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Everything posted by adugifever

  1. Dear fellow collectors: Looking for this. If you have one to sell, please let me know. Thanks!
  2. The original meme is labeled "stonks"
  3. I'm trying to see if there's enough people interested to have replacement suits made for the Beagle/Toynami VR-052F
  4. Doing a poll, see below.
  5. Nice display. I'm completely out of room and I have way too much to display. I need a bigger house so I can get another display case.
  6. I don't remember this rifle. Is it an alternate for the Zeta?
  7. Do we have an idea on scale?
  8. That would be awesome. We're going to need some dark Mospeada as well. And Jonathan too!
  9. They've already shown an unpainted one.
  10. I personally don't think that piece will just come off for an easy replacement. Those are held by metal pins. Which I think have to be heated with a soldering iron at a low temp to gradually soften the surrounding plastic then pulled away gently. I'm not sure, however, if it will go back to it's original state after the repair has been made. On the other note, that part of the design transformation is a swivel point and does not require a ball joint for many reasons. The only true issue is the plastic that was used, it might be cheaper plastic. I honestly don't think that is an ABS part since it should have a higher break tolerance. Lego bricks are made of ABS. Think about how much play-wear they go through, being connected, pulled apart, bit, stepped on, etc.
  11. I guess I missed it, but how did you re-color the fabric? Dye? paint? thanks.
  12. video review soon?
  13. It's even more amazing in-hand. Won't transform yet, though. Gonna wait for videos, so I know if there's anything to watch out for. I do appreciate all the accessories they packed with it. I'm not gonna try to do any mods. I've accepted that it was designed to be this way. Yellow's face shield looks better for some reason. Maybe the jack-o-lantern look grew on me. So far, my new favorite in this line. Definitely ready for that Bartley, and Genesis Breakers, and a vintage retool!
  14. I didn't get Kitu-Kato from amazon.jp.
  15. Mine just showed up 15 minutes ago. Apparently the "hold" was because there was no weekend service in my area since i'm somewhat in a remote part. So, they held it until Monday and it started moving again at 7am this morning.
  16. Would it have been too much for Sentinel to make the fabric lighter?
  17. Tried calling this morning. DHL is closed on weekends, unfortunately. No ETA for mine. I'll have to wait for Monday I guess. I'll post news.
  18. Any one know what DHL Express "Shipment on hold" means? It's been moving quickly until this status. It already cleared customs hub in Cincinnati, OH and is currently being held in Orlando, FL since 7:30 am Friday.
  19. They should've shipped review samples to YT reviewers like Kuma Style and such and Anymoon.com, to build up the hype (granted, the product will have to be S-grade).
  20. Yes! I'd buy em all!!! They need to pack in Mint, Jim, and Aisha with the more popular figs. I need the Marvelous Seven!!!
  21. Sorry, I found those on the web. I lost out on the bidding a year ago. I found one listed on yahoo japan auctions.
  22. Yay or Nay?
  23. I think I know what box you're talking about. I saw it and tried to bid on it on buyee.jp(yahoo auctions) a year ago. I let it go coz the price got too high. Let me see if I kept any of the images or find one in the internet.
  24. LOL, its like a campy Kung Fu film.
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