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Everything posted by apptt4

  1. I choose to be optimistic. F5 at the ready.
  2. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    never give up! never surrender!
  3. apptt4

    Bandai DX VF-31

    heck yeah speaker pods!
  4. yeah hoping to see it closer to msrp
  5. opening your thread is like opening an art book
  6. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    Mandarake will have the Monster up again soon, I cancelled my order. shipping to Oz too exy at ¥12,310.
  7. really nice shot, colours really pop
  8. can you block/ignore posters on MWF?
  9. NECA thought I was a bot and refunded me on paypal, I purchased again on my credit card and that's been refunded too. hopefully customer service comes through for me, I'll send timestamped display cabinet pics if I have to lol... edit: I'd left a message with a friend asking him to check when he woke up... and he got me the Alien and Predator feeling very fortunate
  10. oh i spent ages and $ tracking down the battle damage 2 pack for that lol, but that's collecting ay. i like they've moved the connecting peg for the severed arm off the upper arm and onto the severed part that's a 3am for me, noice. good luck to any and all going for the exclusives.
  11. praying to a God i don't believe in for a NECA Lt Harrigan figure
  12. NY have shipped my 0D but not my DX supers. I was in the second run of orders. have requested refund but told I can get store credit only. no response on tickets asking for shipping times, presumably they don't know when they will receive their DX super stock.
  13. ohhh nice fix on the gloss! i'll be tracking one down now i've seen that
  14. these 2 Lost Tribe preds are au$10 more exy than the last 2. is that the case for US shops also? edit: just looking at the dorkside links seems like it.
  15. NECA announced the next 2 figures for the Lost Tribe: Predator 2 Ultimate Guardian Predator 2 Ultimate Stalker
  16. apptt4

    Macross figures

    I am in complete agreement with you on this.
  17. lol i thought it was an SD version until i read your caption
  18. i heart the speaker set, that would be my forever pose for sure
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