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John Focker

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Everything posted by John Focker

  1. Sharon Apple's music has been designed to influence the human brain from the very beginning. There was a scene where Myung was working with an assistant on music for the concert on Eden, and they were making assessments with the model brain's response. So there was a scientific foundation in the series, and at least in my opinion, the hypnosis scene at Macross City is not THAT far fetched. As for Sharon Apple on the YF-19, the newer variable fighters (of course including the YF-19) have 360 deg view cockpits. Now, these may or may not be projector based, but at least indicates a possibility. Another feasible explanation would be to consider Sharon Apple's images on the YF-19 to be manifestations from the song hypnosis. It was depicted in the OVA that Sharon showed up AFTER Isamu and Yang heard her songs. All in all, Macross Plus does not, IMHO, have any "magical elements". In Macross Zero, only telekinesis could explain the "magic carpet" scene. Is telekinesis that unacceptable of a concept? The human brain is far from fully understood by today's scientific and medical standard, and it's easy to just categorize unexplainable phenomena to the "paranormal and/or supernatural." Given the creators' settings, the Protoculture probably has a MUCH better understanding of the human brain than we do now. And if they'd ever figure out the portion/mechanism behind telekinesis, it shouldn't be to hard to further enhance it and make rock levitation possible. As someone else has already suggested, built-in mini anti-grav devices (a la Guyver) sounds like a possibility too. Don't get me wrong, I'm no big fan of the spiritia idea. It's just that I don't see Macross Zero becoming a "fantasy" show rather than a sci-fi show, as some might claim.
  2. Oh yeah....I remember now. The last time Infusion was here commenting on their new fansub, a bunch of trolls popped out of the woodwork to harass them. Whatever the hell that was all about. I remember that too... Probably the dudes sellin the boot DVD. That situation was lame. I hope that didn't scare them off. I loved that sub set. Yeah, I think Infusion will get out their subs quickly and good quality too. One of their members here is called Spikey or something like that? Wonder if they're still around.... I'm pretty sure he's NOT around at this moment...as he's probably working on subbing!!! @_@
  3. The larger monsters are done by Miyatake, while Mikimoto takes care of the humanoid ones like Sivil, Gavil, etc. And Agent, the VF doesn't sing. No!!!! Part of me refuses to believe that those "parents-of-teletubbies" space monsters were designed by the same Miyatake who gave us the wonderful ships and non-transforming mecha in Macross. Sigh...
  4. I've gotten over all of Basara's songs (except for Planet Dance), I really like 'em now. I've learned to even look past the silly "Scrander Hasshin" sequence and super-robo pose... I've ignored the pedophilic Kawaii-ness of Mylene and Elma. I've let Keith convince me that the anthromorphized mecha was allowed since the Sound Force is more civilian than military, and that it boosted morale by being easily recognizable in combat, etc. But for God's sake... Can't they draw more sinister, menacing looking monsters? The only monsters I've seen that are more wimpy than the above screenshots are the Pokemon, Cookie Monster, Teletubbies, and Barney. Even some in Monsters Inc. looked moderately more scary than that gay monster in the shot. Urg...
  5. For Macross 7, is the FX my best choice? I'm willing to ditch out money to buy legal copies, yet I need GOOD English subs. Would a petition to Animeigo help? After all, the footages don't have to be repaired, only subs are needed. Still waiting to buy Macross 7 DVDs....Sigh...
  6. Holy Blasphemy! Who dares say Macross Plus is not canon?! Anyways, Macross II is up to debate. Some say it is not canon, others say it's a "canon" alternate timeline / alternate universe. So I say, everyone can see MII as they please.
  7. Kawamori's original script?! What was it like? I'd love to see the alternate version of M7!!! Could anyone shed some light on this?
