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Everything posted by doomgart

  1. It sounds interesting, could you please insert the link to the KO XN Seven Sword or write correct full name for the search? I found only red version KO, there are no XN.
  2. Hello @no3Ljm! Totally agree about details! Yesterday i received my sentinel riobot grendizer, and it is totally solid and strong robot with minimum excesses details and rounded shapes . It can be playable without any scare about damage something (exeption are horns on the head).
  3. Hello @no3Ljm! Thank you for you big answer! I saw your comparison about Qan[t]s earlier. After that i bought Bandai Qan[t]. But i didn't saw pictures about Risers. Maybe i missed it, i need to check again. Do you have 7swords from the first release, or from bundel with additional weapon? I'm not sure, in one of the reviews i saw that the blue color are different in these two releases. Can you compare Qan[t] and Riser from Bandai? I think, the qualiti and detalization in the lasts releases are highter than in the old releases. I think so after comparison with my Astray Red Frame and Aile Strike. And if it is true, the Qan[t] should be more detailed than Raizer/Seven Sword.
  4. Thank you for the deep answer! Now i think about Bandai Seven Sword and China KO Raiser XN.
  5. Can you tell me please, what Bandai and KO 00 Gundam do you have and what about difference between them? What about paintjob and printed text? I saw that Astray Red Frame KO has a lot of mistakes in the text printing. I have only Bandai QAN[t] gundam from 00 series and sometimes i want to have some new 00. And this Riser looking good!
  6. Congratulation! Can you share any photo of this 00 with anothers in your collections?
  7. More huge than Kshatriya? 0_o
  8. When this item was placed on the ShowZ Store at a first time, there was describe 1/100 scale. And there was only one blue mecha (same on the your picture). But a bit later Show Z Store add two anothers color scheme, and changed all 3 scale to 1/144.
  9. 1/144 scale? At first appearence on the wrbsite it has discribed 1/100:(
  10. About ShowZStore. My MC Kshatriya's base adapter was broken after two week from using it and they send me a replacement one. I think they will do their best to help you as soon as possible. For me, it took about 2-3 week for communication with the shop and manufactor.
  11. Anyway, my Strike has the massive metal China sword and i think it is the best melee for the MB Strike right now, before Bandai will release Skygrasper.
  12. I received the additional guns, unfortunately it has not so good quality as Kshatriya. There are some a little damages and a big nubmarks. But in general its looking monstrosity! So, now about shoulder's joint: I tried some kind of poses and now i think my joints too weak to hold four Binders without falling. It can hold only two Binders now. But with four binders i find a little trick for me: for the additional support i can rest arms on hips and it will support weight all four Binders.
  13. Here is the Chinese Expansion Pack for the MB Astray Red Frame. I ask the blog holder and he write me than the release is planning on the October. I'm not sure how much swords included in the set. According the reviews i think "yes". Tomorrow i will get the additional barrels from my post and i will make some photo with amount of poses of binders and shoulders.
  14. Unfortunately, there are no any nice mechanism like in the Steel Legend. And after playing and posing some joints will be more and more loose. Especially on the shoulders and on the Binders connection. But i think it is normal for the metal joints - i have weak joints on the VF-25F, 29, on the left legs of the MB Strike and another legacy Bandai mecha.
  15. Thank you for the right word! I didn't found yesterday what is the name of these massive wing-shields. About WD-40 - it was safe for me, and it can help with stuck joints. But the joints may become a bit loose.
  16. You are right! But I hoped that here someone know something about this weapon, because i wanna get it for my original MB:) Now i just email man from that website and waiting for the answer.
  17. I had same problem with stuck joins with my Astray and YF-19 and it helped me too.
  18. Hello @Grey728, shoulders can't hold fannel in some kind of poses now. For example, if fannels turn to the left and side.
  19. Yes, for the first time i use liquid grease to moving arms and legs because i was afraid to damage it:D It was so solid.
  20. The joint are not loose at all, because if i removing the funnels, i should make a lot of pressure to moving shoulders up\down. But with funnels they fallen with some king of poses.
  21. Today i received my GFFMC Unicorn. It is looking not so bad as expected.
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