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Everything posted by apptt4

  1. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    yes mine was posted and arrived in Melbourne today. probably get it Monday.
  2. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    i got my HMR VT-1 from them, no problems at all.
  3. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    nin-nin game have shipped my order to Aus
  4. I adore the giant head/bridge in cruiser mode, haha. great design.
  5. put a matte finish instead of glossy and I'd buy for sure
  6. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    so good, love that new toy excitement!
  7. I use 4" or 6" Flightpose stands, they are perfect. there was a slight mark left from the rubber but easily removed, and if you put some tiny squares of plastic (like the bags that valks come in) there will be zero problems.
  8. that's awesome!
  9. definitely in for 1 of these.
  10. not showing it as premium finish? i guess they will release standard then PF at later date. it looks amazing
  11. if they re-released Frontier valks with a matte finish instead of glossy... I think I'd be in for all of them. almost certainly won't be re-released for a long, long time tho.
  12. agree with your number 1 pick, it's VF-1J GBP for me. with that Hong Kong retailer saying last year it was coming, plus the teased release of 1/48 GBP armour now's the time to do it.
  13. haha yes, I didn't even see any stock, sold out before the page refreshed.
  14. great use of the Trident Plus stand!
  15. I enjoyed it. McAvoy is terrific, Jackson is good and Willis is fine. Enjoyed the heroine from Split's story a lot.
  16. if I ever sell my dx vf-1j, the listing will say: "displayed in glass cabinet, on shelf, on desk, on table and anywhere else I could. transformed 500+ times." I can't leave it alone
  17. yeah I got the m&m 2pack deal, and am in for the KC GBP. I like them a lot but wouldn't buy more. I messaged KC on Facebook late 2018, they said the GBP will be released this year.
  18. director has me hopeful, i love his movies. source material is amazing and perhaps now is the right time with the right person.
  19. previous owner had it custom made to hold his THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR worth yo-yo collection. he chose his classics cars hobby over the yo-yo's, sold them and sold the case to me. IKEA detolfs either side.
  20. CDJ payment processed. ¥25,000/AU$320 with the upgraded shipping.
  21. my CDJ order was pre-authorization only, they didn't actually take the money. my order lists as In Shipping Process but no request for payment as yet.
  22. have only had good experiences buying their stock. my first taste of the pre-order business practices (he changed his mind and sold his to me). my other order is with CDJ, still awaiting their payment request.
  23. mate ordered through NY, they are now asking for additional shipping as package is larger than expected.
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