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Everything posted by Goofy

  1. I would accept that if LP came out and said that instead of opening their big mouthes and promising something they can’t deliver.
  2. Got a shipping notification from them on Sunday, shipped via DHL, but no updates on DHL’s site beyond the initial “shipping information received”.
  3. Did anybody order Kaki through White Rabbit Express or use them ever? I moved from New York to Toronto and I can’t change my shipping address to Canada, it’s stuck sending to the USA. I’ve sent them 2 emails and they’re not responding.
  4. As much as I hate buying from NY, HLJ is 75 CAD more plus they always declare the full value and I always get nailed by customs, another 85$ in taxes.
  5. Back in stock at NY for 43800. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29163-macross-zero-1-60-kanzen-henkei-vf-0d-phoenix-premium-finish.html
  6. For what it's worth, I live in Vancouver, AmiAmi shipped my Legioss on the 21st via EMS, already made it to Customs this morning.
  7. NY has it back on Preorder for 28500 yen? https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/25676-super-dimensional-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1j-valkyrie-ichijo-hikaru-custom.html
  8. I’m in for 2 sets also.
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