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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. Nin-Nin-Game DX Chogokin: Macross Frontier - VF-171EX Nightmare Plus EX (Saotome Alto Custom) - Revival Ver. [Bandai Spirits]
  2. So speaking of Star Wars... Following my trauma that was Episodes 7, 8 & 9, I had an epiphany of sorts. I now like to remind people (because it amuses me) that the Empire is the "Legitimately Elected Government". Aside from the issues with "Terrorists" (Rebels), It is largely a peaceful time. As such, Storm Troopers are largely used as a "Police Force" and as such need to stand out as representatives of the "Legitimately Elected Government".
  3. So what about the "Ace pilot", in the brightly colored custom military whatever, bringing terror to the enemy and destroying their morale? Does it work in reality? Red Barron like?
  4. Actual Yamato molds no. Everything is just a hair bigger. However, it wouldn't be too difficult to get a Yamato assembly kit and base your molds off of that.
  5. One of my coworkers brought out his old Jetfire. The poor thing was just falling apart as he tried to transform it. The tail fins and backpack fell off. I don't know how far he got into the transformation before he stopped.
  6. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Depending on where you live, the exchange rate could be in your favor. It could be effectively like 45% off or so.
  7. So while I totally agree with you, I believe that since this is sort of founded on sci-fi samurai, the Sparta is an armored horse. 🐎
  8. Now that is interesting. Are they dropping out of the Robotech toy business entirely?
  9. Yup! No instructions or papers of any kind in the KO box. The thighs on my VF-1S Hikaru KO have gaps along the front of them. I cannot do anything to get them to close up. I never looked into the ratchet joints to see if they are reversed of not as I've never taken apart my Arcadias. Guess I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the tip!
  10. Come to think about it.... Did I get instructions with my KO? I don't remember. I need to go look. It be at work.
  11. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I was told this was "Army Building."
  12. Someone didn't follow the transformation instructions...
  13. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    INVASION! They need to re-release the explosion effects.
  14. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Well with the HMR line you can army build for displays and such. However there is kinda of a running joke about how you need 7 or more of each copy. 3 to display in each mode. 3 for each mode with super parts. 1 to keep "Mint in Sealed Box". 1 just in case. and... 1 to keep "Mint in Sealed Box in Sealed Shipper Box". ...
  15. DewPoint

    Macross figures

    Understood. We also don't know what the exchange rate will be when payment is due so it is always a bit of a gamble. The last figure I bought was a GoodSmile one for 7,000 yen new back in the day. I had to give it a lot of thought before pulling the trigger on that buy years ago. Lately I have been seeing some 80,000+ yen figures here and there. The Demon Slayer one comes to mind. I'm not sure where the market is headed for these days. Makes me wonder how many they think they can sell.
  16. DewPoint

    Macross figures

    I actually like these two. Although I will probably never buy them as I generally don't collect figures. Nor do I have the room to display them. However, these seem very detailed with a lot of things going on. Complicated to paint and assemble and looks FRAGILE. I can see why it is so expensive and I think the price is justified. I'd be worried about it surviving shipping.
  17. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't bought a lot to begin with. But I get you. I'm feeling like I'm spending a lot of time chasing the item and not spending any time enjoying the item. I got my DX VF-25 Revival Alto weeks ago and I haven't even taken it out of the box to check it out yet. Kinda makes me think "what am I doing?" I'm trying to focus more on the Hi-Metal R line now as it offers more of a variety with the Destroids and Enemy mecha. It also helps that it is a lot easier to store. I personally find them better to play with than the larger more detailed offerings.
  18. The thing that I've always liked about Votoms is the pilot's visual interface. Very forward thinking for the early 80's. It's a very practical way to get a sort of 360 degree cockpit. In a ways better as you could make it a double camera (sensor) for actual depth perception. Although I'm not sure if having left and right sensors with a single lens works that way or not. Its probably also a lot easier to repair when damaged.
  19. I find it interesting that she has the Takatoku version and not the Matchbox one. It makes me wonder where she got it from.
  20. I'd be a bit concerned as these KO variants have yet to be see for sale anywhere that I know of. I would totally pick up the Brownie.
  21. Macross Frontier Sheryl Nome -Anniversary Stage Ver.- 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order)(Single Shipment) 29,880JPY! If you all interested.
  22. Perhaps look into this topic? https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/50756-damaged-shoulder-bracket-arcadia-160-scale-valkyrie/?_fromLogin=1
  23. Piston is for the hoping?
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