  8. Whew, that 11 page thread is sure long! To be honest, my initial impression of Macross 7 was that of absolute abhorrence. I hated the tootie-fruity colors of the mecha, the super-robo pose after "Scrander" sequence, boob-lipstick-high heel of Mylene's mecha, super dimensional monsters from Godzilla-Digimon mixing...blah blah blah I was at least comparable to AgentOne in terms of animosity towards M7, IF not more so... HOWEVER! After reading most of Keith's explanations (and how he progressed from an angry fan defending M7 to a patient and convicing advocate) and, to a lesser extent, having watched Macross Zero, I've become much less critical of Macross 7. Why? Because I begin to see that there actually is a solid storyline and ideological plot. One thought crossed my mind, just out of nowhere. If Macross 7, having the exact same script, was to be directed by TIM BURTON instead of JOE SCHUMAKER (sp?), wouldn't it have been much better accepted? The reason I'm saying this is Macross Zero. I found the Protoculture Birdman, Sara's mysterious power, and the whole mystical ambience setting much easier to swallow in Zero. Granted, it had a more serious and military tone, which I prefer. But what Zero is trying to use as a major plot scheme, the Birdman, isn't all that different from the Monsters in M7. I'd still bash the over-emphasized pedophilic kawaii-ness of Mylene, cliche mascot Gubaba, overly anthromorphized mecha and all other myriads of flaws M7 haters have so gloriously mentioned. But in the end, M7 also carries the mission of attracting younger viewers to create a new generation of Macross fans. So, I've arrived at this conclusion. Macross 7 is a solid show, that fell victim to a failed amalgam of serious and fruity, old and new, and poor execution. However, I've stopped condemning it because as a not-enough-budget TV show carrying expectations of many contradicting types, it did OK. That said, I still feel that Milia should look prettier, Max should be less hippie, Rex should appear more, Gamlin should be more handsome, and everyone needs replacements for their detaching dentures. (Why those animators couldn't draw teeth right?!) I guess there's just no pleasing me...but that's because I LOVE Macross!!! And I hope M7 is better than it is. Now next topic...Moby...er, the galactic whales...cough cough
  9. No, you pathetic imbeciles! EVERYBODY knows that Shin not only didn't die, but he later married both Sara and Mao and had tons of children. One of the children, who inherited the magical powers, got lost one day in the mountains... The kid stood in front of the mountain, and tried to move it by singing at it, thinking it's a Kadun...but of course he couldn't move it, so he started his life as a vagabund, singing for money...until he ran into a heavy smoker who joined him... You all know the rest...
  10. Komilia, Miranda, Miracle, Emilia, Therese + Muse (twins), Mylene. It may be out of sequence. Also, they have 8 daughters, if you counted the adopted Moaramia from Macross M3.
  11. It appeared in Macross: SkullLeader (MS-DOS game). I had a duplicate copy (6 floppy set) from a friend at one time. Not terribly entertaining. Game is rather short, and sound gets repetitive and annoying after the first hour. Wonder if I still have those floppies.
  12. Hi GM, This is John the spaghetti guy! I'm in Cairo now so I can't attend MW Con anymore. Anyways, I got a copy of what you need on my HDD, but I don't have broadband right now, so I can only send it to you on a CD. PM me your address and I'll gladly send you a copy. Cheers from the pyramids... If you could just put it up on Kazaa or some popular P2P program for a couple of days under that name, at least one of us will snag it and take it from there. Sorry Wes, Since I'm using dialup on my only phone line, can't have it running 24/7. The file is a good 19MB. If you're willing to put it up on some P2P, I'd send you a CD copy too. BTW, did you guys all look on the iMacross Servers? I don't remember where I first got it from...curious...
  13. Hi GM, This is John the spaghetti guy! I'm in Cairo now so I can't attend MW Con anymore. Anyways, I got a copy of what you need on my HDD, but I don't have broadband right now, so I can only send it to you on a CD. PM me your address and I'll gladly send you a copy. Cheers from the pyramids...
