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Everything posted by canklebreaker

  1. It was at 25,000 yen just the other day. Must’ve went back up, think I should’ve bit the bullet and pulled the trigger...
  2. Please keep me in mind also!
  3. I sure hope so.
  4. Please keep me in mind also!
  5. You guys thinks these are available at any brick and mortar shops in Japan?
  6. It’s release day and haven’t seen any more stock pop up at the original price. You guys think it’s a risk waiting for more potential stock to be listed or bite the bullet and get one off Amazon JP? Not really liking that $50 mark up...
  7. I need a first at non-inflates prices lol
  8. Wow my order got cancelled...
  9. Much appreciated for the info.
  10. So I got my confirmation email from HLJ saying they’re processing the order and that I chose “private warehouse” as shipping (stormed thru the check out process). Is there a way for me to change that status to have it shipped immediately? Also, do I need to wait for a payment request? I didn’t see my PayPal payment process yet.
  11. Yes! Got one finally! Thanks! My first figure!
  12. Omg missed it again... edit: got one off HLJ!
  13. Just bought a missile set and I don’t even have a figure on order :/
  14. Any stateside shops carrying these?
  15. Anyone plan on panel lining this figure? Would it be the same as if you were to panel line a Gundam kit?
  16. That sure is nice...
  17. Hey all, I'm new to Macross and stumbled across this figure but unfortunately too late to jump in on the PO. I've always collected mechs (mainly TFs) but always wanted a VF-1J. With that being said, is this figure the best representation currently available? This may sound weird and I'm not sure if i'm the only one who feels this way but a figure having articulated hands/fingers are a big deal to me and this one hits the spot nicely. Hopefully I can snag this one when it releases!
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