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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. I started watching Zom 100. I have mixed feelings about it. I really isn't a serious zombie show. So far there is only one character that is serious about survival. The others seem to "know" how to NOT attract zombies, but totally disregard that bit of knowledge. I don't read source material, so I'm just going to assume that it is a gag type, dark humor show. Aside from that, its all squeal shows for me this season thus far.
  2. Interesting. But that's a complicated seal. The single rear hatch is more reliable to keep space from taking all your air.
  3. Could be, but that gray puck doesn't seem to me to be in the correct location to be a landing gear wheel. It looks more like a pivot point for the heel position wise. At least to me anyway. I'm not picking over things that are totally not important.
  4. Is it just me? The "perfect transformation" hands do not appear to be able hold the gun?
  5. Chat trust that image. I don't see landing gears in the legs. They must materialize when they are deployed.
  6. So I'm guessing that they have no intention of developing a Beta fighter at that scale. That thing would be HUGE! And probably stupid expensive. I'd love to see it though.
  7. I know this topic way predates my lurker days on thr forum, but I've always wondered why this topic is in the Toys forum. Toynami operates under a HG Robotech license, so shouldn't this be under the "Anime or Science Fiction" section? Just curious, it doesn't really bother me.
  8. Somebody still needs to figure out hot to make it do a "perfect transformation" and have it still look..... ummmmm... close enough?
  9. The tab location concerns me. Reminds me of KC.
  10. DewPoint

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Also 30th anniversary, World Wide Macross release. So available for purchase everywhere!
  11. DewPoint

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Its like paying for shipping twice and not getting the benefit of the current exchange rate. Makes me wonder what Bandai is charging the retailers and weather or not they are taking advantage of the exchange rate themselves. BTW... BBTS charges me more than $4 for shipping which makes it less worth it for me to buy from them.
  12. DewPoint

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    My WWM VF-25 came with a loose ankle out of the box. It stands and stays in place fine for now... I picked up some Kiki's just in case.
  13. DewPoint

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    The YF-19 pilot and the guy with the glasses and guitar both have... well... issues...
  14. That there is a statement that says a lot. I'm out! I'll be back if you decide you would like show recommendations.
  15. A great man once said "the good ole days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems." Its not like you don't know that there's no going back. And you know the world was a mess back then too, just a different kind. A lot of it you never heard about. You want to expand your "happy place" and your requirements make that very difficult. You are looking for a place to vent. While we can't be your mental health expert, we can recommend stuff you may have not seen. That's about it. Try watching Black Lagoon?
  16. And I immediately thought... Shaggy Good to see you back! Been wondering if you were ok or not.
  17. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how you feel. And I believe it is exactly for the reasons that azrael has stated. I grew up watching Voltron. I loved that show. I can't watch that show now. It was made for elementary school kids and totally doesn't apeal to me anymore other than nostalgia. I also 100% agree with Seto Kaiba. And I do not like all the new shows that he likes. I also went through a phase where I watched a bunch of popular shows from the late 70s and early 80s. Gundam was OK. Its a kid's show. Harlok I actually didn't like. The poor girl was in an abusive situation and crying out for help and he constantly blew her off and forced he back into that abusive situation. And his special tactical move is just to ram everything. As for what I could recommend... Your tastes seem very specific. I would say for old school, try Space Adventure Cobra. For something more modern, Yamato 2199.
  18. Now that I think about it... Since it is a game, shouldn't it really be player 1 (red) and player 2 (blue) versions? As far as Miriya, I'm all for knife fight version. They should also throw in a few cases of game tokens.
  19. This is most likely true. Most Macross toys tend to go up in price over time.
  20. I've always wondered this... If the 31AX is just the damaged VF-31s repaired with the 31A parts, then why not just do that foe the toy as well? Easy right? Why make the parts bigger/thicker and cause yourself all these issues? For whatever reason I like swept back wings, not swept forward ones. So I only have VF-1s and VF-25s. No 19s, 29s or 31s.
  21. The short answer is the they operate under a Harmony Gold Robotech license. Therefore the thread ends up here and not in the Toys section.
  22. Oh man! You can't catch a break! Hopefully you two were only given the wrong tracking numbers. I guess we'll all find out in a few days.
  23. At least Lois & Clark survived relatively unscathed during that time.
  24. At least Babylon 5 didn't get messed up in the manner that SeaQuest did. That one was really upsetting for me. I totally dropped that show.
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