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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. Yeah, its not a WWM release, so it doesn't get to hang out with the rest of them.
  2. Since Megaroad 01 disappeared and was never to be seen from again...
  3. HMR Regult Scout, Tamahawk, Phalanx!
  4. Yeah, I give it a 90% chance that they would screw it up. I say just go watch Yamato 2199 and you will forget about it for a bit.
  5. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/ Something's going on over there. Someone bought the domain.
  6. In light of recent events, it seems like large fold faults are a desirable thing to find. So I have recently been thinking:
  7. Nope! Not normally... Hence "PO Madness". People will post links as they go up and as they find them. You best log in to HLJ a few minutes before the launch time and pray for luck. Any type of payment hick-up can lead to cart-jacking. Relying on one retailer can be risky. Best of luck to you! No joke, these things can sell out in under 3 minutes.
  8. If i recall correctly, PO for the US sites didn't start until about 24 to 48 hours after Japan. You can either try to get the item form your favorite Japanese online shops and take advantage of whatever points you may have or the exchange rate. Or if you don't want to wait 2 to 3 months for the US sellers to get their stock before shipping it to you. So far the US sellers don't seem to sell out in less then 3 minutes like the Japanese sites do. So if you fail to secure one from Japan, you can try again from a US site.
  9. I'm no expert on this as I've only been to the big brick and mortar shops. Those were Mandarake, Amiami & Jungle. As far as local mom & pop type shops, I have no clue.
  10. I get the feeling that Bandai will release Ozma with the Armor Set. He did deploy with it a lot. That, and Bandai is trying to bait us into biting.
  11. Best of luck to you. I hope things go well.
  12. Prices more or less doubled over the past 3 years. To be honest, I think their prices are more realistic now compared to when they started out. Unfortunately, the current prices are getting into Arcadia VF-1 and Bandai DX price range. The weak Yen isn't helping them.
  13. I did want one of these about 7 years ago. But many were starting to yellow then and I felt uneasy about getting a used one. So I eventually got the recent WWM release (post-release) just to have one. It the Yen stays relatively week, I may get this one and be done with it... And get some Kiki...
  14. So first off, as with anything, the owner of the item can do whatever they want to it despite anyone's opinion. It is theirs after all. The following is strictly my opinion... While I prefer my collectables to be in the "fresh off the factory floor" state, this is a special case... As Shawn said the discoloring is probably from the display lights. As I don't know where this storefront is, it may also be from sun exposure. In this particular case, along with the magazine photos, the discoloring helps prove that the item is legitimate. I think removing the yellowing will devalue it and potentially bring its legitimacy into question. So probably best not to touch it. While it my not be the exact same plastic as the store bought DX VF-1, It does bring up concern of how easily the DX VF-1 could yellow....
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