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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. You could go to www.taobao.com for purchasing the second-time production, but the language is all Chinese. I am not sure how to get the second-time production in NA but you could keep watching unit-2 and I will keep posting new information about it because RX-79 is also one of my favorite Gundam! By the way I think the loosing joints problem will not happen again in the unit-2 or 3 if there is 3 coming.
  2. Yes, and this factory had fixed the problem of loosing joints in the second time producing. https://www.bilibili.com/video/av33694740?from=search&seid=2992823928891951837
  3. The Blue-Destiny unit 2 had been announced, it camp up with 1/100 scale, lighting and voicing system. And I think it will be releasing in March or April.
  4. http://t.cn/R1ObBqU?m=4246418383885857&u=5976787598 Here is the video of the sound.
  5. I think I am getting one.
  6. They just had announced it will be released in this July or August even it had already been one year lol. And they even got the sound 'Exam system stand by' when the light turns into red, looks not bad.
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