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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. Rainbow lighting is the current fad. Make sure you won't regret it three years from now. Then again, you can just get a new case when the time comes.
  2. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I always open and inspect all of mine. I also transform everything at least once to make sure everything is functional and seated properly for storage. Best not to let a miss-transformed toy cause unneeded stress on joints when stored long term. No one wants an exploding toy when display rotation comes around. But that's me and I'm not a MISB collector.
  3. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    ^ total troll ^
  4. I'm still running the "Home Theater Build" that I made back from 2012! That was my first major upgrade after leaving online gaming. I've only had to replace a power supply since then. I'm still running a Sapphire Radeon HD 7770. We're not Team Red anymore?
  5. I wonder if that was because Brexit created a legal opening.
  6. I fully expect that the Chinese release will be in Mandarin. They do have a Shanghai Disneyland Park after all. And they did make a full Hawaiian language version of Moana. The trailer looks good. That would be the typical Chinese drama. Classically tragic.
  7. Like go back in time and give money to Big West so they don;t have to give the rights for Macross to Tatsunoko?
  8. Well, I guess it's business as usual for the Macross collecting world. How it has been is however it will continue to be. We use the internet to get our stuff and will continue to do so. As well as the occasional trip to Japan for those of us not living there.
  9. Time to use the "Forbidden Technique!" Punch him in the baby maker!
  10. So I was sitting on the toilet reading Jenius' post and I hand an epiphany. It occurred to me that Ariel is or was a collector like most (if not all) of us. She sang joyfully of her collection. Then her narrow-minded and non-understanding father destroyed her hard earned collection. This caused her to run away in shock and depression and make some really bad decisions because she wasn't thinking straight. So we should embrace this story! And damn you Jenius and your Scorched Earth Toys reviews for sucking me into Macross toy collecting. As far as Disney employment: It is indeed complicated. Disney operates properties all over the world. They hire thousands of locals. So I imagine this is about the so called "Disney Imagineers" and those above them. I'm not going to research it to find out how diverse their demographic may or may not be. Again, far too complicated. Random thought: If Ariel is indeed a fish, fishes come in all sorts of colors or lack there of. Does any of this matter?
  11. I've always called Disney (mostly jokingly) "The Evil Empire." Largely because they profit by manipulating children into manipulating their parents into spending money on Disney movies and goods. When Disney made "The Princess and the Frog," I understood that they want to make more ethnic princesses. I was really disappointed that they didn't use a "Princess story" from an African country; they just hacked up "The Frog Princess." At least Mulan was a Chinese story even though she isn't a real princess. Perhaps Disney should go in a new direction. Dump the "Princess" and go for "Heroine." Push strong female characters rather that female victims that get mistreated and sexually assaulted.
  12. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    AmiAmi (Pre-owned ITEM:A/BOX:B)HI-METAL R - Regult 13,780 yen. Prices have gone up!
  13. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    So I guess we're back to speculation with this image again:
  14. Like how some country may be hiding an alien spaceship that crashed landed on a island in the east pacific?
  15. Did they say if these cars will have stock engines? Or will it be whatever was known to have been in the cars/vans/motorcycles used in filming the shows.
  16. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I like it! Too bad there is no thrusters swivel. If you could only transplant the HMR ones... I assume that this is a stop-gap project until Bandai releases a real HMR Scout? Looking forward to your completer custom.
  17. Explain this one! I remember watching this live on cable way, way back in the day. Watch the top center of this "high quality NASA" video.
  18. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Not I. I saw it last night and really thought about it, but passed. sh9000 and tekering's photos really make you want to army build though.
  19. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    And it's gone!
  20. For me DS9 was my least favorite Star Trek series. The story concept was very limiting since they were stuck on a space station. Runabouts can only get you so far, everything else had to come to them. I felt that the writers finally gave up when they started the war and gave them the Defiant. I liked Voyager. It improved quickly when they dumped that Maquis nonsense. My only issue with it was that any series following their return to earth would be difficult. The technology that the Voyager crew returned with was way way unbalancing. Slip-Stream Warp!
  21. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Miss Cat has been on the racy side lately. I think the heat is getting to her. Someone seriously needs to get her some ice cream, chocolate or both.
  22. I believe that's part of it. Back in WWII days it was the norm to have about 4 ships in a particular class before building the next improved design based on the performance of the proceeding class. Post WWII we see anywhere from 10 to 30 of any of the more successful(?) destroyer designs as well as 1 to 5 of a myriad cruiser designs. So, yeah, nothing wrong with making new ship designs, but they really don't need to. I guess it's the Director's or Producer's choice?
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