  14. Can you help me by pointing to a reference link, or tell me what software was involved? I'd really appreciate it! (as I'm sure many other fellow MWers will too)
  15. Actually, the SV-52 got a brief mention within the SV-51 entry on the Compendium. Not much is known except that it is modified from single-seat SV-51. I'd assume at this point that it's like a SV-51 Kai (personalized for Ivanov & Nora?!) with new numerical designation. Quote: VARIANTS: SV-51 (single-seat variant): An estimated 32 units manufactured. (12 have been modified into SV-52 units.) SV-51 (two-seat variant): An estimated 6 units manufactured. [Note: Several units exists which have been modified for underwater launching capabilities from submarines. These units launch from a submarine at periscope depth to 30 m underwater by using rocket motors, and then fly after launch using standard turbojet engines. These units have been modified with improved waterproofing, pressure resistance, and folding wing construction to make them compact enough for stowage in the submarine launching docks.] Or, it may not even come out into view in the OVA at all, remaining part of the setting and only seen through anime special books.
  16. Thanks to Neova and TheLoneWolf...and... It worked! It worked! But I can't hear any sound, is there another little magic switch I gotta flip? Enjoying both Macross 2036 and Eternal Love Songs now...even on k/b! Gotta dig out my joypad tomorrow... You guys are great, thanks again for making my day!
  17. Thanks a great deal guys! I really REALLY appreciate it. I'll try it when I get home! Cheers...
  18. I'm not Yoshi, but try Magic Engine (google it), it seems to be the most full-function emulator I can find. The only problem is that it reuqires registration, which is total BS... It's a friggin emulator. BUT, you can get around that. When the emulator is not registered it'll quit every 5 minutes. So what I just do is do a game freeze and reload every 4 minutes (there's a little counter too, counting down from 5). Get's around it pretty easy. Certainly better than paying some guy $25 just to use an emulator. Hey yellowlightman, Since you seem to know way more than I about Magic Engine, could you help me? I just loaded Magic Engine 0.9.9 beta 5 on WinXP Home (Dell Inspiron 8500 laptop), in order to run the Macross 2036 and Eternal Love Song I bought on Ebay. Now my E and F drives appear as F and G, and the emu keeps telling me disk error. Has anyone ever run into this? Would system card ROMs help (anyone has these)? I hope someone can either help me fix the drive letter problem and/or make my Macross 2036 run. Are there any other PC Engine CD emus that are better? Thanx a million in advance, for your expertise...
  19. I just loaded Magic Engine 0.9.9 beta 5 on WinXP Home, in order to run the Macross 2036 I bought on Ebay. Now my E and F drives appear as F and G, and the emu keeps telling me disk error. Has anyone ever run into this? I hope someone can either help me fix the drive letter problem and/or make my Macross 2036 run. Are there any other PC Engine CD emus that are better? Thanx a million in advance, for your expertise...
  20. Someone please post a link when ANBU version is out!
  21. DYRL timeline is currently "non-canon", as it is a "movie" within the Macross universe. Therefore, Komilia was born in 2010, not 2019. You think $25 was fair for Magic Engine? So far it's ver 0.9.9 beta 5. Maybe I should wait until ver 1.0?!
  22. Hey I'm not dead either...just in Cairo, Egypt!!! I was so bored after arriving in Cairo (I work for the Foreign Services now), so I ordered BOTH Macross 2036 and Eternal Love Song. Problem is that now I have to find an emulator for PC Engine CD. Could you shed some light, Yoshi? Miss ya all greatly, and too bad I can't attend the MacrossWorld Cons anymore...wish I could make more spaghetti for you guys, and my newly learned Thai green curry...
  23. 36-19 =17 easy way to confirm 19 +10 =29 29 +7 =36 Gee, math whiz...that's not the problem though... Komilia was born during the war with the Zentradi, meaning 2010, as depicted in the original Macross TV series. Year of birth in 2019 is THE problem...According to the TV series she should be 26 years old in 2036!
  24. It literally says: "Enigmatic craft seen on the deck of ASCA. Prototype of the Unified Forces' Unmanned Fighter Ghost." There was sufficient Kanji and Katakana for me to figure this one out...I'm Chinese.
  25. Wishful thinking... <_<
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