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Everything posted by doomgart

  1. I'm trying to wait Freedom v2 from Bandai and don't buy these KO (honestly, both of them looking great). And It will be funny if Bandai v2 release will be worst 3p China:D
  2. Mine too, i hope they will be finish together on my post office.
  3. Awsome Gundams! I told you that GFFMC Unicorn can be a bit worst whan Metal Build series. Unfortunatly, now you can agreed with me.
  4. Hope you are right and the taking PO will be easier. Another question - maybe somebody know it, this white release will include the new wing parts, which replaced zwerg from standart release?
  5. When the PO will be opened, it will be too late to making PO i think:D
  6. Well, enough to me. It looking more estetick than regular release, and i want it! Somebody know, when i can trow the money in the monitor for this guy?
  7. By the link which you provided there are full set including the Destiny and Wing of Light. This set has box with nice art. The full art of battle between Strike Freedom and Destiny split in to the two part. The first part of this art placed on the Destiny's full set box, another part of this art placed on the box from Wing Of Light (wol) for Strike Freedom (sf). Please check my photo from previos post. The photo can be opened by links with blue type.
  8. At first, by your link there are the full package set woth wol according box art from lot. And there are another thing - to compleate the box art picture you need the wol for sf, it is like a quest At second, the wings can rotate to the top (see my photo) and spread on sides like on your photo. I think, the 40-50 santimeters should be enough ftom destiny's head.
  9. Ou, i got it, you mean not Metal Build from Bandai, you mean Metal Build Style figures from 3p companies. Because Metal Build line don't contain Zaku II or Unicorn unfortunatly. These models are in the Gundam Fix Figuration Metal Composite line. They can has a bit worst quality (don't know about Zaku, but defenetly about Unicorn, because i have Unicorn battle ver.) there are less metal, weakness joints, less movable.
  10. So, are you planning to have WoL from Bandai? The real difference is colour on the ends. Your KO have a biggest silver zones, and its zones has sharper transition. And could you please check the thin film material between thick outer parts, is there are holo effects line on your Destiny WoL?
  11. Finally they made it! Don't like Yamato shapes, think Dx has more solid legs and feet. Defenetly in it. Maybe two, maybe waiting for 22.
  12. Interestint to hear, is there any difference with Bandai?
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