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Everything posted by Saviant

  1. Been so waiting for HLJ to get it up and ordered 1, I would of got one from BBTS but I am in the middle of dealing with my issues with a Ray I got from them.
  2. In the master grade they do a set of hands with articulated fingers, I don’t know if they do them in any other scale.
  3. The cold worth looks awesome aswell as the sniper, sucks it has no extra weapons but as I have collecting all the gm sniper variants I think I will need to get both.
  4. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah I have been seeing the same thing, things not being shipped, items missing etc. Due to this I am avoiding and buying local or AliExpress
  5. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I posted an item yesterday via ems and within an hour it was tracking, I put the code into aftership and it is not tracking so I would say you are being scammed.
  6. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah just got the email about that was just I typing it up lol
  7. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You could try emailing them and see what they can do
  8. I would say they must of tried multiple different ways for the blades to come in and out and decided this was the best way for them to proceed with the ride armor. Personally it doesn't bother me the slightest and I am glad we are getting the rest. I really wish they showed off a Houquet prototype. In the end I am buying no matter what as I really like the ride armors, and these redesigns more so than the originals.
  9. It seems Bandai get a pass on all the weird things but other vendors don't
  10. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well I finally got my Lil Drakens from NY. They aren't the quickest to do anything, still have a gundam I paid for when the free shipping was on and it still hasn't shipped.
  11. Really liking yellows ride Armor, can’t wait to order that bad boy.
  12. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks for the mykomini link, I ordered one from there, was no way I was giving NY any money after the draken and gunpla I ordered from them taking weeks to ship
  13. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well I just got an email from NY to say the Drakens have been posted, that took way too long.
  14. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Same boat with my drakens, I am going to skip NY on this preorder.
  15. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got an email reply from NY they said they don’t have the draken till later today
  16. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn and I just used the free shipping to get some Gundam, gonna be a long wait then.
  17. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Has anyone got there little drakens from NY yet? Mine is still showing as in progress
  18. Damn, that is awesome, I really like the Astraea so guess I am gonna need to get one
  19. Yeah no, it is your own fault for cutting the nubs off, Yamato didn't force you to do it. Btw the Arcadia one still uses the same design and it hold up fine.
  20. You would need to print a whole new part, so someone would need design the part and then test print etc, and this wouldn't be worth the time/cost to do.
  21. As that is the whole chest assembly I haven't seen anyone 3d printing it, you can get new shoulder hinges, but as the part you sniped off is the chest assembly the only way is maybe try a make a new plastic and glue in place
  22. Man that is a shame, there is no parts list as far as I am aware. They did sell a unpainted kit for assembly so you would either need to buy another one to take the part from or one of the unassembled kits and go that way
  23. Any chance for some photos of the damage? And I doubt Arcadia would help you as you brought an item from a defunct company which hasn't been made for years. Even if they could help you unless you brought from them and are in Japan they will not help. I learnt this when I broke the backpack on a Arcadia Miria and I contacted both support and Mr K and neither would help me out.
  24. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Would like to know where those missiles come from as they look sweet on the 31A
  25. Saviant

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Finally news on Chuck, just what I am after
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