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John Focker

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About John Focker

  • Birthday 10/15/1973

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    about 300

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John Focker's Achievements

Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Proof that Macross did venture out there in the Pluto region, as attested in the photo. http://trekmovie.com/2015/07/30/plutos-moon-charon-gets-the-star-trek-treatment
  2. John Focker

    Macross 30

    Perhaps I'm super paranoid here, but would like to triple confirm. I am aware that US PS3s are region-free with games and same BD region as Japan, but can US PS3s access JAP games' DLC using a JAP PSN account but via non-JAP IP addresses? My work requires LOTS of traveling, so I would like to know whether JAP PSN account REQUIRE JAP IP addresses for the DLC to work. Thanks in advance.
  3. I'd take THAT with a PALLET of salt...
  4. More like 00 version of X's G-Falcon.
  5. You and me both, bud. So no, it's not an illusion!
  6. Macross F Movie confirmed in after episode commercial!!!
  7. Macross 11? Macross City? This is looking good! Bathroom break!
  8. Quess the egocentric, horny-for-boys, bratty, air headed space cadet has recently been surpassed by the "V"-posing, tongue-showing, ugly-face-and-uglier-hearted Nena Trinity in my books. Katejina takes a distant third.
  9. Detrimental effects to human health... Chinese forum rumors > Chinese dairy products. Exception: Chinese anime contractor leak.
  10. North America has always been there ONLY for hundreds of years? Unless you meant the name and not the landmass, I'm pretty certain you meant millions.
  11. Thanks Gubaba! Do you remember the kanji used, though? (was it 美紅 or 未来?)
  12. Macross Compendium has listed Hikaru's daughter as Miku Ichijyo (一条 美紅), and I have no doubt of Egan's correctness. However, Japanese Wikipedia has her listed as Miku, but Mirai in kanji (一条 未来). I'm trying to find out where did the Miku setting originate from, to make good reference should the point be brought up in a discussion. Thanks,
  13. Actually, the entire "土六 do roku" (Sat 6PM) slot is moved, not just Code Geass 2nd. When Gundam 00 2nd airs in October, it'll pick up right after CG2 on the Sunday slot. The original "do roku" slot, will be delegated to news program 報道特集.
  14. No worries, Gundam 00 will be off the air after Ep.25 to yield to Code Geass' second half. By the time Gundam 00's second half airs in October, Macross F would've finished airing.
  15. It sticks out that Cameron never revealed what type of cyborg she is, it seems obvious that it was left out deliberately. Also, in Ep.5 Cameron seemed surprised upon inspection of the chip pulled out from the terminator, it's gotta be a hidden plot device. And yeah, Summer Glau is cute in an unorthodox kind of way, and has awesome figure.
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