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Everything posted by dragontype

  1. hMM.. Okini has NOT shipped mine. Wonder if I should worry now... or being impatiently paranoid... Lol. You lucky dogs.. getting your toys! So jealous. Haha.
  2. This looks really good!
  3. I reached out to Okini and to NinNin to see what shipping options I can get, if any, once the toys are available for shipping. I was betting on the US getting their act somewhat together enough, to where other countries will start shipping here using the usual post/SAL/etc. Okini was more, we'll let you know if it's available and you can change. NinNin told me nope. It is set in stone basically. Not sure why they would not allow me to change shipping since this is just preorder for now. I was thinking about cancelling to save some money, but if they won't let me change shipping, I doubt they will let me cancel an order.
  4. I literally said that to my wife just now. I think this is a glitch. Lol but hey, I'll take it if it works. I wonder if I can cancel my order at NinNin. But after all the talk on the forums that NinNin is highly suspect... am I better trying to cancel that order?
  5. Whoa, thanks! I was able to get an order in after a long wait in the cart. Woot!
  6. Appreciate all the helpful links. Thanks a lot, guys! Good point on the paint rubbing. I tends to get hot where my display is so wonder if those soft parts will end up being tacky/sticky at some point as well. I might try 1 of each and see how I like them.
  7. Nice collection! I actually think I might like the Flightpose stands more for my display. Hmm, Glad I have 2 good options to check out.
  8. Thanks for the link! I am in desperate need of quality stands. Haven't displayed any of my Valks in "flight" unless they came with their own stands. This will help. Appreciate pointing me in the right direction!
  9. Dude... that' looks nice. That's a helluva a custom. BTW, what type of flight stand are you using?
  10. 2 hours of sleep and still going to go mountain biking??! (again) I got a good 7 hours and I ain't about that active life. Haha. Can't wait though to see pics!!
  11. It's kind of funny to me now. I am wondering if it will break 250.00 by mid next week. Where do they keep getting their inventory from? Is it cancelled orders or some other black magic sorcery?
  12. This is an awesome photo.
  13. What was Okiniland asking for the set?
  14. Appreciate the heads up! Was able to get an order in.
  15. Ahh, man.. I went to sleep... Can't ever sleep again!
  16. There was a preorder last night? Was this announced at the event last night? Wasn't able to catch it. Generally good? Did most get what they needed?
  17. They opened up for a quick minute, and I mean "quick" earlier this morning. Cost was about 210 USD before shipping. Haven't seen any activity since.
  18. Ahh, Thanks for the tips! I'll play around with it. Would definitely have helped last night. But had to do it the old fashioned way of button mashing that F5 into oblivion.
  19. I can never get that thing to work properly. I keep getting pinged every 5 seconds, but no visible changes to the website. -__-
  20. https://okini.land/en/21236-dx-chogokin-vf-1s-valkyrie-roy-focker-special-bandai-spirits.html Just scored 1 on Okiniland! Go go!
  21. Man.. don't know how you guys do it. I'd be in a coma if I took shots for each time I got cart jacked. Lol. Sad times..
  22. Ahhh ok, I only ordered 1. I should have stated that.
  23. Okini Land reopened their PO. Cost is higher but can order directly through them. I believe their shipping to the US is around 26.00 USD. https://okini.land/en/20089-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-hayao-kakizaki-use-bandai-spirits.html
  24. Might be a noob question, but do the TWE get released on AmazonJP as well?
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