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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. I'm with you. I don't want to start collecting another line. The 1/60 and HMR are where I'm staying. Resisting the pre-order was difficult. But it gets easier by the day. It is looking good though.
  2. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Go with your gut or stick to your original purchase plan. Unless going with your gut was your original purchase plan. Then no issues! Blue Phalanx would be nice.
  3. I have Art Major friends, Psychology friends and Anime Fanboy friends. From my experience, these types of discussions and analysis become more about what the individuals discussing the topic gets out it. People pick their favorites characters or events and fantasize about them. They create a form of fan-fiction in their head based on speculation and personal desire. We are talking about children's shows created for profit and what merchandise the stakeholders felt they could sell from it.
  4. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I got my order confirmation from CDJapan.
  5. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    One of those two. I did a search for Hi-Metal R. It didn't pop up until just before I posted.
  6. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    https://hlj.com/hi-metal-r-vf-1d-valkyrie-bans55553 6840 yen!
  7. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    If you intend to buy only one maybe?
  8. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJapan is 7200 yen.
  9. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine at CDJapan because points!
  10. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Embrace the mid-life crisis!
  11. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    This is Gold Leader. I'm starting my bombing run! Going to wait for CDJapan 1st.
  12. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if a TV Focker VF-1S would come with a Hikaru pilot figure. I need a Misa in space suit to reenact "Bye-Bye Mars."
  13. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Limit 1 at AmiAmi. PO madness gonna be that bad?
  14. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I kinda thought it was Wednesday or Friday night for most of us. A Monday (Japan time) release is unusual.
  15. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Hobby Link Japan still has Monsters for 10% off retail. https://hlj.com/hi-metal-r-hwr-00-mkii-destroid-monster-bann05211 Nippon-Yasan has the Spartan and Defender for near retail https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/19715-hi-metal-r-mbr-07-mkii-destroid-spartan.html https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/20537-hi-metal-r-adr-04-mkx-destroid-defender.html Shipping for the Monster is going to hurt just so you know.
  16. I can't see real-time chat working here. MW members are global. It could make a lot of people feel left out of the conversations. Not to mention that a lot of the most active members seem to be in their 30s or 40s. Their kids would need to teach them and provide tech support for something this modern.
  17. It is almost the end of the year. I wonder if this is really going to happen.
  18. My theory is that the crazy old guy that glued the wings together at the factory, in the Yamato years, retired. The new guy is failing at it.
  19. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    The VF-4 in FlashBack 2012 never transformed. I believe there was no transformation of a VF-4 until one of the video games. I honestly don't remember which one. Finally, based on PO madness, this turned out to be surprisingly popular. Then again, the VF-2 turned out to be very popular as well.
  20. This would lead me to think that they made molds off of existing Yamato/Arcadia releases rather than the "same factory" or "reject" theories. Copies of existing factory molds possibly?
  21. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    CDJapan sold out!
  22. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks like Nippon-Yasan will be posting late tonight. You can always wait and take your chances there if you still didn't get one.
  23. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    1 left at CDJapan. If it's not broken.
  24. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Got 1 at CDJapan. Burned all my points!
  25. If it doesn't transform, why are the ARMDs in that position? Makes you wonder.
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