. I never liked the CM's, and Mega House never made a Houquet so my collection of those feels incomplete. I guess it’s wishful thinking on my part to hope Sentinel releases all 5 versions….. but three down, only two more to go
  2. Is a sentinel riobot VR-038L definitely happening?
  3. Wondering what the sentiment is from all y’all between the two. If you had to choose one to purchase over the other which would it be? I’m asking for a friend.
  4. I know the VF-31 isn’t that old of a design, but are any NEW VF/YF’s on the horizon that anyone knows about? There’s some websites out there with VF-36’s and things like that but I don’t think that’s cannon.
  5. sjoebarry

    VF-25 shield

    anyone have any tips on how to get the shield to have a tighter grip in fighter mode. mine been changed out enough that its now so loose it just falls right off
  6. Left arm is broken, and so is the gun. I don’t know if maybe someone would be willing to buy it at a discount for the parts maybe?
  7. i don't know. im new to this hobby. do people actually cast metal pieces for parts? im tenacious, i'll reach out to bandai and see if they'll sell me replacement parts too. thanks.
  8. are you still selling the vf-25a?

  9. is there a way to purchase specific parts from anybody? I have a VF-25A and i broke one of the arms and my attempts to fix only made it worse. or does anyone take commissions to fix stuff for others?
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