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Everything posted by DewPoint

  1. Read the following: Takatoku & Bandai 1/55 VF-1 Toys from jenius' site. You may have a later Takatoku or Matsushiro release. And welcome to Macross World!
  2. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

  3. As far as "Art" goes, your get from it whatever you get from it regardless of what the creator(s) intended. Whatever resonates with you even if the intended "message" is lost.
  4. There is a very big difference in how you develop equipment when under government contract and when developing equipment in house for yourself. ULA and NASA need to plan/design the entire project, submit for review, build, test, review, etc. all the while hope your lobbyist keep the politician happy so your project doesn't get cancelled so you can get paid and keep your sub-contractors/partners paid. SpaceX doesn't have to play those games. They design and build like we think everyone should.
  5. My understanding is that they will test out most if not all of the manual controls out before docking with the ISS. How long that will take, who knows.
  6. There is the possibility that these are the ones that were sent back to be "Factory Refurbished" from the retailers.
  7. HobbyLink Japan is showing similar per-orders. I wonder if its stuff they held back to sell or give away during special events . I would think that CF VF-1s would be an easy sell if quick income is what they are looking for.
  8. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Good to know. I probably should refresh myself on forum rules and policy again. It has been a while. To be honest, I really don't visit that section as I try to keep specific toy lines. Though it would appear that a bunch of my bookmarks are the same as yours. Duplication indeed.
  9. I'm waiting patiently to see how you decide to finish this project. I agree with the above quote. I see Navy ships all the time. Beyond a certain distance you cannot see the separate plates and welds. For something that's 1,200-ish meters at 1:3000 scale, it is difficult to see indeed. Unless the gaps are HUGE. Or you can go with the "just returned to earth/too big to wash" look. Random Thought: Star Trek Federation ships baffle me. You really should see no plates. If you use transporter technology you should be able to achieve a seamless, one piece hull. Replicate parts in-place.
  10. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    AmiAmi sale! HI-METAL R VF-4G Lightning III "The Super Dimension Fortress Macross Flash Back 2012"(Released) 9,480 Yen! Mandarake: Bandai Hi-Metal R VF-1S Strike Valkyrie ( Ichijo Hikaru's Machine) Opened, used, package damaged. 13,000 Yen! I'm skipping on the VF-1S as they are only shipping to my country DHL. DHL has not been good to me in the past. My boxes always get crushed so far. I'll wait for SAL should it ever be available for that price again later.
  11. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm actually looking for a landing gear cover plate (blue one). If anyone has one that they are parting out. Mine dropped onto the floor and disappeared into the void at work. I moved all the furniture and it was nowhere to be found. There was someone selling a broken one a while back, but I can no longer find the thread/topic. It was part of a group of parts left over from various custom projects they worked on.
  12. DewPoint

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I finally caved in and asked Nippon-Yasan about my HMR VF-4G order status this weekend. The last e-mail I received from them was on January 31st. They told me: Though the timing of things seems a bit odd, but whatever. I impulsed bought it and its not a "must have" for me. I can wait.
  13. You could probably use that Plexiglas panel to exhaust a portable AC when you are not using the spray booth during the summer.
  14. Well it's all 80's animation errors, but I'll attempt to justify it anyway! Since they left Earth is a hurry, they probably were not totally done with all of the painting. So the changes you found are all correct as they were finishing the painting as they traveled back to Earth when they were not getting attacked.
  15. Perhaps look into "Non-skid" deck coatings from Naval ships for inspiration? You can decide if you want to go that route or not.
  16. Aside from the cool factor, I always wondered why the Prometheus became the left arm, the Daedalus the right. Functionally, it makes more sense to me if the Prometheus was docked as the right arm. Then all the catapults would be functional in all modes. There's nothing wrong with being a lefty.
  17. The Ride Armors have some issues, but that was expected as it has a lot of little bits that move. I'm hoping that the Legioss won't have those types of issues.
  18. DYRL hands, DYRL missiles, and two heads? Gray visor and white visor?
  19. Well you know, advanced alien robot technology. Scale means nothing in non-robot modes.
  20. The 31A makes the most sense. The super parts colors shouldn't be too difficult to figure out.
  21. I've been holding out for PF version. Assuming Arcadia follows past practices, I'll wait a bit to see if they Offer a PF version in a month or two.
  22. In all fairness, in my experience, UPS shipping to/from Asia is ridiculous. I shipped a mid-tower computer to my cousin in Hong Kong once. It was almost $400 US and that was 10 years ago.
  23. Not sure what is going to happen now. Japan has new travel restrictions for people coming into Japan from the United States and a few other countries. I heard it earlier in the day so I don't remember all the details.
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