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Everything posted by apptt4

  1. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    you do need to, yeah. i had that same issue setting it up and bringing the arms down further sorted it.
  2. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    love the VT-1 contrast
  3. the movie holds a special place for me too. with the talent onboard let's hope there's a story worth telling
  4. Wow great price and shipping speed! I paid US98.80 from Bandai's online store in April and it only shipped (to Aus) yesterday.
  5. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    ta mate
  6. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    just got Shipped notification from Bandai's online store. is there a tutorial for panel lining? or a standard method of doing it? really like how it looks.
  7. ta mate I'll check it out
  8. apptt4

    Hi-Metal R

    looks fantastic! will be gorgeous alongside my other DYRL stuff
  9. I get a little light onto my displays for an hour or so each day via 2 different windows. my thoughts were to cover those instead of my cabinets. does anyone have experience or recommendations for uv film on windows?
  10. may I ask what stands those are and where from?
  11. v excited for this, I just adore the SV-51 gerwalk mode. hopefully cheap but will pay whatever it takes tbh
  12. I N T E N S E had 2 in cart at amiami tabs crashed, came back then only let me have one, then server down, then gone. got one from cdjapan chose EMS coz panic lol. total price for me AU$281.62. less than HALF what I paid for the VF-0S premium finish and 140 less than Milia premium finish...
  13. to those about to pre-order, I salute you!
  14. did you get anything in today's Arcadia sale? did anyone here? i won't be mad, honest
  15. same. i have the Milia and VF-0S. with the Milia PF still in stock at online retailers (nippon-yasan being cheapest i've seen) i'm not worried about getting a Max PF.
  16. yeah i saw that one on Jungle as well, will be over AU$600 for me. I paid that for the VF-0S but won't do it again. this is my first Macross sale madness and i'm honestly shocked how quick they went. suppose i shouldn't be after reading some people on here's experiences. the Miria is available at retailers for what seems a reasonable price in both premium and regular, and the Max is available on HLJ for the same. This just in from Arcadia twitter: ARCADIA @ ARCADIA_Co_Ltd4m 4 minutes ago More 【Notice】 Regarding the campaign campaign, due to special sale of reservation cancellation, the number is very small, all products sold out except Miria machine Premium Finish. Thank you for your understanding, thank you. Reply eet 1
  17. that's cool you saw stock there, i was there at 7PM Tokyo time, hit refresh, out of stock. expect an influx at twice the price on the secondary market in a couple weeks i guess. --- VF-0S now sold out, that confirms no website glitch.
  18. you can still buy those in the retail stores. i guess they all sold out? haha wow...
  19. i didn't even get that, all say out of stock.
  20. Tenso gonna come through! did you get your account approved?
  21. the sale opens
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